Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 927: Invitation from Pei Hong

But that person seemed to be unconscious, his face was thick enough to stare at you, and he continued to say coolly.

"This is a human being. If you don't have the ability, you should be low-key. If the cowhide is blown, it will be more slapped."

Ruan Shushu finally couldn't bear it, turned his head and ran away.

Although the competition is over, there are still awards, everyone has to wait in the background.

But she couldn't bear the strange look of those people.

This made her feel ashamed.

When he turned around, he just happened to bump into Gong Sirui who was coming in. Ruan Shushu was so scared that he panicked and ran out while apologizing.

It seemed that I could still hear the mocking voices of those in the lounge as I walked far.

When Gong Sirui came in, everyone in the lounge was extremely envious.

Yan Yuexian is really too happy to have such a handsome and considerate boyfriend.

The envied fairy Yan Xiao seems to be a little cold towards her boyfriend.

"why you."

Gong Sirui, "..."

Daughter-in-law, it's not me, who do you hope it is?

"Who do you think it is?"

Yan Yuexian also felt that this sentence did not seem appropriate, so he snorted, "I mean how did you come."

She has been playing for so long.

What I thought in my heart was that after ten minutes, why Xia Weibao was not coming.

"Just answered a call."

"Oh, what about Xia Weibao, have you seen her."

Gong Sirui frowned, "Isn't she here yet."

He and Xia Weibao were originally together, but Ruan Shushu called them away, and he answered the phone midway, wondering where the two women had gone.

But since Ruan Shushu had already come back, Xia Weibao should have come too.

"Maybe she has something to stop coming."

After Gong Sirui finished speaking, she felt that her little girlfriend's eyes were not right.

Why is the grievance so heavy.

How do you feel that his position in the eyes of the future daughter-in-law is no better than Xia Weibao as a woman.

Seriously doubting whether he should include Xia Weibao among his rivals...

At this moment, the door of the lounge was pushed open again.

"My God, it's Master Pei Hong!"

"Why is Master Pei Hong here again? Could it be that he was looking for Ruan Shushu."

Yan Yuexian looked up and found that Pei Hong was actually looking at her.

And walked to her, "Hello, classmate Yan."

Yan Yuexian was startled slightly, as if she didn't expect Pei Hong to talk to her.

But she also has self-knowledge and will not be narcissistic enough to think that a generation of masters will come to her for a little shrimp, most of them come to Ruan Shushu.

She doesn't like Ruan Shushu, but respects Pei Hong very much, so she respectfully said, "Senior Pei, Shushu just left."

"I'm here to find you."

Yan Yuexian was stunned, "Look for me?"

"Yes, Classmate Yan, is it convenient to take a step to speak."

Yan Yuexian faintly followed Pei Hong away, and even forgot to talk to Gong Sirui.

Gong Sirui left with a wry smile, it seems that his sense of existence is very low.

The door is closed and the fryer is in the lounge! !

"How did Master Pei Hong come to find Yan Yuexian? Is it because you want to invite her to the Sinology Association?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was a little envious, jealous and hated, and sighed secretly that Yan Yuexian was so lucky, why they were not so lucky.

The tone was sour.

"It doesn't have to be. Where is the Chinese Studies Association, can anyone enter it?"

"That's right, Ruan Shushu was chosen by Master Pei Hong because of the college entrance examination champion. Yan Yuexian, who came in by the back door, entered Master Pei Hong's eyes for what reason."

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