Number of People

Chapter 994: The scroll is finally here

  Chapter 994 The self-written volume is finally here

  When the tide of cavalry began to appear on the horizon, Feng Ziying stood on the top of the city and looked out, her palms were slightly moist.

   After all, this is the first time to experience this kind of head-on confrontation. The Mongols are menacing, and Qian'an City bears the brunt. This battle will determine the fate of many people.

  When receiving intelligence reports from all parties and scouts, Feng Ziying knew that this battle was inevitable.

The Mongols broke through from the mouth of the river, and the three fortresses were breached in one day and night. The Mongols immediately organized a large number of manpower to destroy the side walls, and even used gunpowder to blast them. Three places were opened overnight. The gap allowed the Mongolian army to enter for a long time.

  The iron gate pass and Lengkou pass that are next to each other are full of alarms, but the Mongols bypassed these two critical passes, and went around from behind, and then launched an attack on Lengkou pass.

  The alarm received by the side wall was quickly passed on to the Jianchang Battalion deployed on the second line. The Jianchang Battalion, together with the Taiping Battalion, fought fiercely with the five cavalry in the Liujiakou area, and both sides suffered heavy losses.

However, it is obvious that the main force of the Jizhen army was not on this line. When the Jizhen army retreated to the west, the Mongolian army did not follow westward. The Ministry stayed by the Qinglong River to guard against danger from the east.

According to the scout's informant, the main force of this Mongolian army heading south is about 40,000. Whether it is a breakthrough on the side wall or a battle with the Jianchang Camp and the Taiping Camp, it did not cause too much damage. big threat.

The entire Qian'an County has only about one hundred thousand people, and the people who fled into Qian'an County together with the city guards are only 70,000 to 80,000 people, but now they have to face more than half of the Mongolian army attacking, the pressure can be imagined .

   "My lord,..." Feng Ziying didn't wait for the nervous You Shiren to speak, and handed him the binoculars in her hand.

This is a telescope made of two lenses made of ground glass. In fact, the principle is very simple, but the key point is that the quality of the selected glass is very high, and the grinding process is also high. Feng Ziying asked for it very early. Zhuang Limin imported Dutch lenses from Europe, imported various concave lenses and convex lenses, and then superimposed them. The objective lens used a convex lens, the eyepiece used a concave lens, and a tube was selected for distance testing, adjustment and installation, and a thousand-mile telescope could be obtained.

Because the mirrors imported from Europe were intermittent and some of them were not effective, Feng Ziying assembled about seven telescopes for this purpose before the war. She kept it a secret and only sent four to her father, and kept three for herself. , I left one for Huang Degong, one for Zuo Liangyu in Qian'an City, and one for myself.

  You Shiren was also shocked by what he saw in the binoculars. Although it cannot be said to be detailed, it can basically be seen at a glance.

  With the adjustment of the lens, the increase of the distance and the movement of the direction, basically all these can be brought into the line of sight, which is almost a decisive victory thousands of miles away, no wonder it is called a telescope.

   After a long time, You Shiren put down the binoculars.

  Feng Ziying handed it to Hou Chengzu who was next to him. After using it, Hou Chengzu was even more shocked. He thought that this kind of equipment was used on ships at sea, and its power was as powerful as that of the ten respected artillery!


Feng Ziying waved his hand to stop Hou Chengzu, whose lips were trembling, "After the war, I know the power of this thing, but it has been widely used in Europe a few years ago. The red-haired fan was first used on ships, but they tried to restrict other people from using it. But the principle is not complicated, so I made it with a little trial and error."

   "My lord, do you know..." Hou Chengzu also wanted to remind the power of this thing.

"Of course I know, but how to make the most perfect telescope is relatively complicated. Although it is difficult for us to limit the spread of such things, we should try our best to prevent such objects from being learned by the enemy, right? ?” Feng Ziying said indifferently.

  Hou Chengzu thinks so.

Busia Mara, who was standing on the sidelines, watched curiously the iron pipe-like thing turning around several people. They placed it in front of their eyes, facing forward, and kept moving, as if they were performing some kind of prayer ceremony. , which made her very curious.

In her impression, this guy doesn't believe in any gods and Buddhas, and he also dismisses the shamans in his clan. Prosper the world, but destroy the world", she said, intending to get herself, then she really didn't know what to do.

However, Busia Mara became a little impatient seeing this group of people praying with this "ritual" over and over again. Win the Mongols?

  Noticing the displeasure on the face of Busia Mara next to her, Feng Ziying knew that this country bumpkin didn't know what this thing was.

   But don’t say that Busia Mara is a country bumpkin, which one of the few people here has just come into contact with this binoculars, isn’t they all equally shocked and inexplicable?

  Before, it was deliberately not used for the sake of keeping it secret. Even Hou Chengzu had only come into contact with it, and he also took Feng Ziying's secrecy seriously, and even hinted that everyone else should be excluded.

  But Feng Ziying knows that once this thing is used in front of people, it will be difficult to keep it a secret. Busia Mara is by her side, and she will fight side by side for a period of time in the future. How can she hide it from the other party?

  So he simply handed the binoculars to the other party generously: "Take a look."

  Bushia Mara somehow took the tube from Feng Ziying, put it in front of her eyes, and took a closer look. It seemed that there was some blurry scene inside. She was slightly startled, and then she took a serious look and was subconsciously startled.

  The galloping horses in the distance, the ferocious animal-faced armor, and the waving flag suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, lifelike, as if I was in front of myself.

"Ah?!" Busia Mara couldn't help screaming, and took a step back suddenly, almost throwing the binoculars in her hand, her eyes suddenly left the mirror hole, and looked around, only to find that several people were Looking at herself with a smile that was not a smile, Busia Mara's face suddenly became hot.

   What kind of witchcraft is this? Busia Mara's heart turned sharply. With such a skill that can be seen from thousands of miles away, it is enough to change the situation of the entire war. Da Zhou actually has such magical skills?

   Busia Mara took a deep breath, put the mirror hole in front of her eyes again, and glanced at it.

  Accompanied by a small lateral movement, all kinds of situations on the northern horizon of Qian'an City gradually came into view, so clearly visible, even the gestures and movements of some people there can be seen clearly.

Busia Mara noticed that Feng Ziying seemed to be twisting the tube with both hands when looking at it just now, and she tried to imitate it. Sure enough, the tube could be rotated, and the scene in the mirror hole also changed accordingly, and suddenly zoomed in, Suddenly zoom out, but after reaching a certain level, you can no longer move, and the mirror surface will become blurred.

But even so, Busia Mara couldn't help but thumping violently in her chest. She even had an urge to turn around and run with this object, bringing it back to the family. Of course, this urge was only for a moment. , was quickly suppressed, and since people dared to show it to themselves, they didn't worry that they would have any unruly thoughts.

   "Busia Mara, do you look good?" Feng Ziying smiled.

   "It looks good." Busia Mara took a deep breath.

   "Do you want to?" Feng Ziying asked again with a smile, as if asking a little girl with a lollipop.

   "Of course." Busia Mara was shocked, and a strange light flashed in her pupils, "Is it okay, my lord?"

   "Of course." Feng Ziying smiled faintly, "But definitely not now,..."

   "Does it depend on our Yehe tribe's performance in this battle?" Busia Mara understood.

"This is only one factor..." Feng Ziying shook her head, "Could it be that without this thing, your Yehe tribe would not fight hard? As I said, the fate of Yehe tribe is actually tied to Da Zhou Yes, you can neither submit to the Mongols nor coexist with Jianzhou Jurchen, who else can protect you except Da Zhou?"

  Busia Mara was silent, obviously her mind was not on these issues at the moment, she only wanted to get this thing in her hand at the moment.

  Feng Ziying naturally understood the other party's thoughts, "Okay, this thing is not as mysterious as you imagined, and you don't need to learn anything, but it is not easy to make, but I can provide Ye Hebu with a few."

   "My lord, are you kidding me?!" Busia Mara cheered up and looked directly at the other party.

   "A few binoculars are not enough to break Feng's promise, right?" Feng Ziying smiled proudly, seeing Busia Mara's mood fluctuate.

   Telescope? Only then did Busia Mara know the name of this thing, but she felt that it really fit the literal meaning. It was really a thousand miles away, but the military significance of this thing was too important. Busia Mara didn't believe that the other party would not see it. out.

  If you can give it to Ye Hebu, then you really regard Ye Hebu as an ally, which is even more significant than dozens of firecrackers.

"Okay, my lord, since that's the case, Yehe tribe will naturally show our sincerity, please watch the performance of our Yehe tribe warriors." Busia Mara also nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Definitely not adults will be disappointed.”

   "Okay, then we will wait for the good news." Feng Ziying didn't talk nonsense, and looked back at the frontal battlefield, "Kunshan!"

   Zuo Liangyu, who came quickly from the other side of the city wall, clasped his fists and saluted, "My subordinates are here!"

   "This battle allows us to teach the Mongols a good lesson, so that they understand that war is no longer what they imagined!" Feng Ziying stood with his hands behind his back, his tall figure looking extraordinarily deep and majestic on the top of the city.

  (end of this chapter)

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