Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 898: Awkward little public act

Xia Weibao shrugged, "I got lost and saw someone come in and ask for directions."

As she spoke, she glanced at the guqin placed in front.

It is a famous piano, which looks good, but it is far from Duyou Qin.

Her gaze fell on the mobile phone in front, where a video was playing. It was a video of her playing "Ambush on Ten Sides" at the musical instrument store.

Pressing the pause button, her movement stopped on a fingering.

There is a notebook next to her, which records all her fingerings.

Yan Yuexian felt embarrassed when he was caught stealing.

But her arrogance has always been to lose, and she never allows herself to show embarrassment.

So he crossed his neck and said, "What do you look at, haven't you seen others practice the piano?"

Then he slapped the phone over with the screen facing down and closed the notebook again.

With a fierce and nasty face of my old mother in her life, her ears were blushing.


Xia Weibao couldn't help but laughed out loud.

Why is it so...cute.

Duplicity, it's very cute, but it's not.

Like a little beast with teeth and claws but no lethality.

The milk is fierce.

Knowing that she couldn't pull her face down, Xia Weibao didn't embarrass her much, so he just accepted it.

"Do you want to learn Fuxi fingering?"

"Bah! My old lady doesn't want to at all!"

Yan Yuexian said with a look of disdain.

Xia Weibao glanced at her mobile phone and laptop with a smile, "Then what are these?"

Yan Yuexian was said to be blushing, but he still kept up his face, pretending to be careless, "I'm bored and pass the time."

Xia Weibao took a look, and it was eleven now.

Well, it is really boring to come to practice piano without sleeping at 11 o'clock in the winter.

Yan Yuexian couldn't hold back this playful expression.

Both ears were red, but the mouth was not soft.

"Even if I want to learn something, Fuxi **** is not yours. You have no invention rights and no patents. Why should I not learn it."

Xia Weibao wrapped her chest with one hand and touched her chin with the other.

Well, Fuxi **** was not invented by her, but she was perfected by consulting classics a thousand years ago.

It can be said that Fuxi's **** is achieved through her hands.

I planned to teach my daughter later, but I didn't want her to be gifted to death by the dog emperor, and because of this, it was lost.

If Fuxi **** is hers, this statement is actually correct.

After all, no one can play the whole thing except her.

Empress Empress likes to molest beauties, Yan Yuexian is so cute and cute, she can't help it for a long time.

So he smiled a little rascal, "I look so cute, why is my temper so fierce."

Yan Yuexian blushed, "It's up to you!"

"Be civilized and be a lady."

"My old lady is so crude, it's your shit!"

"Of course it's my business. I wanted to teach you how to play the piano, but I like ladies."

"Hehe! You like ladies to shut me off... what are you talking about?! Are you willing to teach me?!"

Yan Yuexian was about to talk about her ass, when she suddenly reacted, her eyes popped out!

The ecstasy that filled her at that moment almost made her jump.

But thinking of the grievances between the two, I felt that it was a bargain to get together so eagerly.

"If you are a little lady, maybe I can consider teaching you." Niang Niang said.

Yan Yuexian's heart throbbed, she wanted to learn Fuxi fingering, very, very much.

But Xia Weibao is the cousin's rival in love, and the cousin's opponent is her opponent, and she cannot show her favor to Xia Weibao.

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