Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 889: Isolated

"Shu Shu, you are so good to talk, she will bully you."

Ruan Shushu frowned, looking calm, "Forget it, I'm fine, people like us who have no power and power, don't quarrel, and sit in another place."

"We have no power and power, but we can't let others bully, can the president be able to distinguish between public and private, can he be black and white, and can he let his sister bully at will!

At the beginning, she wanted to use her sister as the President to **** your Duyouqin, so shameless! "

Ruan Shushu was so angry that tears came out, "Bah, isn't it just a broken piano, my old lady is not rare!"

Xiaoxue sneered, "Heh! If you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, it's not uncommon why you grabbed it at the beginning, but you still have a hardened mouth. Dare to say that the famous piano is a broken one. Then what is the one you used, garbage!"

The words are getting more and more exaggerated. Now the classroom is almost full, and Fairy Yan Yue loses her face after such a noise.

Too much deception!

Xia Weibao was full of anger, and was about to stand up with both hands on the tabletop.

"Do not impulse!"

Han Luoqi quickly pressed her back.

Their identities are not convenient. If they quarrel here, they will definitely make headlines tomorrow!

It's just a quarrel between a few students, it shouldn't make a big deal.

Looking at the way these people are arrogant, this kind of thing shouldn't be the first time.

Xia Weibao was furious, she also saw that it was not the first time, because of this, she felt even more distressed.

Yan Yuexian's nature is not bad, but the princess is seriously ill.

She thought of the little girl with her teeth and dancing claws in the presidential palace. She was obviously a princess who was loved by thousands of people, but she was so badly bullied at school that she felt distressed.

And she could see that Yan Yuexian was bullied because he didn't want to cause trouble to Yan Fei, so he was restrained everywhere.

There is a presidential brother who is a double-edged sword.

If you are not careful, you will leave a handle and become a sharp blade for political opponents to deal with Yan Fei!

Yan Yuexian saw it well and knew that the political world was sinister, so he didn't dare to slander in the name of his brother.

This is too frustrated.

Can someone else say that the president's sister can be lawless? It becomes her shackles.

Xia Weibao reflected on it, okay, I won't hit her dog anymore, nor smash her garden.

Ruan Shushu changed positions and ran to the front.

In this way, in the eyes of others, Yan Yuexian is arrogant and domineering, driving people away.

Ruan Shushu has become a vulnerable group.

Xia Weibao shook his head.

Did the university environment change Ruan Shushu, or did she never see through her?

People around pointed and pointed, Yan Yuexian sat down with red eyes.

She lowered her head, her long eyelashes fell down, as if reading a book seriously.

But Xia Weibao knew that she was crying.

She could hear her depressed sobbing.

Yan Yuexian was indeed crying, she secretly wiped away a tear.

Keep telling myself that I can bear it, don't trouble my brother, and don't make my aunt worry about her affairs.

The situation in the Yan family is complicated. If she gets into trouble, someone will definitely attack her brother.

Thinking about it, tears flowed down unconsciously.

She was not happy.

Class time is approaching, and there are more and more people in the classroom, but they all sit in other places.

There was almost no one around Yan Yuexian.

Xia Weibao looked around. In this corner, she was the only one, Han Luoqi and Yan Yuexian, and everyone else had left.

Yan Yuexian was isolated.

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