Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 870: Trapped her in the entertainment industry forever

He doesn't do it himself.

Xia Weibao likes medical skills and is obsessed with that medical hall. If he shuts it down, she might cause a family revolution.

Xiang Minhai rejects medical skills, and it is most appropriate for him to destroy the genius medical hall.

Lu Hualiang's face was cold, "No need to intervene in the entertainment industry, let Xia Weibao take care of it himself, and arrange for a few people to go in, and add some blockage to her when appropriate."

Yang Li frowned, just about to say, master, are you going to die again.

But when I thought about it, I realized that this is the rhythm that will keep Xia Weibao in the entertainment circle forever.

Find her something to do, busy with the trivial things in the entertainment circle, and there will be no time to jump around.

Lu Hualiang was very tired, staring at the front blankly.

He would rather, she will always be trapped in the entertainment circle.

In a small entertainment circle, even if she stabbed the sky down, he could cover the sky with one hand.

He didn't want her to be infected with that cruel world.

I have been busy until the evening before returning to Luyuan.

Xia Weibao had just finished taking a shower and was wearing a bathrobe standing in front of the vanity mirror wiping her hair.

Seeing the man who suddenly landed in the room, a surprise flashed in his eyes, "Why are you back? Didn't you say you are going to travel for a week?"

Lu Hualiang was expressionless and kept staring at her face.

Xia Weibao was a little embarrassed and guilty of being stared at.

"Why do you... look at me like this."

"What have you done these days."

Xia Weibao snorted, did he really know.

Is it because of that incident?

Some did not dare to look directly into his eyes, but she never thought of hiding, "I... went to a fight."

"Fight?" Lu Hualiang sneered again and again. "In a fight, more than 50 people were killed? What is your life!"

Xia Weibao was a little aggrieved, "They bullied my friend! Why can they kill my friend, I can't kill it back!"

Lu Hualiang was almost **** off by her words. Is she still reasonable?

"Now in a society under the rule of law, not everything can be solved by force. Killing is illegal. Do you know what a disaster you have caused? If I hadn't finished it for you, you would have died now!"

Xia Weibao looked ignorant, "No one knows that I did it."

"No one knows? You think no one knows who you are if you wear a mask? There is surveillance at the scene, and you can see your figure, eyeballs, bloodstains, fingerprints, and even your hair. With the silver needle you left behind, do you think the rules of this world are so simple? Do you really think force can solve everything!"

Xia Weibao was a little guilty. These big chickens told her that she also learned about modern technology.

But those things were so amazing for her, she didn't see it with her own eyes, and didn't believe it at all.

She never thought that she was wrong in this matter, even if she did it again, she would still do that.

The Sanji incident has touched her friend and has touched her bottom line. You must not let it go easily!

After all, the concept is different.

Lu Hualiang is a modern person, he knows the rules of the world.

Xia Weibao came from ancient times and was accustomed to the life of fighting and killing, and later became a queen, even more than ten thousand people. The Jiu Clan is a matter of one sentence, and there is no sense of human rights at all.

She didn't realize her mistake at all.

Lu Hualiang saw her look ignorant, and was even more angry, "Sometimes I really feel that you are not a modern person."

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