Number of People

Chapter 1097: Geng Scroll Feng Family Incense

  Chapter 1097 Geng Scroll Feng Family Incense

   "But what?" Qingwen chased after her.

   "But in the evening, the master fell asleep, and a few girls came to see the master, and when they saw that the master was asleep, they left." Baoxiang didn't know what Qingwen knew, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense for a while.

   This girl is from the Rongguo Mansion, what if there are other channels to know something? Even he didn't know where the master rested last night. He only knew that the last one who came to look for her was Miss Ping'er, but when he came to the door, Miss Ping'er looked calm. In the yard?

Baoxiang didn't even dare to think about some things. He noticed that although Miss Ping'er had a calm expression when she came to see him, the blush on her cheeks was still lingering, and even her fingers were trembling slightly. When the door was called, Miss Ping'er was lying beside the master? But what about Lian's second grandma? Can this kind of thing be allowed to happen?

   Baoxiang didn't dare to think about it anymore, he was afraid that he would think too much, if one day he fell asleep, dreamed and talked in his sleep, and someone overheard him, what would he do with him?

   "How many girls came to see the Lord?" Qingwen's cheeks were burning, and her heart was also furious. Sure enough, there were so many brats in Rongguo Mansion, "Which ones?"

   "There are Miss Zijuan and Miss Ying'er, and Miss Chess Player and Miss Ping'er. The third girl came here in person, and she even gave me hangover soup." Baoxiang didn't know how to answer, but he didn't dare not to answer.

  In case Qingwen’s sister came here under the order of the grandma, and they found out that she was going to lie, wouldn’t she be evil to the grandma, so that she could have her own good fruit in the future?

But if he wants to "betray" his master, then Baoxiang is absolutely unwilling and impossible. He is the servant boy of his master, and he still understands the rules and principles, so he can only speak vaguely. A half-truth.

   It is true that all the girls have come to see the master, but it is not a lie to come and see together at noon and evening, right?

  If Sister Qingwen really went to find out what happened, she could also use an excuse to say that she had misremembered.

  Even Baoxiang admired his quick wit.

  Qingwen was a little confused, Zijuan and Yinger were fine, and Siqi and Pinger, how could Siqi get involved? Could it be that the rumor that the second girl has affection for the uncle is true? Or maybe the girl Siqi wants to climb high branches?

  Qingwen and Siqi have a good relationship, and plan to find an opportunity to have a good trial of Siqi, a little hoof. Now Qingwen has a certain psychological advantage against Siqi, no more than before.

   "The third girl came to see the master in person, and gave him hangover soup?" Qingwen was a little puzzled, shouldn't it be Miss Bao or Miss Lin? Why did the third girl also get involved?

"Yeah, I sat by my grandfather's bed for a while before I left." Baoxiang could only "sell out" Tanchun for a while, otherwise, with Sister Qingwen's perseverance, if she couldn't get an answer that satisfies her , It seems that she really can't pass the test, and I don't know what she knows.

  Qingwen shook her head.

  The smell of balm and powder on Grandpa's body is definitely not from the third girl.

The third girl has a brisk temper, and doesn't like that kind of rich-scented powder, and the balm and powder on the clothes are obviously used by the masters. The smell is sweet and sweet, and it should be quite expensive. Miss Bao, Miss Lin, and other girls may not be able to use it, let alone the third girl doesn't like this kind of fragrance, so who could it be?

As for the other familiar scent, it’s hard to check. Zijuan, Ying’er, Ping’er, Yuanyang, Amber, Caixia, Caiyun, Xiren, Meiren, Zixiao, and Qilu can all be used. Moreover, they may be exchanged frequently, and it is impossible to judge at all.

   "Then do you know where you go out this afternoon?" Qingwen asked again.

   "It seems to have entered the garden. Sister Qingwen, you also know that young ones cannot enter the garden, so I don't know the details." Baoxiang replied confidently.

   "What about evening?" Qingwen asked again.

"Evening? Master went out for a walk and said he felt a little burnt after drinking, but he came back soon." Baoxiang's heart skipped a beat, "Sister Qingwen also knows that Master is a bit late after drinking, and the house Everywhere is going to be closed."

   After a while, she lost her mind. Naturally, Qingwen didn't know that the boy in front of her was actually using the method of nine truths and one falsehood to deceive herself. She felt that the other party had told many details very truthfully, so she shouldn't be able to deceive herself, so she had to give up.

But Qingwen is also stubborn. Since this matter is on her mind, she must find out what happened. She believes that since this first time has happened, there will definitely be a second and third time in the future. This kind of flamboyant hoof in the Rongguo Mansion, with my master's temperament, I'm afraid they will inevitably steal, and there will always be a fox's tail exposed.

  She wants to see who it is, and there are still two people, one master and one servant. Is the master and servant the same, or are they different?

Naturally, Feng Ziying didn't know that the evidence she had inadvertently left was seized by Qingwen. He naturally didn't pay much attention to it when he was having fun with Wang Xifeng, and his clothes were all mixed together. When he got up later, Wang Xifeng also wiped his body for him , but this clothes is not aware of it.

   When I woke up from sleep, it was already noon, and after getting up to eat, I still felt some aftereffects of drinking.

   Fortunately, she was just a little dizzy, and her body was limp. Whether it was the result of drunken **** or pure alcohol, Feng Ziying felt that the former might be more likely.

  At this time, recalling last night's madness carefully, Feng Ziying was still a little moved and fascinated.

   It’s no wonder that Jia Lian also claims to be romantic outside. The second daughter-in-law Bao and many girls in Rongguo Mansion were also frivolous and unrestrained when they were in Yangzhou, but they are so afraid of Wang Xifeng.

   This Wang Xifeng is probably really talented, and she is carrying a treasure without knowing it.

Smacking her lips, Feng Ziying took a deep breath. This evening's love for flowers naturally also has sequelae. Originally, she was just playing with ambiguity, so she didn't have to bear much moral responsibility, but now that it's in her mouth, she needs to Consider the follow-up matters.

Feng Ziying has always advocated making decisions before making moves. Although Wang Xifeng's side is not in trouble now, Jia Lian's letter only said that sooner or later she will marry another, and she is still worrying about the concubine's childbirth, so it will be fine within a year or two. , so I provided myself with such a short period of time to operate and process.

   There must be troubles, and the difficulty is not small, but after getting a taste of Wang Xifeng, Feng Ziying is really reluctant to give up.

It should be said that there is no shortage of women around him, but Shen Yixiu naturally does not say that she is a first wife, and cannot be compared. Whether it is a few girls, or Eryou and two concubines, they are really different from Wang Xifeng. These women can only bow their heads and beg for mercy, or they can only fight with wheels, but Wang Xifeng's body is very suitable for me.

   Hearty, wanton and joyful, it can be said that Feng Ziying has never experienced such a feeling, and she wished she could score twice tonight.

   Thinking of this, Feng Ziying shook her head. She is someone who has seen the world anyway, so why is she still **** after a woman's body now?

   No matter what, she is not a woman. Besides, there are many different women in this world. Feng Ziying didn't care about all the rumors, but next time Zhang Shiyun comes back, I have to ask.

   "Master, madam and concubine please go over." Yun Shang came over and looked at Feng Ziying eagerly: "Master doesn't care about his own body. He drank so much last night, drinking hurts his health..."

   "Got it." Feng Ziying knew what her mother and aunt had told her to do.

The marriage of Baochai and Baoqin needs to be discussed, and there are only two months left. Although the wedding date has been set, there are still specific matters that need to be discussed. The father is not here, and there are no other elders in the family, so the mother, aunt and aunt can only rely on the marriage. Make a decision by yourself, fortunately there is a precedent for marrying a daughter from the Shen family, so there are not too many omissions.

Pinching Yun Shang's round cheeks, Feng Ziying said with a smile: "In the future, Yun Shang will supervise you more, but sometimes you are in the rivers and lakes, and you can't help yourself. Cold wine hurts the liver and hot wine hurts the lungs. Don't drink alcohol. Sadly."

  One sentence made Yun Shang dumbfounded, and it took a long time before he said: "Why do you feel sad if you don't drink?"

   "People warmly invite you, but you don't drink. Doesn't this hurt everyone's feelings?" Feng Ziying teased Yun Shang.

  Yun Shang finally understood, pouted and said: "Master is just making excuses. Anyway, the servant will supervise Master together with Qingwen in the future. Qingwen was still annoyed when she was doing laundry for Master."

  Feng Ziying doesn't care either, Qingwen has this kind of temperament, and if she doesn't like it, she has to be more serious, but Feng Ziying doesn't dislike her behavior, maybe this is because beauty is justice?

  After discussing with his mother and aunt, Shen Yixiu will not participate in this matter. After all, this is a husband marrying a wife in another capacity. Besides, he knew it a long time ago, but it still feels a little uncomfortable.

Back in the room, Shen Yixiu was already taking a nap. Feng Ziying also knew what was on his wife's mind, so she held his wife's shoulder and said, "Don't worry about anything, Wan Jun. You are the eldest son or eldest daughter of our Feng family in your belly. In the future, he will command the next generation of our Feng family, the Feng family army."

One sentence made Shen Yixiu feel better, he snorted softly, sat up, and leaned against her husband's arms, "I'm not so narrow-minded, and the burden in my stomach is too much for me. Even if I walk a few more steps every day, I feel a little tired, by the way, the two younger sisters of the You family have not responded yet?"

  Shen Yixiu was also very curious about how she got pregnant so quickly, and Er You had been petting her for half a year, but there was no response. Not only did she find it strange, but her mother-in-law and the others were also a little anxious.

   Could this be because the second daughter is of the blood of a Hu girl, but there are quite a few people in the capital and border areas who take Hu girls as concubines. They all say that a Hu girl has **** and fat buttocks, and is the most fertile, so why Eryou didn’t respond?

  (end of this chapter)

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