Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 926: Ruan Shushu was beaten in the face

She saw that Xia Weibao always had a smiling face and always looked so easy to talk.

And very emotional.

I mistakenly thought that she was very talkative, and I was grateful for her life-saving grace, and felt that I would always owe her and be kind to her forever.

But I don't want to, that woman's heart is like a mirror, she doesn't speak, but she sees more clearly than anyone else.

Ruan Shushu looked around in a panic, and ran away, covering his face.

She never knew that she had become such a dirty person in Xia Weibao's eyes.

The game had been over for so long, Xia Weibao stopped looking for Yan Yuexian, but went back with Han Luoqi.

Go with your husband on the phone.

Han Luoqi turned her head to look at her, "I didn't expect you to say such harsh words."

This is actually quite good, with a harder temper, so that you will not be bullied.

Xia Weibao usually talks too well when facing girls, and looks quite bullied, which is not good.

Xia Weibao blinked, is she speaking harshly.

No, I have paid great attention to the words, okay, I haven't scolded a word from the beginning to the end.

This also depends on Ruan Shushu's lovely face.

If it's a man, hehehe, don't bother to beat up nonsense!

You think you are a green onion, but it's just a fart!

The palace doesn't need anyone to save, she inherited her self-satisfaction, but she also paid it back.

I still want to tie her up for a lifetime!

Thinking of Ruan Shushu's words just now, Xia Weibao shook his head.

When he was three years old, he was already crooked.

Backstage, after Yan Yuexian came back, everyone gathered around, eager to please.

Goodbye to the coldness before she took the stage.

"Oh my god, Yuexian, you are so amazing, you are amazing to me."

"It's so good, I was fascinated by it. I told you that I was sitting in the front just now and I was attracted to you when I saw Master Pei Hong."

"Yeah, yeah, that's amazing..."

Yan Yuexian was a little impatient with these people's compliments and didn't want to bother.

A few of these people are sincere.

What she wants to know most now is how Xia Weibao evaluates and whether she is satisfied.

Keep staring at the backstage door, hoping to see Xia Weibao come to her.

Seeing someone pushing the door in, Yan Yuexian's eyes lit up, thinking it was Xia Weibao who was here, and just about to stand up, she saw Ruan Shushu.

Her face instantly cooled down, and she sat back again.

After Ruan Shushu came in, the originally noisy lounge suddenly became quiet.

Somewhat embarrassing.

At first, everyone touted Ruan Shushu, thinking she would definitely win the championship, but now she is so slapped.

Everyone is embarrassed.

I thought of stepping on Yan Yuexian before, and the hot face was gone, so why should I go.

But the good friend who comforted Yan Yuexian before was gloating.

"Oh, Yuexian, you are too low-key. You are so powerful but you are hiding it. This is not good, it is easy to look down on.

You should study like some people, who obviously only have half a bucket of water, but blow up like you can go to the sky all day long.

Obviously, Xia Weibao has a similar relationship with Xia Weibao, but they are so hysterical, wishing the whole world would know that she knew the big star.

I feel like I am invincible in the world with a ten million piano. "

Ruan Shushu's face turned red with anger when he turned the words with a gun and a stick, but he couldn't refute it.

Her fists clenched tightly, wishing to rush up and tear her mouth!

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