Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 873: Can neuropathy be cured?

If you have a good life, find your husband if you have some trouble. You have the backbone and fighting spirit!

Besides, they are still in a state of cold war.

Thinking of this, Xia Weibao felt very uncomfortable for five days.

Lu Hualiang had been in a cold war with her for five days.

She thought he couldn't hold on for a day, but she didn't expect to not talk to her for five days, let alone touch her.

He didn't even look at each other.

"Stingy man!"

Empress Empress was changing the dressing of Sanji, suffocating her breath, and almost solved Sanji with a scalpel.

Daji and Erji were frightened.

Boss, who has messed with you these days, and his men are merciful.

The third sister finally woke up. Don't make her an enemy on the impulse.

Fortunately, Xia Weibao's anger returned to his anger, and he was still very measured, and would not spread his anger on others.

There is no mistake in treating patients.

After changing the medicine to Sanji, I observed her condition again.

Although he had been awake for two days, Sanji's condition was not good, and he was confused.

It is not madness, nor is it the former mentally retarded, but the whole person is confused, as if in a state of wandering.

It's a bit like a walking dead.

Perhaps seeing the white elephant was irritated, the nerves were confused.

The gunshot wound on his body is too serious. Although the injury has been stabilized, it has not healed so quickly.

Xia Weibao changed the ointment.

Then he re-prescribed Zhang's prescription and gave it to Daji, who asked him to re-grab the medicine and boil three chickens for three meals a day.

She has her own business to be busy, and it is impossible to stay here all the time.

The identities of the three were dangerous, and she did not dare to let Xiang Chu and Hepburn come over to track the progress.

"Boss, how long will this situation last for the third sister?"

"I don't know." Xia Weibao said blankly, "I'm just about to tell you about this. I mean to cure her mental illness completely, what do you think."

Daji and Erji, the look in her eyes can no longer be described as worship!

"Can neuropathy be cured?!"

"..." Xia Weibao, "Why can't it be cured?"

It can be cured with drugs that target the brain and nerves, so why make such a fuss.

"Boss, you are my idol from today, absolutely!" Daji worshiped.

His boss is really amazing!

Two chickens and five bodies on the ground, too **** handsome!

With such a versatile boss, I am very proud to think about it!

This look of worship made Xia Weibao speechless, "Don't be obsessed with sister, sister is just a legend."

"Nonsense! The legend is so powerful!"

Daji unswervingly supports the status of his own boss!

Xia Weibao waved his hand, not thinking about being poor with them.

She is in a bad mood these days.

"Once Sanji's disease is cured, she will most likely remember the past. Are you sure you want to treat it."

Daji and Erji looked at each other and fell silent.

The two of them didn't know exactly what happened in that half month of that year. The only thing that was certain was that it was an unbearable past.

To cure or not to cure, this is a difficult multiple choice question.

Finally, the chicken groaned, "Cure it."

A person so proud of the third sister, he definitely hopes that he still lives free and easy.

Not like it used to be, a five-year-old child.

Xia Weibao nodded, and she also agreed with the treatment.

In any case, it is a thing of the past to live clearly, and there is nothing that cannot be faced.

Besides, the white elephant is dead, and all the people who have hurt her have died.

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