Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 872: Super genius Xia Weibao!

With a sigh of relief in my heart, let's cold war cold war, who is rare!

This is the first time that they slept back to back after they were really together.

After getting up the next day, Lu Hualiang didn't even look at her. He just got up, washed and went downstairs to eat breakfast, and then went to work, without saying a word to her.

Fubo wiped his sweat, why did the husband and wife quarrel again?

Xia Weibao did not speak, vowing to carry the Cold War to the end!

After breakfast, I went to the company, and then went straight to record the show.

When I was in the nanny car, I noticed entertainment news by the way.

Yan Weiyang's reputation was completely stinking this time, and Di Yu asked her to keep a low profile for a while, with her tail sandwiched between her life.

Xia Weibao just smiled at this.

I recorded a program and I was busy until the afternoon to have free time.

When Xia Weibao returned to the rest room, she received a call from Zhuang Xuejun, saying that the genius medical center had incomplete documents and was forced to suspend operations.

Xia Weibao rushed over immediately. It was from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau that there was a problem with the business license.

There were also problems with the health certificate and failed.

There are also some expensive drugs that require a certificate of purchase, which are not available in the genius medical center.

Xia Weibao wants to scold his mother!

She didn't know what those things were, Xiang Chu had done the work of the genius doctor.

So she called Xiang Chu over, and Xiang Chu said that all applications were made one by one, and there would be no problem.

However, the above is stuck and cannot be operated.

I was so angry that Xia Weibao spent two days getting all the regulations and laws in the business field thorough.

She was a smart person, she didn't need to use these things before, so she didn't understand.

Now people are bullying to their heads, and learn all this knowledge in a fit of anger.

The filming of "Female Agents on Campus" will start in just a few days, so it is relatively free these days.

Lu Hualiang was shocked to see that she had learned a major from a university within two days!

But at this time in a state of cold war, I would not say even if I was shocked, instead, I was cold.

Seeing her aggressiveness, it is impossible for Xiang Minhai to get the card from the certificate.

Not her opponent.

Still want him to do it.

The matter of the genius doctor's office was another day. She listed all the certificates involved, and then asked Zhuang Xuejun to apply for the certificate.

But I don't want to, there is a problem with the data, all the cards are dead!

Either there is a problem here, or there is a problem. It takes a few days to wait for this stamp, and another few days for the process to review the stamp.

Today the head of this department went on a business trip. Tomorrow the head of the department was sick and asked for leave. The day after tomorrow the audit staff had a car accident.

Pressure and pressure again made Xia Weibao want to punch someone!

She doubted whether these people deliberately punished her.

But to verify, I went, it was really a business trip and a car accident, and then the process did take a few days.

Made her very depressed.

For five days in a row, I was so busy that I had to record shows, attend various activities, and change the dressing of Sanji. There were also various errands.

People are busy losing weight.

Zhuang Xuejun felt distressed and could only let her go to work, and she would take care of the medical clinic.

Anyway, those documents are waiting, she waited slowly.

Xia Weibao was irritable.

Don't talk about opening a store for others, even opening a company is not that complicated.

How come there are all kinds of troubles on her side.

She wanted to find Lu Hualiang to open the back door.

But this idea just came out, and was slapped back.

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