Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 932: Buy a poisonous snake to bite

Xia Weibao can't meet Pei Hong.

Once Xia Weibao played the piano, there was nothing to hide!

You can't let these two people meet, and you can't let these two people meet anyway!

But tomorrow Pei Hong is going to find Xia Weibao, what should I do!

If... if Xia Weibao is dead... then no one will know the truth again...

Ruan Shushu was shocked when this thought came out.

I looked around in a panic, for fear of others prying into her heart.

She was the only one who was empty in the dormitory. The others went out for supper and haven't returned.

Ruan Shushu relaxed a lot on his face, but his heart was still heavy.

Once certain ideas come out, they can't be suppressed.

She can't lose everything now, or she will be ruined in her life.

As if living in a devil in his heart, Ruan Shushu sat in the dormitory and wanted to fight the devil.

The fear of being exposed, finally defeated human nature.

She changed her school uniform, put on a peaked cap, and then went out with a big scarf.

I also wore a mask by the way, and then dangled my hair.

It's tightly wrapped from head to toe.

Before reaching the entrance guard, I left the school gate, walked through the vegetable market behind the school, and came to a snake-selling place.

Seeing the poisonous snakes in the cages, all spitting out snake letters, their expressions are fierce and hideous, she is a little scared.

The heart throbbed, and the body shrank into a ball.

His face paled.

Take a few deep breaths, mustering up the courage. "Boss, are there any snakes."

The boss is a very thin middle-aged man, he caught these snakes, not a serious person.

Some snakes are protected by the state and are also caught and sold secretly.

Only recognize money, not people.

Looking at the tightly wrapped Ruan Shushu, he sneered in his heart.

"Yes, but the price..."

"Bring me the two most poisonous ones."

Ruan Shushu breathed heavily, this is the first time she did this.

She can't sit still, can't afford a killer without money, so she can only buy snakes to adjust the package.

The boss seems to have guessed what she is going to do. This kind of thing often happens with him.

The smile on his face was a bit dazzling, Ruan Shushu felt that the filth in his heart was revealed in front of the snake dealer.

Head down, afraid to look.

Until a cage with two black poisonous snakes was placed in front of her, she let out a scream.

Instinctively took a step back, his face full of horror.

The snake dealer showed disdain in his eyes, and he wanted to hurt people without having the guts.

"Take it, you can't bite you if the cage is not opened."

Ruan Shushu was very scared and paid the money tremblingly.

The boss is kind enough to install a small cage for her, and then wrap her with a layer of cloth.

The packaging is very beautiful, it looks like a gift box, there is no difference at all.

Ruan Shushu's hands holding the snake were shaking, and his face was even more blue and white.

Back to the girls' dormitory, she found a trash can to hide the snake, and then went back to the dormitory.

The roommate had already returned. Seeing that she looked very bad, they all came up to care if she was sick.

Ruan Shushu said it was okay and went to bed.

Thinking that she was in a bad mood after losing the game tonight, the roommate did not ask much, and went to bed after washing up.

After early morning, the roommates all fell asleep.

Ruan Shushu secretly got up, still wearing school uniform, changed a hat, put on a mask, then changed a scarf to wrap his head tightly, and sneaked out.

The dormitory is not monitored and no one patrols the night, but there is a security booth.

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