Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 962: Miss sister, wait until I grow up to marry you

The reporter arrived after hearing the wind, and many witnesses were interviewed, including the little boy.

There is a video of a little boy being interviewed on the Internet.

Several microphones were handed to the little boy, "What is your name, kid."

"My name is Xiaowu." The child was wide-hearted, and after being frightened, he forgot the danger just now, but was a little excited.

"Hello Xiaowu, did you just fall from above?"


"Then do you remember what the person who saved you looked like."

"Miss sister is very beautiful."

When the reporter heard this, he was suddenly excited, hoping to dig out some fierce material from the little man.

"How to be beautiful, can you be more specific."

"Miss sister has beautiful clothes and beautiful people."

"How are people beautiful? What do they look like?"

"very beautiful……"

All reporters, "..."

No matter how they ask, Xiao Wu's answer is pretty.

As for how to be beautiful, no one knows, including him.

Xia Weibao wore sunglasses and a mask, and no one could see her face clearly.

Not even the staff member who helped her fasten her seat belt at close range, let alone a six or seven-year-old boy.

The reporters questioned for a while, but they didn't ask anything of value.

So he changed the direction of questioning, "How did my lady save you?"

"Miss sister can fly. She hugs me and flies to the ground. Miss sister is very powerful."

"Are you afraid when you fell?"

"I was scared at the beginning, so I won't be afraid of being hugged by Miss Sister. Miss Sister's arms are soft and comfortable."

"Then what do you want to say to Miss Sister, maybe Miss Sister is watching in front of the camera."

The little boy smiled shyly, and suddenly covered his face, "Miss Sister, wait until I grow up to meet you as a wife, OK?"

With a snap, Xia Weibao's mobile phone fell into the car.

The waist is straight, and the body is tight, as if it is placed in the Arctic glacier...

When the little boy said that her embrace was soft and comfortable, she already felt a terrible chill from the man next to her.

Now that he has been confessed in public, one can imagine how terrifying the men around him are!

The Queen Empress suddenly had the urge to smash the window of the car with a punch and then ran away!

However, thinking of the consequences of escaping and being caught, I decisively persuaded.

Kacha Kacha turned his head and smiled like a flower, "Husband, what a child says is not true."

President Lu was expressionless, "I think all creatures from one year old to one hundred years old must be listed as rivals in love."

"How come! Only those who are threatening are called rivals, how can those people compare to you? I don't even remember what they look like, okay, if this is also considered a rival, then you cry out on Weibo every day to marry Don’t all your women become my rivals."

"Is there more love rivals than anyone else?"

Xia Weibao fainted suddenly, it seems... many people on her Weibo also confessed.

Husband is angry, what to do.

She pointed out the car window, "There is a hotel over there, why don't we go up and take a rest?"

Man, there is nothing wrong with getting a good night's sleep, but if it doesn't work, just sleep twice!

Lu Hualiang almost slipped with his hands holding the steering wheel.

"Don't seduce me."

Xia Weibao was about to say that he had changed his **** and became a gentleman.

But he didn't want Lu Hualiang to just pause for a second.

"Eat first, and then you will have strength when you are full."

Xia Weibao, "..."

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