Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 909: Kidnapped 3

Ruan Shushu was shocked, and opened his mouth to shout.

The other man suddenly said in a gloomy tone, "Scream if you want to die."

After speaking, a sharp dagger reached her waist.

Ruan Shushu was so scared that his face turned pale, so he didn't dare to speak any more, so he could only follow these two people forward.

"You...what do you want."

She was trembling and her voice trembling, showing how scared she was.

"Our young master wants to see you."

Ruan Shushu's legs were so frightened that he couldn't walk.

The two of them were a little impatient, holding her hand on the left and the other, dragging forward.

Dropped a car and slammed the door.

"No, let me go, help, help—"

Seeing that the car door was closed, Ruan Shushu finally realized that things were not easy, and screamed in fright.

However, the car door is soundproof, so you can't hear it outside.

As soon as I stepped on the accelerator, the car slowly left.

Xia Weibao was lost again, and was looking for someone to ask for directions when she saw Ruan Shushu was kidnapped and thrown into the car.

I subconsciously wanted to save people, but the car had already driven away.

Looking left and right, there was no one.

So he twisted his head, worked lightly, and walked away from the wall.

It doesn't matter if we don't have transportation, we can fly.

In the car, Ruan Shushu was so scared that he was completely pale and looked desperately at the teaching building behind him.

The two men were very fierce, and one of them gave her a vicious look, which made her tremble as a sieve, but did not dare to scream.

And the car has already left the school, so it's useless to call.

I didn't know how long I drove, and stopped in a wilderness. The two men got out of the car and then pulled her out.

Out of instinctive fear, Ruan Shushu desperately retracted into the car, waving his hands in resistance, and refused to get out of the car.

"No, let me go, please let me go, I'll give you as much money as you want, don't kill me—"

"Ah, no, let go, let go of me—"

She struggled desperately, but was still pulled out, and then thrown on the mud like garbage.

Ruan Shushu was so scared that he cried, staggered up, squatted on the ground and hugged him tightly, closed his eyes tightly in fright, crying in a low voice, but didn't dare to look at him.

For fear of seeing something terrible.

"Look up."

The man's icy voice came from above his head, Ruan Shushu's body trembled, and his head trembled.

I saw a sturdy off-road vehicle parked in front of him, Gong Sirui with both hands in his pockets, leaning against the door of the car.

His eyes were cold, his expression was indifferent and arrogant, he was condescending like looking at an ant.

Ruan Shushu was startled, why is it him?

While he was stunned, he saw Gong Sirui pulling a gun from his waist and aiming at her.

Ruan Shushu was so scared that his face turned pale, and his body fell to the ground.

"Don't, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Gong Sirui's face was cold, and there was still half sunshine. He narrowed his eyes and spoke casually, "I heard, you bullied my girlfriend?"

"no no……"


Gong Sirui suddenly pulled the trigger and shot a shot on the ground next to Ruan Shushu. The agitated mud splashed all over her body, making her scream.


"Don't kill me, please don't kill me, I won't dare anymore, oooo..."

"Yuexian simply doesn't care about you, it doesn't mean that I will let you go. Next time, the bullet will not hit the ground, but you."

He has a lazy tone, as if saying that the weather is really good today.

However, Ruan Shushu almost became incontinent because of the meaning between the lines!

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