Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 862: Get up and become a demon! 3

If they do not die, they will die in the future as a trio of chickens!

Touching the ground with his toes, he jumped to the third floor window. Just when he jumped in, he found four people in the room, three men and one woman.

The woman was stripped naked, her face was covered with traces of torture, there were big slap marks on her face, the corners of her mouth were full of blood, and her head was full of blood. She was obviously beaten.

At this time, he was unconscious.

The three men still made fun of her, with a shameful and nasty smile on their faces.

Seeing this scene, Xia Weibao only felt the blood flow backwards!

these people……

these people……

Damn it! Damn it all!


Seeing someone coming in, the trio's complexion changed drastically, and they turned their heads to see that it was a woman in black. At first sight, the person was bad.

The three of them took their guns from the bedside and pointed them at Xia Weibao.

However, before they could shoot, their eyes were wide open, and they fell straight down.

A silver needle at the center of his eyebrows fainted a little red.

It was so coquettish in the black night.

Xia Weibao's eyes were full of pain, and he lifted the quilt to cover the woman's body.

The face is like a Rakshasa, cold and pressing.

Opening the door quietly, there was no one in the corridor, so she stepped out.

Go find the white elephant and avenge the three chickens!

"Fuck, someone killed our brother!"

Angrily cursing came downstairs, followed by a series of panicked footsteps, and all the people on the second floor ran to the first floor, followed by various angry curses.

Xia Weibao's eyes fell cold and was discovered.

Thinking like this, a gunshot suddenly came from behind.

She said that it was too late, and she drew her back against the wall on one side of her figure, and the bullet flew in front of her, hitting the window at the end of the corridor.

Kang Dang——

The window was shattered and glass shards scattered all over the floor.

Xia Weibao's eyes grew colder.

At this moment, the next door was opened, and several people came out with their pants.

The smell from the room made her nauseous and made her guess what had just happened inside.

The demon in her heart seemed to have opened a passage, her sanity was swallowed, and she kicked the man who rushed up first.

He's abolished his life!

Then he clenched his hand into a fist and slammed it on the man's stomach, infusing all his strength.

Obviously it is a delicate hand, it is a pair of skillful hands that play the piano and write as beautiful as jade, but it is like an endless force running through it, knocking people away with one punch!

The man flew upside down three meters, fell to the ground, vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood, then convulsed a few times, and lost consciousness.


Hit someone to death with one punch, my God!

Everyone's eyes were full of horror, and Xia Weibao's eyes looked like a monster!

Then came madness, "Kill her!"

"Copy guy, kill her!"

Everyone rushed forward, Xia Weibao's eyes were fierce, and his murderous aura was raging around him.

Instead of retreating, he clasped the heads of the two people with his left and right hands, twisted them hard, and broke their necks directly.

Then he threw it away like rubbish, kicked it to the nearest person, kicked the person to the wall, bounced back, rolled down in the glass shards just now, and groaned in pain.

Xia Weibao stepped back and stepped on the glass shards, sweeping under her feet, and countless glass shards instantly turned into sharp weapons, and shot at the people in the corridor with lightning speed.

The sound of the sharp blade piercing the air was horrified, and it all pierced the vitals of those people.



Countless screams sounded, and more than a dozen people have been resolved in a rapid change.

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