Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 861: Get up and become a demon! 2

Erji said, "The white elephant came to the imperial city, and he formed another gang with more than fifty people.

We recognized him that day, and he also recognized us. I don't know if the third sister did something during his imprisonment. He hated the third sister very much and started fighting on the spot.

There are more than fifty of them, all of whom have guns. The three of us are bare-handed, not their opponents, and we can only escape.

I was afraid of injuring you, so I left a note.

When we were about to leave the imperial city yesterday, we were ambushed and the third sister was taken away by them.

When my eldest brother and I caught up, she had been shot.

When saving people and escaping, the third sister seemed to remember the past and became very crazy. She wanted to die with the white elephant and was shot a few more times.

We escaped with a severe injury and fainted. She didn't dare to go to the hospital. With such a serious gunshot wound, it would be useless to go to the hospital. We could only ask you for help. "

Daji was in a depressed mood. The three of them had good skills. It was not a problem to avoid shooting, so they didn't get hurt.

But they don't have guns, and the flesh and blood are definitely not the opponent of bullets, and they have to escape with the three chickens who have been seriously injured.

He ran with Sanji on his back, and was shot in the leg when he was covering.

Xia Weibao clenched his fists, and the blood in his body screamed like a manic demon roaring.

She used to be in the rivers and lakes, and she has a kind of blood in the rivers and lakes. When she heard such things, all the bloodthirsty factors in the body were awakened.

Close your eyes and calm the anger in your eyes.

Going back to the room, looking at Sanji who was pale and unconscious, thinking of the torture she had suffered, my heart was cut.

In her opinion, girls are all flowers and need to be cared for.

But Sanji suffered such suffering!

She thought about the time that Zhuang Xuejun was almost insulted, and the hostility in her body was even more pressureless.

Why, the people around her are always hurt.

Zhuang Xuejun escaped by chance, so what about Sanji, half a month, can she escape?

Countless cruel and dirty pictures continued to surface in his mind, Xia Weibao opened his eyes swiftly and looked at the moonlight outside the window.

Scarlet in his eyes.

The figure flashed, and the person had disappeared into the night.

Empress Empress is an extremely short-term person, she can be moved, but her friends must not be moved!

Since the white elephant wants the life of the three chickens, then this person must not stay!

For the damage he caused to Sanji, she wanted him to pay for it!

According to the information provided by Daji and Erji, she found the address of the new Baixiang gang.

It was a remote building in a wood on the edge of the city.

Such organizations must not dare to slander in the urban areas, they are very remote.

She was wearing black casual clothes, her hair was curled up high, and she was wearing a black mask. She came to the small building silently like a ghost in the dark night.

The room was brightly lit, and occasionally there were laughs and shouts, and it seemed that someone was gambling and drinking.

Xia Weibao looked up. There were three floors in the building, and the voice came from the second floor. The third floor was quiet.

She glanced around, there was no ghost in the quiet woods.

I was about to look around, when I stepped on a branch under my feet and made a noise.

The two gatekeepers at the door heard it, and looked over here, "What..." people.

When Xia Weibao turned his wrist, two silver needles flew out, piercing the center of the two men's eyebrows directly, killing him on the spot!

None of these people will let go!

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