Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 871: President Lu is angry, the consequences are serious

Throwing a word, turned and went to the study.

The door was slammed, and the house shook three times.

Xia Weibao's body also trembled fiercely.

Looking at the empty room, she was at a loss.

He was angry, very very angry.

Looking at the study door, he tilted his head and thought, but couldn't figure out why he was so angry.

This incident was indeed because she was too impulsive. She was so dizzy at the time that she ran off a gang without considering the consequences.

But she didn't think she was wrong.

Even if she left the mess and asked him to clean it up, there is no need to be so angry, right?

He actually slammed the door for her.

If he couldn't figure it out, he didn't want to, anyway, he wouldn't really be angry with her, at most he would be angry for only one night, as it used to be.

But I don't want the empress to think wrong this time. She used to be playful, it was all trivial things, and Mr. Lu naturally spoiled her.

This time, it has gone beyond the scope of playfulness.

It's just that she doesn't understand.

Some ideas are deeply ingrained and cannot be changed overnight.

Dry your hair, sit on the bed and play games, and wait for Lu Hualiang to come out.

However, after waiting until twelve o'clock, the door of the study did not open. When Xia Weibao looked in the direction of the study for the nth time, she finally couldn't hold back.

Well, this time she made him angry, and she apologized.

He got up and knocked on the door, but after several knocks, Lu Hualiang didn't mean to open the door.

After thinking about it, he opened the door and saw Lu Hualiang sitting at the desk, typing on the computer.

He didn't give her a look either.

Xia Weibao scratched his head, "My husband..."

"Get out!"

Lu Hualiang spoke coldly, expressionless.

The smile on Xia Weibao's face froze, a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry..."

"Get out!"

It's rare to pluck up the courage to apologize, but what you get is a cold face. Empress Empress is a temperamental person.

Especially when facing the dog emperor, the little temper has been increasing from a thousand years ago to now.

After being shaken twice, she was also angry, turned her head and left.

Think of the cold war, okay, see who gets colder!

Therefore, one person's bad temper is spoiled by another person.

Xia Weibao suffocated, turned his head and went back to bed.

And turned his back to Lu Hualiang to let him know that she was not easy to provoke.

It's just that I can't sleep.

I don't know how long it took before Lu Hualiang came out of the study and took his clothes to take a bath.

Xia Weibao was secretly entangled. If he waited for him to hug her, would she let her hug or not.

After thinking about it, don't let me hug.

She must make him realize that she also has a temper, and see him dare not lose his temper to her in the future!

However, Empress Empress seemed to think too much, and Mr. Lu was really angry this time.

She didn't even know how dangerous this incident was.

Whether it's medical skills or something she knows about internally, once it spreads out, she will become the flesh of others' eyes!

If you are caught, you will either become a captive brought up by someone else, or you will become a member of someone else’s experimental bed.

He can protect her, but there are always times of negligence.

He can't take this risk, nor can he take this risk.

This time, she must be made aware of her mistake!

Xia Weibao waited for a long time, the man who had always held her to sleep, but completely ignored her tonight.

Waiting left and right did not wait until the hands hugged him.

Secretly turned his head and glanced, only to find that Lu Hualiang was also facing her back.

Xia Weibao, "..."

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