Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 948: Slap! 7

Yan Weiyang, who had settled for a while, saw that everyone finally forgot her previous scandal.

Xia Weibao is planning to take advantage of this time to close the filming and come to a series of public relations, ready to wash himself.

Then when Xia Weibao returned, she was caught off guard!

Everything is ready now, and I have attended several charity events in a row, and have also been doing charity activities.

One by one, positive images were posted on the Internet, and when the Marines had already been bought and were planning a big publicity campaign, Xia Weibao's news fell out of thin air.

It was caught off guard, and everyone was caught off guard!

Yan Weiyang was stunned, He Xin was stunned, the emperor entertainment public relations department was stunned, even the hot search that had been bought was also stunned.

A Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, how to make it happen.

Xia Weibao’s news came so fiercely, and it’s such a big show, how many hot searches have to be bought to suppress it.

On the Hongtu company's side, Leng Yan was stunned, Xia Shi was stunned, and the public relations department of Emperor Entertainment Media was also stunned.

After a pat on the thigh, my celebrities are just awesome, and they don't need to do anything.

Closed filming can also make such a crop!

It's all right now, Yan Weiyang's desire to stand up while Xia Weibao is not in is shattered!

Things get worse and worse, and they have reached an uncontrollable level.

No one expected such a thing to happen.

Xia Weibao, the party concerned, was even more daunted.

She was filming a scene when she heard members of the crew calling her, telling her something important.

She is on hot search again.

She was so scared that she almost missed a stick and burst Han Luoqi's head to send him to the Western Paradise for a day trip.

Thought she was hacked again.

No way, she has been hacked so many times that as long as she hears that she is on the hot search, her first reaction is which spoiler has harmed the palace again!

Seeing the big bag on Han Luoqi's head, Xia Weibao deeply apologized, and generously gave him the snake soup leftover in the morning to make up.

Seeing Snake Geng Han, I thought of her killing a snake, and almost threw up!

After Xia Weibao gave out the snake soup, he ran over to watch the news.

Only then did she know that Ruan Shushu actually did so many things behind her back in her name.

But she knew nothing.

All of a sudden, I felt mixed feelings.

She didn't hate Ruan Shushu, because she didn't know it from beginning to end.

Now I know, but things have already become like this.

At this time, she had only one thought in her mind, she would not die if she didn't die.

Ruan Shushu was over and she was killed by herself.

Obviously such a powerful person, but because of a momentary evil thought, went on a crooked road.

Now that the incident is so big, everyone knows the scandal, and what kind of public opinion pressure Ruan Shushu will face is simply unimaginable.

She did such a thing at the age of nineteen. In the future, she will be equated with the scheming girl. Who dares to approach her and who dare to use her?

How will she face the strange eyes of others, and how will she gain a foothold in society?

Such a scandal lasts a lifetime.

Everyone on the crew saw the news and cast sympathetic glances at her.

It's so pitiful, knowing this kind of person, his reputation has been replaced.

Han Luoqi came over and patted her shoulder, "Don't think too much, it's not worth being sad for this kind of person."

"I'm not sad."

Xia Weibao was depressed. She was not sad, but felt very disappointed.

She has been to Ruan Shushu sincerely, and she has always been grateful for Ruan Shushu's life-saving grace.

But I didn't want to, Ruan Shushu actually used her so thoroughly!

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