Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 963: Go to the hotel first

Okay, she took back the idea just now.

Picked up the phone, and checked the comments on the Internet.

Already on the tenth hot search.

In addition to condemning the worries of the playground's safety facilities, there are more discussions about the mysterious flying man.

Almost all the people are asking who that person is, but they all ended in fruitless.

So the Internet started to be happy, some said it was Ultraman, some said it was Spider-Man, some said it was a master of the hidden world, some said it was an ancient chivalrous woman crossing, and some said it was a fairy descending to the earth.

It's all self-entertaining speculation, with a sense of ridicule.

Xia Weibao raised his eyebrows while staring at the comment of the ancient chivalrous woman crossing. It turns out that the folks also have the truth.

It's a pity that these are their guesses as a joke, and no one can confirm it.

Xia Weibao tilted his head and looked at the man next to him, what about him.

He didn't ask any more, what kind of views did he hold on this matter.

Sometimes, she really couldn't guess what Lu Hualiang thought.

Obviously there were a lot of questions in his heart, but he didn't press her.

As he said, as long as she stayed by his side, he didn't care about anything.

It doesn't matter if she is a monster.

Thinking of this, Xia Weibao felt warm.

Her emperor is the best man in the world.

Suddenly stretched his head over and dropped a kiss on his cheek.

Lu Hualiang's hand holding the steering wheel slipped again, and the car skewed and returned to normal.

He still looked as usual, but suddenly turned around at the intersection ahead.

Xia Weibao was puzzled, "Aren't you going to eat? Why did you turn around?"

"Go to the hotel first."

Xia Weibao, "..."

Can she take back the kiss just now.

At the headquarters of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a burly and powerful middle-aged man suddenly slapped the table, "Okay!"

The man is about forty years old, with dark skin, a national character face, and Kong Wu's powerful face.

At this time, I was so excited that my hair stood up on my phone!

With a loud roar, he was so scared that Meng Songbai, who was still thinking about how to get Xia Weibao into the calligraphy department, jumped.

I almost thought of a method just now, but when I was so scared, all my thoughts went back.

Suddenly unhappy, "I said Big Bear, can you stop making a fuss, I can't be scared when I get older."

The name of the person who just spoke was Xiong Gang. He was called Daxiong because of the five big and three rough holes, and he was the head of the Guwu Department of the Sinology Association.

At this time, staring at the phone was so excited as to pick up a gold nugget.

Meng Songbai is a little strange. Xiong Gang's personality and size are directly proportional. He is very mature and stable on weekdays. What can make him so excited?

He played it, and a video was playing repeatedly on the phone.

"what is this."

Meng Songbai asked, then a little shocked, "What happened to the playground?"

In the video, two people were thrown out one after the other, it's not what happened!

However, as soon as I finished speaking, I felt something was wrong, and the person who threw it out from behind actually moved in midair!

Meng Songbai almost wondered if he was dizzy, he actually saw someone flying...

And Xiong Gang was so excited that he was about to shoot the table to pieces!

"Master, this is the legendary light skill, the real master!"

Meng Songbai, "..."

"Big Xiong, although I know you are obsessed with ancient martial arts, such things as Qinggong are only fabricated from martial arts novels and do not exist in reality. Have you ever seen someone who can overcome gravity?"

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