Number of People

Chapter 1096: Questions about the gengzi scroll

  Chapter 1096 Questions on the Geng Scroll

Seeing Zheng Chongjian's dazed and unspeakable expression, Feng Ziying patted him on the shoulder: "Dazhang, you don't need to think too much when you work in the Ministry of War, but there must be demons when things go wrong, and you can see that it also shows that You have put your heart into it, Yang Sichang must understand, the adults all know it well, but none of them would say that Feixiong is focused on the southwest, Zhong Lun has not yet entered the state, so you are aware of it, but this kind of thing is different from others, You know it, but you can also pretend not to know it, mention it in front of the gentlemen, let them understand that it’s not you who didn’t find out, and if they have other arrangements, you just listen to it..."

  Feng Ziying's earnest persuasion touched Zheng Chongjian, he knew that the other party was doing it for his own good.

  If you find out and don’t say it, maybe you feel that you lack insight in this aspect. If Yang Sichang doesn’t say it, no one will say anything. He is Tanhua, and his father is the governor of Yunyang. How could he not understand the mystery? If I don’t say anything, I might be regarded as incompetent. If I say it, I will let the princes understand my ability. The princes have other arrangements. I will stop talking and show that I am sensible. I am just an inconspicuous Jinshi who has just started an official career. , there is still a long way to go in the future...

Seeing that Zheng Chongjian's expression was finally relieved, Feng Ziying patted him on the shoulder again: "It's good to understand, Dazhang, you are extremely talented in military affairs, and I don't think you are inferior to Wen Ruo. Take advantage of these few battles to practice well, and you will be able to meet your own needs in the future." If you have the opportunity to go out and fight for two more games, I think the position of Yuanwailang among the various divisions of the Ministry of War will be waiting for you sooner or later."

Zheng Chongjian also laughed, "Ziying, you don't need to comfort me, and I don't dare to expect anything else, just work hard for a few years, as you said, if I can go out and fight for opportunities, and do something, I will be satisfied gone."

Feng Ziying didn't say much, "Okay, I'll go back first. If there are no other accidents, I guess Huang Degong's department will arrive at Caojiazhai. The Chahar people can't hold on for too long. I'm thinking about Zai Sai." It's almost there."

   "Then the imperial court's two hundred thousand taels of silver...?" Zheng Chongjian hesitated and said, "Zai Sai didn't see the silver, would he retreat?"

   "I have my own way, as long as the court is willing to promise." Feng Ziying said indifferently.

  Zheng Chongjian couldn't believe it. This was two hundred thousand taels of silver, not twenty taels of silver. When did my classmate grow up to the level where he could treat two hundred thousand taels of silver indifferently?

Seeing Zheng Chongjian's horrified face, Feng Ziying smiled: "Don't think so complicated, our family doesn't have that kind of family background, and it is impossible for me to advance such a large sum of money. You know that Ye Hebu is very close to my father now. , and the Nekhka people and the Yehe tribe are related by marriage."

  Zheng Chongjian suddenly realized, but this is two hundred thousand taels of silver, and it is not easy for anyone to promise to guarantee it.

"When you and Wen Ruo came, didn't you see the woman next to me? Busia Mara, the niece of Yehebu Jintai Shitaiji, her father is Buzai, her elder brother is Buyangu, her cousin My sister is also the daughter of Jin Taishi, and she married Zai Sai as his first wife,..."

  Zheng Chongjian really understood that with this relationship, if coupled with the reputation of Liaodong, Zai Sai could be assured.

  Feng Ziying did not explain too much to Zheng Chongjian, in fact, it is not as simple as it is said.

Zai Sai wanted to go back to his teacher, and with Ye Hebu’s guarantee, he couldn’t go back empty-handed, so Feng Ziying also asked the Shanxi merchants to prepare some brick tea and cloth to offset the 200,000 taels of silver in advance. The value is around 50,000 taels, and when the last part of Zaisai's troops withdraws, another 50,000 taels of goods will be delivered, and the remaining 100,000 taels of goods will be sent to the grassland before the end of the year.

  Shanshan businessmen are very satisfied with this.

In Yongping Prefecture, the mining, charcoal burning, iron smelting, iron making, and cement businesses are booming. Although the Mongol invasion had some impact, it only delayed time and did not cause substantial damage. Xiyin's method can be described as extremely clever, and now he has connected with the Nekalka people through such a ransom business.

This first transaction was for 200,000 taels. Brick tea and cloth were originally businesses that Shanshan merchants almost monopolized in the Northland. The supply of goods was abundant, not to mention 200,000 taels of silver, even if it was 2 million taels of silver. They can also easily take out the goods, and in the future, they can add more competitive commodities such as iron materials and various ironware.

Coupled with the opening of Yuguan port, if several ports in the Liaodong area can be built as promised in the future, the Northland will surely usher in a period of great development, and Shanshan merchants will also be able to re-emerge to compete with the major business gangs in the south of the Yangtze River .

In just a few months, Feng Ziying's methods have completely made these Shanshan merchants give up their hearts. Even the Shanxi merchants who were least optimistic and skeptical at first are now convinced. The governor is behind him. Now he has made such great achievements in the position of the magistrate of Yongping Prefecture, and has reached an alliance with the Neikalkha people on the grassland who are second only to the Chahar people. This rising political star , is undoubtedly the most worthwhile investment object.

Because of this, under Feng Ziying's order, a large amount of cloth, brick tea, and salt from the Shanshan-Shaanxi Chamber of Commerce were continuously transported from various places to Yuguan Port. Then it can be sent to Santunying Zai Sai or directly transported to the grassland.

   When Feng Ziying returned to the mansion, she went back to the house to take a bath and fell asleep with her head covered.

   Ruixiang Baoxiang naturally reported to Shen Yixiu that he drank too much last night and was arrested by the Ministry of War.

   On the contrary, Qingwen is a delicate person, and she immediately smelled a different smell from Feng Ziying's clothes, especially her underwear.

Normally, the clothes that Feng Ziying replaced were either Yunshang, or she was in charge of sending them to the back room for cleaning, but the underwear was basically cleaned by her and Yunshang herself, and today the underwear clearly smelled of balm .

And this balsamic smell Qingwen even feels very familiar, she should have smelled it before, that is to say, the woman who left this balsam smell on her body should know or even be familiar with herself, and besides that familiar smell, even There is also a relatively unique aroma, this balsamic scent is not affordable for ordinary girls.

   But she has been away from Rongguo Mansion for so long, and there are many girls in Rongguo Mansion who use balm and powder, even the big maids of some status also use it. Isn't it the same when I was in Rongguo Mansion? So there are too many people who use it, except for a few dignified grandmas and girls who are more particular about using it and are more unique. If there are too many others, it will inevitably overlap. Qingwen couldn't think of who it would be for a while.

  Thinking of so many Yingyingyanyans in Rongguo Mansion, Qingwen couldn't help gnashing her silver teeth, and she didn't know which shameless coquettish hoof came to hook up with the master.

Qingwen has already learned about Feng Ziying's itinerary from Baoxiang. Yesterday, the two masters gave a banquet for lunch. They should have gone to the garden in the afternoon. The Xue family sisters and Miss Lin are going to go there, but Qingwen didn't believe that these girls would behave so outrageously. Ying'er and Wen Xing around Baochai, Zijuan and Xueyan around Daiyu all knew the rules, and it was impossible to be so presumptuous.

   Then only at night.

  In the evening, I ate wine in Baoyu's Yihong Courtyard. My father doesn't drink much, and Baoyu has a similar amount of alcohol.

Qingwen is very familiar with the people in Baoyu's house, Xiren, Meiren, Qilu, Zixiao, Sheyue, Qiuwen, Bihen, Tanyun, Si'er, these are all called Between the identities of the big maid and the little maid, there is no need to mention the little maids such as Jiahui, Liang'er, Zhui'er, and Chunyan. At least Qingwen knows that Bihen, Tan Yun, and Si'er are all Those who want to use incense powder, let alone a few attackers, Baoyu pampers them, and naturally agrees.

   It's just that the smell on Grandpa's body doesn't seem to be coming from them, or they changed it to something else?

Qingwen naturally also knows that the sons and daughters of this rich family will inevitably have fun after drinking and drinking. My father doesn’t seem to have this habit, but it’s not necessarily the case in other families. The second master Bao used to be like this, but he can’t tell now. Well, it's not impossible for her maid to serve guests while the wine is hot.

  Thinking of this, Qingwen found an excuse to call Baoxiang aside.

   "Baoxiang, where did you have the wine last night? Who are there?"

   "Yihong Courtyard, there seems to be Third Master Bao, Brother Lan, and Brother Cong at Erye Bao's place, but nothing else." Baoxiang felt a little nervous.

What happened to my uncle last night is absolutely unspeakable, but the maid next to this grandma is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she is very shrewd, and has a strong and irritable temper. It was because this girl was favored by the master when she was still in Rongguo Mansion, that's why she was favored so much.

  Seeing that Baoxiang was a little nervous, Qingwen didn't know whether this guy was guilty, or felt that her activities to inquire about the master were a bit out of line, but Qingwen just wanted to ask what happened.

   "Is there anyone to accompany you?" Qingwen asked Baoxiang, staring at him.

  Baoxiang was taken aback for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "Is there anyone to accompany the wine, but some girls in the yard of Second Master Bao did help pour the wine,..."

  Qingwen couldn't help gritting her teeth.

   "After drinking, did you drink too much?"

   "Yes, Sister Qingwen, I went back to the inn to sleep after drinking too much." Baoxiang said bravely.

   "I just went back to the inn to sleep, alone?" Qingwen stared at Baoxiang like an awl, with an expression of disbelief, sleeping alone, would it smell like so many women's balm and powder?

  Baoxiang panicked. Could it be that grandma asked sister Qingwen to ask? How should this be done?

   "It's a person, but..." Baoxiang thought for a while before saying.

  (end of this chapter)

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