Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 887: Came in through the back door

Xia Weibao was a little impatient and at the same time puzzled.

Hearing what the female classmate said, is Yan Yuexian secretly learning Ruan Shushu's Fuxi fingering?


Ruan Shushu was taught by her. She only knows the fur. I guess she can't understand it herself, even if others want to learn it secretly, she can't learn it.

At this time, Yan Yuexian in front of her murmured again.

"Cut, a group of stupid humans who dare to say that they know Fuxi **** with a half bucket of water. I learned Xia Weibao stealthily."

Xia Weibao, "..."

half glass……

The description is really appropriate.

But Yan Yuexian secretly learned her Fuxi fingering? How did she not know when it happened.

Is it that time at the musical instrument store?

'Don’t think that you can play the guqin and film a web drama is great. I tell you, my old lady has never watched the video of you playing the guqin, nor has she secretly learned your Fuxi fingering, let alone watch your "Allure". I definitely didn't expect your menswear Li Qingcheng to appear! ’

What Yan Yuexian had said inexplicably appeared in his mind, and Xia Weibao understood it.

It turned out that she took the video and then secretly learned from the video.

Xia Weibao couldn't help but look at Yan Yuexian Gao.

Is a diligent and studious baby.

When she played "Ambush on Ten Sides", her **** was very fast and she couldn't see clearly.

Unless you put in slow motion, then keep pressing pause, and then learn slowly.

But this is too cumbersome and requires a lot of patience.

"Some people just don't know what they can do. They want to compete with us for the first place. They don't know anything about themselves."

"They are taught by famous foreign teachers hand in hand. They are so good that they don't even look at the top candidates in the college entrance examination."

"Laughing, the guqin is our traditional Chinese musical instrument. I actually went to find a foreign teacher. Does a foreigner know what a guqin is? Some people lick the feet of foreigners and show them off. It's really shameless."

"Isn't it? Shushu is the top student in the college entrance examination, and he is also a direct disciple of Master Pei Hong. He still has Duyouqin in his hand without showing off. I really don't know where some people have such big faces.

"Oh, don't say it, they have a strong background, they can go through the back door to enter the Imperial City University. If you make people angry, be careful to cut your head..."

Yan Yuexian was angry when she heard her acrimonious tone, sullen and jealous.

He stood up with a slap on the table, turned his head, and glared at the women over there.

"Enough is enough! What's the matter with foreigners? Whoever stipulates that foreigners can't learn Guqin, what else do you want to do with English!"

Said she can, but definitely not her teacher!

Although her teacher is a foreigner, she really likes Huaxia Guqin, and she has studied hard for more than 30 years with respect, and her achievements are no worse than those in China!

Why are these people prejudiced and insulting?

"And you!" Yan Yuexian pointed to Ruan Shushu, "Who is going through the back door? I passed the Huangcheng University Autonomous Enrollment Examination and got in rightfully. I have a clear conscience!

Ruan Shushu, do you dare to say that you have a clear conscience? The fact that the college entrance examination champion was rejected by Huangcheng University with a one-point difference in cultural science has been spreading. If it weren't for the light of Master Pei Hong, could you sit here?

When you open the back door, you still have the face to accuse others. If you become a watch, you still have to set up a memorial to say that you are a person! "

Han Luoqi was stunned, this mouth was so powerful, the scolding was really... enjoyable.

It didn't come in vain this night.

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