Number of People

Chapter 1094: Geng Zijuan Coping with Fatigue

  Chapter 1094 The Geng Scroll Coping with Weakness

After entering the flower hall, Feng Ziying saw Zhang Jingqiu's face was terrified, and Chai Ke was a few years older, and there were a few silver threads on his temples. Under pressure, it was too late to manage my appearance.

   "Ziying is here, did Zhong Lun tell you about the situation?" Chai Ke was not polite, with a stern face, "Are the people of Nekarka trying to break the promise?"

"My lord, the Nekhka people can't talk about breaking promises now, right? After all, we haven't formally reached an agreement with them here, and it's just an intentional opinion through me. The more than 50,000 prisoners The 200,000 taels of silver have not been paid, and there is no word about the matter of the military general,..."

  Although it is certain that the Nekhka people will not go west and south, but what if? What if Zaisai lost his head, or what if Lindan Batur and Nurhachi made a condition that Zaisai could not refuse?

So he will definitely not take this kind of responsibility. When the responsibilities and rights are not unified, he is at most a passer-by, unless the court really grants all rights to himself. The talk is almost done, and we will wait for the imperial court to authorize it.

Choked by Feng Ziying's words for a while and unable to refute, Chai Ke snorted coldly, "Sophistry! Ziying, you have talked with Zai Sai for so long, can he still not understand our intentions? At this time, suddenly send troops to Fengrun Yutian, What is your intention? Are you really planning to join forces with the Chahar people and Waikalkha people, and fight us in a big battle under the capital city?"

"Master Chai, I personally think it's impossible. Even the people who appeared in Fengrun Yutian shouldn't be from Nekhka. Otherwise, Baodi, Liangcheng, and even Zhenzi Town to the west of Yongping Mansion should have been looted by them. Absolutely. It is impossible to stop at Yutian and Fengrun."

   Feng Ziying's words aroused the interest of everyone present.

Everyone thought that it was Lindan Batur who offered better terms to the Nekhka people, but the court only agreed to a ransom of 200,000 taels of silver for the soldiers, and there was no official answer yet. The military officer’s refusal to clarify his attitude will definitely disappoint Zai Sai. If there is another incentive from the outside world, it is inevitable that the Neikalka people will have other thoughts.

"Ziying, what do you mean? The Mongolian cavalry has arrived at the city of Yutian and looted many villages and towns. This is a fact, and the Jizhen army on the other side of Pinggu made it clear that the Chahars never broke through the Pinggu-Jizhou line. Where did these Mongolian soldiers come from?" Yuan Keli's expression was severe.

  Sun Chengzong has already rushed to Sichuan to take office, but he has not yet taken over the position of Wuxuan Qinglisi Langzhong.

"My lord Yuan, I only said that these soldiers are not Nekhalka cavalry, and I didn't say that these soldiers did not come south from the Santun camp." Feng Ziying calmly said: "Besides the Nekhalka people, you seem to have overlooked one thing. Gang of people, they are the minions of the Donglu, or are becoming the minions of the Donglu, Horqin people."

   "Korqin people?!" Everyone in the flower hall was surprised and reacted immediately.

That's right, although the Mongols who came in from Yongping Mansion were mainly Nekalkas, there were also Horqin people, but compared to the strength of the Nekalkas, the Horqin people were only a few thousand cavalry. Everyone didn't pay much attention.

In fact, they don't really believe that the Nekhka people will break the contract, because it is obviously not in the interest of the Nekhka people, but they can't explain the appearance of the Mongolian cavalry in the Fengrun Yutian area, so they can't wait to recruit Feng Ziying .

  Feng Ziying's explanation immediately made them realize suddenly.

   "Ziying, you mean that the Horqin cavalry are going south, and the Nekhka people can't control the Horqin people anymore?" Chai Ke frowned.

"My lord, although the invading Mongolian Eastern Route Army is mainly composed of Neikha people, they are a coalition army. Horqin is relatively independent, and the Horqin people have always been closely related to the East Captives. That's why my father considered using the Yehe tribe and Neika The Erka people came to strangle the Horqin people, otherwise the Horqin people would be captured by the East, and there would be endless troubles. However, until now, the Horqin people still have a strong emotional attachment to the East captives. Donglu's indulgence has a lot to do with it."

Feng Ziying's words were blunt, but she didn't bother with the matter: "But the Horqin people are only five or six thousand riders, so what if they go south, the Jizhen army only needs to show their prestige a little, and the Horqin people can only retreat. Without the courage to fight against the Jizhen army without the support of Zai Sai,..."

   "Ziying, then why do you think the Horqin people went south?" Yuan Keli's expression softened a little. To be honest, the secretary was responsible for not grasping the information in time.

"I guess they should feel that they didn't get satisfactory goods when they went south, or they thought that Zai Sai was too arbitrary and dissatisfied with the distribution of benefits, or Zai Sai himself instigated and condoned the Horqin people to go south to put pressure on the court. Even if we questioned him, he would have a reason to shirk, anyway, he is from Horqin and not from Neikalka, so if you want to settle accounts in the future, you can go to Horqin to settle accounts."

Feng Ziying's words made Zhang Jingqiu and others realize something. Don't treat the Mongols as fools. If you can delay, they can shirk. In short, now they have the advantage, they can use various means to toss, and they can even be confident justification.

"Since that is the case, order the cavalry in Ji Town in Zunhua to go south to meet them." Zhang Jingqiu ordered decisively, and then turned his head: "Ziying, is there any mobile force in Yongping Mansion to support it? It doesn't need to fight, just make a gesture. It can make the people of Nekhka and Horqin feel scruples."

   "Yes, but Lord Shangshu, I dare not say how effective it will be. The Beijing Camp has defeated infantry in Qian'an and Lulong for training. If possible, let them show up. It can be considered meritorious service and atonement."

   "Deserters from the Beijing camp?" Zhang Jingqiu shook his head. He really had no hope. These people had their backs broken. How dare they go against the Mongols again?

Feng Ziying didn't bother to explain much. If I hadn't seen the changes of these defeated soldiers with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that they still had the power to fight. To train an army with combat effectiveness, but to pull it out for an armed parade and put on a show, Feng Ziying thinks it is still possible to give it a try.

  If you can't even do this step, then you really have to disband completely, and drive them home to stop wasting food and fodder.

   Once this problem is solved, the purpose of recruiting Feng Ziying to come here at Xingye is achieved, and the rest of the things have nothing to do with Feng Ziying in theory.

  But since they are here, Zhang Jingqiu and the others will naturally not let Feng Ziying go.

Feng Ziying and Wang Yingxiong were the first to warn of the Bozhou Rebellion, and now it has become a reality. Similarly, Feng Ziying reminded a long time ago that the ambitions of the Japanese people were not extinguished. They found traces of Japanese pirates participating in the civil uprising in Linqing, Shandong. These two points are enough to show Feng Ziying's keen sense of smell and judgment in military affairs.

"My lords, how can you bear me when you call me out of the hot bed? I have worked so hard for a few days and came back to report, and I should go back to Yongping by reasoning, and now this is dragging me again, it's inappropriate Right?" Feng Ziying yawned and rubbed her eyes, "Can I have a cup of tea first to warm me up?"

   "Zhong Lun, go and get a few cups of tea. If you don't mind, some people will go back and say that they came to the Ministry of Military Affairs on business, but they didn't even have a sip of tea." Yuan Keli's face looked much better at this time.

  Fu Zonglong gave Feng Ziying a resentful look, but the doctor said that everyone around here is a big boss. As a Jinshi who is here to observe politics, he can only run errands.

"Ziying, after all, something happened in Bozhou. What's your opinion?" Zhang Jingqiu didn't have too much worry in his words. Compared with the previous worry about the people of Neikha who broke his promise, he had a lot more confidence in the chaos in Bozhou. After all, A lot of preparations have been made in the early stage.

"My lord, if the chaos in Bozhou is just Bozhou, I don't think it is difficult to put it down, and it will take a year or so. But if it involves other chieftains, such as Yongning chieftain, it's hard to say. It depends on Mr. He and Mr. Zhisheng , and Governor Wang and the others are cut off on the spot."

Feng Ziying is not optimistic that the chaos in the Southwest can be resolved in a year or so. The chieftain of Yongning will never stand still, and he will be involved sooner or later. As for Shuixi, if the battle can be finished within three years, Already Amitabha, but now it is definitely not flattering to say this, he can only remind the Ministry of War, no matter how much it is said, it will be annoying.

"It will take a year and a half for Bozhou alone?" Zhang Jingqiu hesitated, "I mean, under the situation where we are ready to stop, the actual combat time may not take that long, right? Yang Yinglong is just some soldiers, even relying on the terrain advantage, but as long as we are conservative and cautious and take a step-by-step approach, it should not be difficult to solve it in three months, right?"

After all, Zhang Jingqiu is still a civil servant who has never really been on the battlefield. He may have a way of formulating strategies and his vision is not bad, but it is difficult to understand what it will be like to fight in the southwest mountains, and he can't understand it. Knowing how high the logistics requirements of this kind of war will be, it is also impossible to imagine how much the climate over there will affect the army. Only after fighting a few battles can we understand.

In his view, the 50,000 Denglai Army, plus Sun Chengzong's cooperation with Geng Ruqi in Sichuan to mobilize the surrounding guards, can also raise 30,000 people. Reorganized into the Minzhuang as a reserve team, with 100,000 people, it is not a problem to deal with Yang Yinglong, but out of prudent considerations, the Ministry of War still transferred 20,000 frontier troops from Guyuan Town to Hanzhong via Xi'an, and went south to Chongqing from Baoning and Shunqing. But this road is too difficult to walk, and it is impossible to go there within three months.

  (end of this chapter)

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