Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 910: Vent your girlfriend

"I don't dare anymore..."

She was used to bullying Yan Yuexian, every time Yan Yuexian swallowed.

Even if it is a counterattack, it is just a few verbal curses, and every time the curse is over, it attracts people's disgust.

Over time, she felt that Yan Yuexian would not resist.

And she also enjoys the pleasure of bullying this kind of daughter.

Seeing Yan Yuexian eating and holding back, and seeing Yan Yuexian disgusted by everyone, she felt very refreshed.

What if someone with a higher status is not a waste of bullying!

But I don't want to, forgetting that there is still a Gong Sirui.

Ruan Shushu was really afraid this time, she was afraid of death.

She has no power and no influence, how dare to fight Gong Sirui.

Gong Sirui looked cold and retracted the gun.

"Throw her into the mountains."

Whether she can find a way to go back to school depends on her luck.

Don't dare to touch his girlfriend!

"Yes, master."

The two men, one on the left and one on the right, stood up Ruan Shushu, ignoring her wailing, dragging them to the mountains.

Gong Sirui was about to get in the car and leave, but his expression was sudden, "Come out!"

Xia Weibao put his hands in his pockets and slowly swayed out of the big tree behind him.

There is no embarrassment of being caught, but it seems to be a leisurely and elegant view of the moon.

"It's you." Gong Sirui narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xia Weibao shrugged, "I'm passing by, enjoying the scenery."

Gong Sirui, "..."

Passing by in this wilderness and enjoying the scenery, who are you fooling?

"I don't care what you saw just now, don't worry about it."

After being discovered, Gong Sirui was also confident. In his capacity, no one in China could control him.

What a lesson to a person is.

"If I want to manage it." Xia Weibao asked with a smile.

Gong Sirui instantly became cold.

Xia Weibao spread his hands, "I've said that I'm only passing by, and you don't believe me, go, go back."

She originally thought that Ruan Shushu was kidnapped by someone, so she came over and took a look, but she didn't expect that it was Gong Sirui who vented Yan Yuexian.

Lu Hualiang said that she would not let her fight, nor would she be allowed to get into trouble everywhere, so she should not be nosy.

Anyway, Ruan Shushu won't die, at most it's a bit miserable to go back overnight.

What happened last night was indeed that Ruan Shushu was not kind, so he dealt with Yan Yuexian, an innocent girl.

So the Empress Empress let go without any psychological pressure.

Seeing Xia Weibao say this, Gong Sirui turned around and opened the off-road vehicle door to go up.

A slender hand stretched out from behind and pressed it on the car door.

The night is beautiful, and the moonlight in the wild is even more beautiful, sprinkled on her white and delicate wrist, like a white jade, smudged with a bright white light.

Gong Sirui stared at that ice-muscular jade-boned hand a little lost, and had to admit that Xia Weibao still had a lot of capital as a housekeeper.

She is really beautiful and has almost no flaws.

Even with one hand, it's so beautiful that you can't look away.

Loss of consciousness was only a momentary matter, and soon recovered.

He likes Yan Yuexian, and no matter how beautiful other women are, it is just a skin for him.

Turning his head, he faced Xia Weibao's brilliant smile.

"What do you do." Gong Sirui asked blankly.

"Young Master Gong, take me by the way."

Running around, very tired, why don't you take a ride?

Gong Sirui twisted his eyebrows, "Where is your car."

Xia Weibao shook his head, "It didn't open."

"Then how did you come here?"


Gong Sirui, "..."

It takes two or three hours to drive from Huangcheng University to here, and you have to believe someone when you walk over!

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