Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 886: Ruan Shushu's Fuxi Fingering

Instead, Ruan Shushu once gave up his life to save her.

Even if it is not her life assistant, she is still a friend anyway.

But what Ruan Shushu is doing now is really offensive.

She gave Du Youqin willingly. Ruan Shushu failed the college entrance examination at that time. She wanted to comfort her and also wanted to save her life.

But now Ruan Shushu took it out to show off and brag about it, feeling that his mind was ruined by others, and it was particularly uncomfortable.

"Look, Yan Yuexian is here."

I don't know who said something, Xia Weibao raised his head when he heard the words and saw Yan Yuexian walking in.

Yan Yuexian was also wearing a school uniform with a long coat outside. She came by herself.

As soon as she came in, the people on Ruan Shushu's side looked at her and pointed.

Obviously, she and the group of people are not in the same group.

Yan Yuexian kept a cold face and did not look at those people. He glanced at the classroom, walked to the row in front of Xia Weibao and sat down, exactly in front of Xia Weibao.

Xia Weibao, "..."

This is so lucky!

Two people I know are all by her side, can I still look up?

The answer was no, she was lying on her stomach all the way.

Fortunately, Yan Yuexian did not look around or look back after sitting down, but took out a book and read it quietly.

Xia Weibao breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Yuexian didn't look back, and there was Han Luoqi on the left. Ruan Shushu couldn't see her, but fortunately.

With the arrival of Yan Yuexian, the atmosphere in this area seemed to fall into a kind of weirdness.

The few girls on Ruan Shushu's side discussed more intensely.

"Shu Shu, you have such a good relationship with Xia Weibao, we all adore you so much."

The female voice was speaking to Yan Yuexian, a bit like a provocation.

Yan Yuexian read the book with disdain in her eyes, and cursed in a low voice, "Cut, a group of hillbillies, is it a great relationship with Xia Weibao? This lady even let a dog bit her."

Xia Weibao, "..."

He raised his head and looked at Yan Yuexian's back silently, his eyes indescribable.

Although Yan Yuexian's voice is so small that ordinary people can't hear her, she is not an ordinary person, she has internal strength.

Is hearing much better than normal people?

You sit in front of me and scold me. Have you ever thought about my feelings?

I have been, why did you let the dog bite me? Obviously I beat your dog on the ground, okay? Don't be upset!

"Shu Shu, the finals of the Musical Instrument Competition are still five days away. Are you confident that you can win."

"Nonsense, don't look at who our Shushu is, the number one in the college entrance examination, who is her opponent in the vocal department now."

"That is, not to mention that Shushu can also perform Fuxi fingering. Not only did he join the folk music club of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he also became a personal disciple of Pei Hong's predecessor. Such strength is sure to win."

"That's not necessarily true. I heard that someone secretly learned the Shushu Fuxi **** and wants to challenge Shushu in the musical instrument competition."

The harsh and mean voice drew a contemptuous laugh.

Xia Weibao frowned, Ruan Shushu's Fuxi fingering?

What does this mean, how did her Fuxi **** become Ruan Shushu's?

Xia Weibao was a little unhappy. Although she had taught Ruan Shushu the basics of Fuxi fingering, she couldn't directly say that it was Ruan Shushu's.

Seeing that Ruan Shushu did not refute, Xia Weibao felt even more unhappy.

I used to think that Ruan Shushu was pretty good, with a cute and good personality.

Why hasn't seen him for a while, become so vain.

Han Luoqi smiled coldly, it was really not in vain tonight, and he witnessed a good show.

He has seen many such vain women.

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