Number of People

Chapter 995: Meteor and fire shower in the second volume, feast and feast

  Chapter 995 B Scroll Meteor Fire Rain, Feast Feast

The night gradually quieted down, and the whole wilderness gradually became colder. The swirling autumn wind brought grass leaves to dance in the darkness. With the help of flickering torches, one could see rows of simple and rough horse refusal posts outside the camp. Set up sequentially to form an irregular protective line.

  Accompanied by the main force of the five divisions of Neikalkha arriving outside Qian'an City, Feng Ziying carefully observed the four cities throughout the day.

  The number exceeds 50,000, which is indeed shocking. If the five departments of Neikalkha concentrate their forces and attack at all costs, Qian'an will not be able to defend.

   It’s just the conclusion reached after discussions between Feng Ziying, Hou Chengzu and Zuo Liangyu.

  Ten times larger than the defenders, and the small walls of Qian'an City are short. Although the moat is injected with water from the Luan River, it is not a problem to fill the moat with sufficient animal power.

Since the afternoon, the Mongolian soldiers have begun to fill up the moats on the east and north sides in an orderly manner. Dozens of wooden-skinned loading vehicles, pushed and pulled by armored pack horses and soldiers, rely on huge wooden shields, and quickly approach. The moat began to fill up, and in just two hours, after paying hundreds of casualties, several places on both sides of the moat were quickly filled.

  The determination and fearlessness of the Mongolian soldiers exceeded Feng Ziying's expectations. He realized that he still underestimated the enemy's determination.

  The loss of hundreds of thousands of troops is affordable for the Mongols. Since they are going south to fight the autumn wind, if they can’t even afford this loss, then they don’t have to come.

  If this progress is followed, the Mongolian army will be able to officially launch a full-scale attack in two days at the latest. By then, the outcome will really be determined by head-to-head attrition tactics.

In that case, there is no chance for one's own side to win. Thousands of firecrackers will only be exhausted under the opponent's arrows and artillery attacks. Maybe the other party will pay a heavy price, but it is meaningless to one's own side, and even We have to pay a heavy price for the destruction of the entire Qian'an city.

  Feng Ziying knew that she couldn't survive like this, and had to take risks.

He had considered a lot before this, but after all the calculations, he also knew that the final outcome would be determined by the consumption of the strength of the two armies, but before that, he had no idea how to consume the opponent to the greatest extent or hit the morale of the opponent. I have considered a lot.

  The enemy is strong and we are weak, but our own advantage is to fight at home, and we must make full use of these advantages.

   More than a dozen boats hidden in the reeds were quietly released.

  It is only a few miles away from Qian'an City. The enemy's scouts have passed along the river bank several times, but they have not been able to find the dozens of specially hidden ships hidden in the reeds.

  The ugly time has passed, and the boats are moving down under the silent and rhythmic oars of the boatmen. The speed is fast, but they are moving in an orderly manner.

Feng Ziying, who was standing on the top of the northwest city wall, paced back and forth a little uneasy. From here, she could see the flickering lights of the camp several miles away. The subordinates kept a certain distance, and at the same time, they did not hesitate to set up the horse-rejecting posts to prevent Da Zhou from using the night to rob the camp.

  Feng Ziying does not think this kind of stealing camp at night is a good strategy.

  The Mongols came from far away, and under the absolute advantage, they would definitely rather use their strength to overcome cleverness, and would rather work hard in all aspects than take risks.

  So if you want to catch the Mongols by surprise, you must use a unique trick.

   "Busia Mara, are Delgler and the others ready?" Feng Ziying turned her head and asked.

   "Don't worry, my lord, as long as your side can launch it as scheduled, then our side will definitely move as scheduled." Busia Mara replied solemnly.


   More than a dozen boats were slowly moving on the Luan River.

In autumn, when the water rises, the surface of the Luanhe River is much wider, and it is very dangerous for more than a dozen boats to sail in the dark. However, these selected boatmen have been working on the Luanhe River for a long time, and they have been working on it for a month. preparation.

"It's almost there." The one who spoke was Song Zian, the **** of the Qian'an County Military Bureau. plunge.

  All ships began to slow down under the vigorous oars of the boatman, and even began to adjust the direction of the bow, approaching the shore.

In the beginning, the sentinels on the bank did not notice the changes on the river. This time has already passed, Yin Chu is also the time when people are most likely to fall asleep, until several boats have approached the river beach and hit the platform It was the sound that aroused the vigilance of the Mongolian sentry on the platform.

  As the torches were raised and the bonfire was lit up, more than a dozen ships were lined up along the river bank, with a small distance between each ship, but no soldiers were seen rushing down.

  Thinking of it along with the shrill gong, the entire Mongolian camped along the river bank platform became agitated.

The campsite chosen by the Mongols is actually quite good. It is about three to fifty feet away from the river beach, and it is a platform that is nearly five feet higher than the river bank. They also carefully checked along the river bank, and there is no building. Possibility of dam flooding.

   But these dozen or so ships are really strange, at most, they can hold more than a thousand people is the limit, but what's the point of stealing camp like this?

   Just when a large number of Mongols began to flock to the platform and began to form formations, they finally saw a scene they had never imagined.

The return cannon on each ship began to show its power. With the skilled operation, the return cannon specially fixed on the ship was operated by the operator, and each time three or five porcelain bottles were thrown out into the dark darkness. Go straight to the Mongolian camp dozens of feet away.

The crisp sound of "crack" and "crack" exploded on the ground. There was no explosion, no fire, and no one turned on their backs. For a while, the Mongols formed on the shore were still Mongols who had not yet come out of the camp. , are a little confused.

But they soon smelled a strong oily smell, and if it was the Tumed Mongols who had dealt with Yulin Town, they would immediately understand what these things were, but for those who were thousands of miles away For the Khalkha tribes, it is too unfamiliar.

  They had never seen these things before, and they even subconsciously touched what these slimy and dirty things were.

It should be said that the Mongols still made preparations for fire prevention, and kept cutting down the vegetation around the camps to prevent enemy fire attacks, and even kept a certain distance between each camp, but they never understood it. The power of this kind of fierce fire oil is not known until their horses are splashed or stained with these things.

Just as the Mongols formed an array and approached the shore, the last few rounds of launches on the ship finally started. The ignited stones and wooden **** were scattered scattered, and the fireballs with flames swept across the air in beautiful arcs. , like a shower of meteor fire, permeated the air along the bank of the Luan River, and then fell into the endless darkness.

When they fell to the ground, like fire demons from the lava field of hell, everything on the ground remained intact in an instant. The hundreds of pottery pots that were thrown out earlier were filled with fierce fire oil, which was already on the platform, The camp was scattered and ignited by this series of fire rains. In just a few breaths, the entire platform was shrouded in a layer of orange-red flames.

  After a short stunned moment, the Mongols on the shore finally understood what these enemies from the Luan River had done. In their panic, they didn't know how to face this situation for a while.

The camp was dyed crazily almost all at once, the tents and horses burned, and the war horses and pack horses ignited by the fire ran around madly, and the entire Zarut camp was nothing but a lamp. During tea time, they were completely engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

  At this time, the river wind along the river bank added fuel to the flames, making the whole fire even more uncontrollable, and the people on the boat in the river could only watch this scene blankly.

  The gunfire soldiers who had already aimed their guns were completely stunned by this scene, and even forgot to shoot at the chaotic Mongolian army on the platform.

   "My lord?" The boss next to him couldn't help asking Hou Chengzu, who had been standing still and speechless, to remind him that it was time to start a round of shooting.

Only then did Hou Chengzu wake up from the shock, and then shook his head: "No need, that's all a waste, do you see how many of these Mongols can escape? Even if they escape, how many of them are there?" A morale capable of fighting?"

   "Then we now...?" Looking at the entire burning river bank, he was at a loss as he felt all kinds of scorching odors and heat coming from the river bank.

  Hou Chengzu shook his head, "It's time to withdraw."

Originally, he planned to shoot a few rounds of shooting at the Mongolian soldiers on the platform here, which would be the first record, but Hou Chengzu suddenly lost interest. He remembered what Feng Ziying said to him. Familiarity and ignorance, ignorance of the enemy, are often the fatal factors of failure.

Reminiscent of Feng Ziying starting to make various preparations in Qian'an one month in advance, even the fleet hid in the reeds on the river bank, sailed along the river several times, designed and tested the range of the return gun on the ship, and the Mongols on the river bank. The choice of side camps can be said to have achieved one minute on stage and ten years off stage.

   It can be said that no matter which part the Mongols are in, as long as he chooses the most suitable campsite to set up camp, then this shower of meteors and fire is destined to become an appetizer that they must enjoy.

  More than a dozen boats in the river that completed their tasks slowly descended. On the river bank, wolves were running, crying and roaring, in a mess,...

  (end of this chapter)

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