Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 949: Slap! 8

Thinking of Ruan Shushu's accusation last night, he accused her of giving Jiao Weiqin to Yan Yuexian and why she taught Yan Yuexian to play the piano.

What kind of standpoint did she do such a thing behind her back?

Human heart.

Human nature.

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, Han Luoqi gave her the snake soup just now, "Take it to eat, and you will feel better when you are full."

Xia Weibao looked at the cauldron in his hand and stared at the snake inside.

Where did these two poisonous snakes come from?

Shen An’an has already checked. The two snakes sent from the kitchen last night are indeed non-venomous, and their mouths have been processed.

The props master also checked before going to bed, there is absolutely no problem.

But this morning it turned into two venomous snakes. It should have been changed by someone last night.

They thought the school was simple, nothing would happen, and it was a big winter, so no one was watching.

The school is not monitored and I don't know who replaced it.

But according to the security guard at the security booth, it seemed that a female student in school uniform ran past midnight last night.

It was too late at the time, he slept in a daze without seeing clearly, thinking it was a hallucination.

Everyone has a set of school uniforms, and there is no way to find out.

People are okay and can only be left alone.

Now it seems……

Xia Weibao's eyes sting.

In her previous life, she had seen too many such intrigues, and the concubines in the harem had never used any means to fight for favor.

Murders exist no matter what era.

Lu Hualiang said that in a society under the rule of law, you cannot kill people casually, and accused her of not having strong legal awareness.

Yes, she killed people because she had no modern legal consciousness at all, what about Ruan Shushu.

Ruan Shushu, a person who grew up in a modern society under the rule of law, does not have the legal awareness of killing and committing crimes.

Know the law and break the law.

Pretending to be her fame, instead of feeling guilty for her, but because of fear that things will be exposed

What a vicious heart, how is it different from a demon in human skin.

If the person to deal with is not her, and without her perception of danger, it is estimated that she would have already died under the mouth of a poisonous snake.

Xia Weibao was in a bad mood, and Shen An'an was also considerate when something like this happened.

Schedule her today's scenes until tomorrow, and film others first.

Give her a day off and adjust her mood.

Xia Weibao really has no intention of filming now, she wants to go for a walk.

Suddenly want to see Lu Hua cold.

He said he was here, and he didn't know if it was there.

Just about to call and ask where he was, his phone came in.

Has reached the school road next to the studio, let her come out.

Xia Weibao replaced her school uniform.

I still liked this school uniform before today, but now I feel a little dazzling.

She thought that the school was simple and beautiful, and even if there was some quarrel, it would not be so vicious.

It turned out that she was too naive.

In the car, Lu Hualiang turned to look at the woman who was sitting up, "What's the matter? Unhappy?"

Xia Weibao shook his head.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, "Are there any injuries."

Xia Weibao was a little confused, and only reacted after two seconds. He was referring to the poisonous snake.

Lu Hualiang came over when she knew that she was almost bitten by a snake, and it only took more than three hours.

So many things happened.

She shook her head and signaled that she was okay.

Feeling low, turned his head and looked out the window.

I have to say that the Ruan Shushu incident had a great impact on her.

After coming to this world, she had few friends, Ruan Shushu was one of them, but now she has been betrayed.

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