Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 890: Cosplay, subdued temptation

It's really pitiful that the daughter of the dignified presidential palace was bullied like this.

Xia Weibao was in a heavy heart. If he hadn't come here tonight, he wouldn't know that Yan Yuexian had lived such a life.

"It has nothing to do with you, don't be nosy." Han Luoqi lowered his voice.

Hold Xia Weibao's hand and haven't taken it away, for fear that Xia Weibao will cause trouble on impulse.

Xia Weibao nodded, she understood.

She and Yan Yuexian are not relatives, so there is no need to get involved.

And this kind of thing can help for a while, not a lifetime.

The phone vibrated suddenly, and Han Luoqi just said that he wanted to mute it.

She tuned into a shock.

It's Lu Hualiang's call.

Xia Weibao checked the time, and there were five minutes left for class, so he went out to answer the phone.

Yan Yuexian lowered her head and cried, but did not see her.

Just after Xia Weibao left, Ruan Shushu glanced here.

Seeing Yan Yuexian lowered her head and wiped her eyes with a tissue, she felt proud.

What about the daughter of the Presidential Palace, she is not defeated by her!

Withdraw his gaze, continue to talk with classmates, and ignore this side.

Xia Weibao walked out of the classroom and found a place where there was no one to answer the phone.

"Have you finished work." A man's magnetic voice came over the phone.

Blow away the depression in Xia Weibao's heart.

"Well, it's over."

"I'm at the door of your studio, come out."

Xia Weibao's eyes opened, he also came to Huangcheng University?

Thinking of something, she smiled, "Husband, I'm in class, do you want to come over."

It's so romantic to go to class and date with my husband.

They also come to talk about love on campus.

A low laugh came from the phone, "Cosplay, wife, do you want to wear a school uniform to stage a uniform temptation?"

"Get out!" Xia Weibao cursed with a smile.

Then he looked down at his school uniform, ahhhhhh!

It's really the temptation of uniforms.

A little sad, if Lu Hualiang saw her dressed like this, he would probably laugh at her, right?

Shall he not come here?

Although thinking this way, when Lu Hualiang asked her where she was, she had already reported the classroom number obediently.

Xia Weibao 囧.

She can't wait to give him a uniform temptation.

By the way, this is Huangcheng University. Lu Hualiang shouldn't recognize the way, right? Shouldn't I find the classroom?

Just thinking of this, I saw a handsome man with a jade-like face walking towards her.

Xia Weibao was embarrassed again.

Lu Hualiang walked to her, lowered his head and put a kiss on her lips, then let go.

He stared at her with a faint smile, "My wife, it's a temptation to subdue her."

"This is a costume, I play a student."

"Well, it is indeed a student."

Xia Weibao's face was blushing, why did he feel that the student in his mouth did not mean the same thing as the student she was talking about?

Looking at the wolfish gaze again, Xia Weibao kicked over, "Be serious."

"I'm very serious, don't I just pretend to be a student girl."

Xia Weibao glared at him, "Why did you find him so quickly?"

"I studied at Huangcheng University for a year and studied abroad in my sophomore year."

"Well, let's go in first. Class is about to start."

Fortunately, Lu Hualiang did not wear a suit today, but a black trench coat and a brown scarf.

He is tall and tall, and he does not look like a college student at all. His powerful aura is more than n levels higher than that of a professor, and he is not in touch with college students.

Fortunately, they sat in the corner of the last row, just opposite the back door.

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