Number of People

Chapter 1095: Geng character volume is too complicated

  Chapter 1095 The Geng scroll is too complicated

   When he left the office of the Ministry of War, it was already Chenzheng.

  Since it was basically determined that it was the harassment of thousands of cavalry from the Horqin people, most of the warlords in the Ministry of War let go of most of their worries. The scouts were still investigating, but Feng Ziying didn't think there would be any surprises.

As for other military situations, although Feng Ziying's judgment is very accurate, she is not a member of the Ministry of War after all, and people like Yang Sichang and Zheng Chongjian are also eager to try, hoping to show their talents in future wars. Feng Ziying still wants to give pointers here, It was a bit inappropriate, so Feng Ziying left voluntarily with great interest, and there was no need for further explanations from the cabinet.

  Zheng Chongjian sent Feng Ziying to the door of the office. Seeing that Zheng Chongjian was in a trance, Feng Ziying was quite surprised, "Da Zhang, what's the matter, are you restless?"

   "Oh, Ziying, it's nothing, maybe I'm a little suspicious." Zheng Chongjian forced a smile, but Feng Ziying didn't let it go.

He knew that Zheng Chongjian was not as flamboyant and impetuous as Chen Qiyu, nor as aggressive and sharp as Yang Sichang, nor as decisive as Wang Yingxiong. question.

   "What's wrong, listen to me, can't even I believe it?" Feng Ziying climbed the other person's shoulders and walked to the door.

"Well, it's really nothing to say. Feixiong didn't come today. You also know that he may go to Sichuan soon. Mr. Sun has taken a step first, and he is going back to prepare." Zheng Chongjian shook his head, "I am mainly in charge of Shuntian Mansion now. The intelligence collection, compilation and analysis here always feels that the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army in Changping are a bit abnormal,..."

   "Not normal? What's not normal?" Feng Ziying became serious.

"Jizhen Army guards from Changping to Shunyi and then to Pinggu, and even takes charge of the Sanhe and Jizhou lines east of Pinggu, but the Xuanfu Army and Datong Army have already entered more than 80,000 people, but they are all huddled in the Changping Prefecture line. , as far as I know, this line is facing the Waikalkha people, whose strength is far inferior to the Chahar people, but the Ministry of War is indifferent, and even decided to continue to maintain the status quo, but the front of the Jizhen army looks a little thin , once it is broken through by the Chahar people, it will cause great passiveness,..."

   Zheng Chongjian's words stopped Feng Ziying.

  He didn't expect Zheng Chongjian to ask this.

  Of course he knew what was going on, but he was thinking about whether he could tell the other party.

  If it was Chen Qiyu or Yang Sichang, Feng Ziying would not consider it in the exam, and would definitely pass it by. Of course, Yang Sichang must know the mystery, so he doesn’t need to ask himself. Chen Qiyu’s frizzy temper is not so close to him, so he won’t say it.

If it is about state affairs, Xu Qixun or Fang Youdu, Feng Ziying will also tell the whole story, but Zheng Chongjian's relationship with himself is between Xu Qixun, Fang Youdu and Chen Qiyu, Fu Zonglong, Song Shixiang, and Fan Jingwen, He Fengsheng, Sun Chuanting, Wang Yingxiong He and Wu Chen are similar, and they are relatively close, but they have not yet reached the level where they can confide in each other.

  However, after pondering for a while, Feng Ziying still felt that it would be better to confront the other party.

Zheng Chongjian has a good character, and he also had the experience of going to Ningxia and Gansu to suppress the rebellion with him. He, Sun Chuanting, and Wang Yingxiong are all quite talented in the military field. I am afraid that I will rely a lot on military affairs in the future. This opportunity to further close the relationship is also due meaning.

   "Da Zhang, don't ask about this situation, and don't talk to the two adults." Feng Ziying said flatly.

   "Huh?" Zheng Chongjian looked at Feng Ziying with a puzzled expression on his face.

  Feng Ziying sighed, "Da Zhang, who will command the Datong Army and the Xuanfu Army?"

  Zheng Chongjian still didn't understand: "Niu Jizong, Governor of Xuanda."

   "Where did the Wakharkhas break through? Whose responsibility is it?" Feng Ziying asked again.

   "Thursday ditch, universal governance..." Zheng Chongjian's expression changed slightly, "You mean Niu Jizong...?"

"I didn't say anything, I just explained the facts. The Waikalkas broke in from Yanqing. Niu Jizong, as the governor of Xuanda, was ordered by the Ministry of War to strengthen his defense and be vigilant. He turned a deaf ear to it, causing the western front to be torn apart. , the center line is passive across the board, so he has no responsibility?"

  Feng Ziying became more and more indifferent, "Have the Ministry of War, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Cabinet, and the Emperor pursued it?"

   "It seems that the Metropolitan Procuratorate had a bullet in the imperial history, but it was quickly suppressed..." Zheng Chongjian seemed to have realized something, but his face became more and more ugly.

   "Yeah, when do you think the censors of our Dazhou Metropolitan Procuratorate are so talkative? Are your bones not hard?" Feng Ziying smiled, "Who can have such a great ability to suppress this matter?"

  Zheng Chongjian remained silent, even if the cabinet and the emperor didn't have the ability, it would only be so if all parties reached a tacit agreement.

  How come this?

  Niu Jizong is just a governor, not to mention a military officer, even if something happens to the old man, the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate will still bite him. Isn’t this kind of thing rare?

"Da Zhang, you may have heard vaguely about some situations, or you may not quite understand. What is Niu Jizong's background? Wu Xun, after the Duke of Zhenguo, four kings, eight princes and twelve princes, these are the top nobles when we fought in the great Zhou Dynasty. Your descendants, in this army, whether it is the Nine Borders, the Three Great Battalions of the Beijing Camp, or the Warriors Battalion, the Four Guards Battalion, and the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses, what place is not filled with these martial arts disciples?"

  Feng Ziying said it casually, but Zheng Chongjian's ears sent chills down his spine, and he said in a shy voice, "Ziying, your Feng family is also a martial artist, right?"

"Yes, our Feng family is also Wu Xun, but we can't be assigned a number among these four kings, eight lords and twelve lords. Our ancestor is only one Uncle Yunchuan, who was later lost for no reason. My uncle paid for it with his life. He saved the current emperor and King Zhongshun. It has nothing to do with the Twelve Marquis. The title of Uncle Yunchuan is probably because the emperor felt that my father had been guarding the border for many years, and my second uncle also died of illness. Give me some comfort. That's all..."

  Feng Ziying raised her head slightly, "Although our Feng family has something to do with Wu Xun, we are not actually a member of this group of top nobles."

   "Ziying, what does that have to do with what I said?" Zheng Chongjian was confused, half understanding.

"Of course it has something to do with it. Niu Jizong is the mainstay of the four kings, eight lords and twelve lords. You should know how our emperor came to the throne?" Feng Ziying's voice became deeper and deeper, "He turned out to be the king of loyalty and filial piety, not the prince. .”

  Although the last few words were spoken in a low voice, they resounded in Zheng Chongjian's heart like the Nine Heavens Sanskrit.

  Prince? ! Prince Yizhong? !

Wu Xun has always listened to the Taishanghuang. It is said that the Taishanghuang has always had some preference for the deposed prince, Prince Yizhong. Even Zheng Chongjian has vaguely heard of it in Beijing for so long, but he always thought it was very illusory, even a rumor. But he picked it out for himself.

"I'm afraid it's still unbelievable for the emperor to sit on the position of great treasure. At least a few years before he succeeded to the throne, he probably never thought about how many times the crown prince was established and then abolished, and then abolished and established, and then abolished again. How could it be so if there were no twists and turns?" Feng Ziying said slowly: "Prince Yizhong is alive and kicking now, and the emperor and Prince Yizhong are also 'living in harmony'. The Supreme Emperor is here."

  Zheng Chongjian listened eagerly to these secrets of the Tian family, and only these Wu Xun families could understand these secrets so clearly.

   "Ziying, you mean that Niu Jizong might..." Zheng Chongjian felt that his voice was a little hoarse.

"Anything is possible, the key is whether the timing is right or not, and whether the conditions are met or not." Feng Ziying said in a bleak voice, "The main force of the Beijing camp was completely lost in the Santun camp. , to check and balance each other, but they can all control part of the city defenses and gates; Ji Town may listen to the emperor, but the opposite side is the Chahar army, unable to move,..."

  Zheng Chongjian stared at Feng Ziying, watching his lips keep spitting out things he had never touched.

"Niu Jizong is the governor of Xuanda, but you have been in the Ministry of War for so long, you should know the system of generals in the Nine Frontier Army, right? The Liaodong branch, the Datong branch, and Jizhen belong to the Liaodong branch. Datong is naturally the Datong branch, but the two factions are the same There are many generals with martial arts backgrounds. Xuanfu Town is special and intertwined with each other. When Wang Ziteng was the governor of Xuanda, he began to arrange military generals with martial arts backgrounds in the Beijing camp in Xuanfu Town. Therefore, from Wang Ziteng to Niu Jizong, Xuanfu The town has gradually become a nail in the frontier army for the Jingying martial arts. Before that, although there were a large number of martial arts officers in other border towns, they could no longer be regarded as pure martial arts. Each faction, so the situation is more complicated, they want to occupy that side, it depends on the specific situation,..."

   "I still don't understand..." Zheng Chongjian became more confused the more he listened.

   "Da Zhang, where is our Feng family from?" Feng Ziying sighed.

  Zheng Chongjian suddenly reacted, and said in surprise: "You mean..."

"Do you think it's that simple for Zhang Chai and the others to call me back?" Feng Ziying laughed at herself, "My father is not here, so naturally only I, the son, can use it. I have already written a few letters, but Maybe the princes and the emperor are still worried? As long as Zai Sai's army retreats northward, the 20,000 Jizhen army in Zunhua will be free, or the Huang Degong troops from Caojiazhai will arrive, which will pose a threat to the Chahar people's return to the grassland. Now that the threat is gone, Jizhen's frontal pressure is reduced, and he can free up his hands, maybe it's nothing to do with me."

  Zheng Chongjian couldn't help shaking his head, it was so complicated, he had never thought of it before, even Feng Ziying was called back for ulterior motives, it was not as simple as he imagined before.

  (end of this chapter)

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