Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 899: Don't touch my head!

So he said with a cold face, "Who rarely teaches you."

"Really not rare?"

Yan Yuexian twisted her head and hummed coldly from her nose, very temperamental.

"If you don't learn, if you don't learn, I will go back to sleep."

"Humph!" Yan Yuexian turned her head stubbornly, "Learn!"

Xia Weibao, "..."

Reaching out and rubbing her hair, the awkward child is so cute.

"Don't touch my head!"

Yan Yuexian is angry!

After thinking about it, she felt that she had to make her stand, "Now, say it in advance, it is you who want to teach me, not what I ask you to teach, I will not change my view of you, and I will remain an enemy in the future."

Xia Weibao 囧.

When are they enemies?

To be honest, she has never been clear about why Yan Yuexian is so hostile to her.

Is it because she smashed her rose garden several times? Not so stingy.

Or because, in Yan Yuexian's eyes, she robbed Yan Weiyang's man.

For this matter, Xia Weibao did not want to explain.

She taught Yan Yuexian, but she thought that this little girl was very cute, and she really liked Fuxi Qin, and she didn't think about getting any benefits from her.

The two sat in front of the Guqin, and Yan Yuexian hurriedly hid the phone and notebook, ashamed.

Xia Weibao is a very caring person, naturally not embarrassing, so he did not ask about the video.

In her opinion, this video was taken by Yan Yuexian herself.

"The difficulty of "Ambush on Ten Sides" is too high, not suitable for you now. I will teach you a simple introduction first. I will master the basic fingering, and then play the tune. I will play the basic **** in slow motion and see how much you can understand. ..."

Xia Weibao said, slowing down to show her.

Although Yan Yuexian has a hard mouth, she is very serious about learning to play the guqin.

And she knows how to respect people very much, even if there is something she doesn't understand, she will not interrupt her explanation, but will ask questions after she finishes teaching.

Xia Weibao is quite satisfied with this point. She is a relatively self-conscious person. She doesn't like being interrupted when doing things. This will interrupt her thinking.

When she taught Ruan Shushu, she also played it in slow motion to show Ruan Shushu, so that she could understand it by herself.

As a result, Ruan Shushu kept interjecting, asking this question and that, without understanding it by herself, which made her very angry.

Xia Weibao felt that coming to Yan Yuexian was much better than Ruan Shushu from the perspective of education.

Yan Yuexian studied seriously, and Xia Weibao taught seriously, time flowing unconsciously.

Soon, Yan Yuexian had figured out how to get started, and Xia Weibao was a little surprised.

Looking at the time, it was one o'clock in the morning.

There was a small wave in his heart, Yan Yuexian was really talented in Guqin, and he mastered the introduction in only two hours.

When she taught Ruan Shushu, it took a whole day!

Everyone said that Ruan Shushu was the top student in the college entrance examination and a genius in Guqin, but he was far behind Yan Yuexian.

"How am I learning?"

Yan Yuexian asked cautiously, even she didn't notice it, her tone was flattering.

Just like every student, he hopes to get the kind of care that the teacher affirms.

"The ability to comprehend is very strong. If you go back, you have to take time to practice and get familiar with the introductory fingering. I will teach you how to use it. The Fuxi **** is complex and changeable. Everyone will have different effects when they pop up. You don't need to just imitate me. of.

Practice your own. When you get to the heat, I will teach you how to apply it to actual playing, combine it with your current fingering, and create your own unique fingering. "

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