Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 931: Master Pei questioned Ruan Shushu

Ruan Shushu lost the game tonight and was slapped in the face again, in a very bad mood.

When I received the call from Pei Hong, I felt a little frightened.

When she saw Pei Hong's serious expression, perhaps it was because of a guilty conscience that she was shocked.


Pei Hong sat on the podium and looked at her with a look in her eyes, "Is your Fuxi **** taught by Xia Weibao."

The straightforward questioning made Ruan Shushu pale.

She thought that Pei Hong would ask her why she lost, or why Yan Yuexian could use Fuxi fingering.

Only unexpectedly, it was about Xia Weibao.

With cold hands and feet, Ruan Shushu swallowed in fear.

There was fear in his eyes.

Pei Hong knew that Xia Weibao taught her Fuxi fingering. Do you also know about the video?

Thinking that Pei Hong knew the consequences of the video, she felt that her eyes were black and she couldn't stand her ground.

The expression has said everything, and Pei Hong's eyes are all disappointed.

"Since Xia Weibao taught you, why did you say that you studied in books?"

Ji Shushu was flustered in his heart and clenched her clothes tightly. Since Pei Hong only asked if she was taught by Xia Weibao, but didn't talk about the video, it means that he still doesn't know about the video replacement.

Don't mess around and respond to changes.

"Xia Weibao is a celebrity. I was her life assistant at the time. As an assistant, I cannot disclose the celebrity's private information at will, otherwise it would be a violation of the assistant treaty."

She was going to work during the summer vacation, and because of her mother's relationship, Xia Weibao was good at talking, so she didn't have any assistant training at all, and she didn't sign any contracts.

These are non-existent, but they can be used as excuses.

Although Pei Hong was unhappy, he also knew that people around the star did have a confidentiality agreement.

Ruan Shushu is not to blame for this incident.

I was just being deceived, and I felt very upset.

"You go back first."

Ruan Shushu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Pei Hong loved her, otherwise this level would really not pass.

"and many more."

Just when she left, Pei Hong suddenly said, Ruan Shushu's heart was mentioned in his throat again.

"Master, is there anything else?"

"Yan Yuexian has also joined the folk music club. You can take care of each other with her at school and learn more from her."

Ruan Shushu was struck by lightning!

The blood on his face faded instantly, and a cold chill climbed up his spine.

When Xia Weibao played "Ambush on Ten Sides", Yan Yuexian was also there.

The video of Yan Yuexian was also retained. If she joined the folk music club and accidentally exposed the video, the consequences would be...

Fear, surged from the bottom of my heart.

From the first lie, it was destined to be afraid.

Seeing her pale face, Pei Hong frowned, "Why is her face so bad? Is it uncomfortable?"

"No...I'm fine, maybe a little tired."

"If you are tired, go back and rest early."

"Okay, Master, you should go back soon, be careful on the way."

"I won't return to the association for the time being. I will go to Xia Weibao tomorrow and invite her to join the folk music club."

Ruan Shushu softened his feet and almost fell.

His face turned pale.

For fear that Pei Hong could see anything, he left quickly.

But when turning, hold the wall with both hands to prevent falling.

Xia Weibao is about to join the folk music club, what should I do?

If Pei Hong were to see Xia Weibao playing the piano, he would definitely be able to help.

What will Pei Hong think of her then, what will everyone think of her, and will everything she has now disappear.

No, she has finally made it to this day, she must not lose it!

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