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Chapter 1099: Geng character volume undecided

  Chapter 1099 Undecided on the Geng character volume

  Chu Qi shook his head, "My lord, the Xuanfu army can certainly solve the problem of the Beijing camp in one fell swoop, but the Datong army is following the Xuanfu army like a shadow. Do you think the emperor is not prepared?"

"Didn't Niu Jizong say that he just didn't have much confidence in the Datong Army? As long as they remain neutral, it's not difficult to do, right? Moreover, the Datong Army is not monolithic, and the several troops that come here are not affiliated with each other. The Governor, doesn't even have this kind of influence? In the past few years, I have spared no effort to support him in doing things, is this the result?"

Prince Yizhong can be regarded as a middle-aged handsome guy, at least in much better condition than Emperor Yonglong. Although he is in his fifties, he looks well-maintained and imposing, with tiger eyes and high cheekbones, long and short beard. Even when he is angry, it gives people a very graceful feeling.

"My lord, I'm afraid it's not as simple as we imagined. If you can control it, Lord Niu will never move." In fact, both Chu Qi and Prince Yizhong knew the whole story, "the emperor must have a dark son in the Datong army." , even Master Niu has supporters in Datong, but in this case, it is difficult to distinguish between loyal and traitorous, and it is not uncommon for a temporary defection to be stabbed in the back, my lord, we cannot take such a risk."

  The two military towns of the Liaodong Army and the Datong Army are the most difficult to control among the nine border towns. It can even be said that no one can control them casually.

This is the leader of the two mainstream factions in the Dazhou army system. Most of the generals in the Nine Borders and even the inland guards came from these two factions. Of course, the imperial court does not allow the formation of such a leader.

Even if Li Chengliang from the Liaodong Department and the Feng family from the Datong Department were the best among them, they can only be said to be representative figures, just like the Ma family who was born in Datong and grew up in Jizhen. The Feng family also refused to accept the Li family, so the imperial court needed such restraint.

Even so, the Feng family was deliberately suppressed by the court after Feng Qin's death. Speaking of it, but compared to the heyday when Feng Qin was the general of Datong, it is no longer the same.

  The same story happened to the Li family and the Ma family.

Once Li Chengliang loses power, the imperial court will no longer allow the Li family to appear as a leader. This is the purpose of transferring Feng Tang to Liaodong. Use the power of the Feng family to squeeze the Li family in Liaodong.

  Similarly, Magui wanted to win the army of Jizhen but was rejected by the court. Both Chen Jingxuan and You Shigong have downplayed their factional colors.

In a sense, Feng Tang can be reused because Feng Tang has only one son, Feng Ziying, and Feng Ziying has obviously given up the possibility of his son following his father's career and embarked on the road of civil servants. The power of the Feng family is no longer possible. Only by continuing to the next generation in the army can the imperial court use him with confidence.

Of course, whether it is the Feng family, the Li family, or the Ma family, they still have a considerable foundation in the Nine Sides, and they can still shine for a while when they meet one or two powerful figures like Feng Qin and Li Chengliang in the family, but they always Generally speaking, he no longer has the ability to control the situation.

  Especially now that China and France have been abolished, and the logistics are more dependent on the guarantee of the imperial court, they all need to obey the dispatch of the imperial military department, and there is no chance of a dominant force.

It is very difficult for a Wu Xun who was born in Beijing like Niu Jizong to have much influence in the Nine Sides. In Chu Qi's view, through Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong's two consecutive terms for several years in the position of Xuanda Governor It is already very rare to be able to control most of the troops in Xuanfu Town thanks to their efforts.

   This is also the result that Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong are both veterans and extremely skilled. I am afraid it will be difficult for others to achieve it, but it is too difficult for Niu Jizong to win even Datong Town.

  Of course, the prince did give Niu Jizong a lot of support, whether it was gold and silver goods, wealth, or network resources, he gave him full support.

But Datong Town is no better than Xuanfu Town. Xuanfu Town is an area where Datong and Liaodong factions intertwine, and because it is too close to Beijing, even the Jingying Wuxun Party has penetrated a bit, so Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong added righteousness. This result can only be achieved with the support and hard work of Prince Zhong.

   But Datong has always been Feng Yi Ma Er, which means that the Feng family is the most powerful, followed by the Ma family. It is very difficult for Jingying Wuxun to get involved.

  Prince Yizhong's complexion was uncertain, "If the Feng family can be used by Gu, then Gu may..."

  Chu Qi remained silent.

What Prince Yizhong said is the truth. If the Feng family is willing to endorse Prince Yizhong, then the Datong Army will indeed have a lot of confidence. This is not a rebellion, but it is a matter of the Zhang family. Whoever goes up and down is Zhang. The family sits in the world, not to mention Prince Yizhong, the prince who has been loyal for twenty years, really thinks he has no influence at all?

   But why is the Feng family on your side now? His son is already a civil servant. Even if he is at the top of the list now, Feng Tang will lose his job in the future. He is already in his fifties, so it doesn't matter if he dismisses him and goes home.

  The current reputation of his son is that Prince Yizhong will sit on the throne in the future, and he will have to use it. As long as Feng Ziying is carrying the banner of the leader of the northern scholars, Prince Yizhong will have to use it, and he will have to use it a lot.

   "Your Highness, the Feng family is unwilling to stand in line now because they can't see the situation clearly. If His Highness can show tyrannical strength in the future, we might not fall against us like the Feng family." Chu Qi could only comfort the other party.

"Then I can only sit here and wait now, there is no other way?" Prince Yizhong let out a foul breath. He also knew that he was a little impatient, but he was really unwilling to see such a good opportunity in front of him. Even the Mongols Everyone is willing to help, how can I not be moved?

"My lord, let's look at Mr. Niu. This was originally out of our plan. If there is a chance, it will be good. If not, we don't have to force it. It is not beautiful to expose our strength and plan. We I believe that as long as we go ahead according to our plan, great things can be expected." When Chu Qi said these words, she was also full of confidence.

  Hearing the words of his confidant and think tank, Prince Yizhong felt more confident. He had never considered this opportunity before, but Niu Jizong offered to consider it in this way. But whether it is feasible or not, he has to rely on Niu Jizong himself to decide.

  As Chu Qi said, the most important thing now is to preserve your strength and avoid being exposed. After all these years, you must not show your whereabouts at the last moment.

  Changping City.

  In the dark gatehouse, there was a flash of light, and there were many figures.

  Niu Jizong rubbed his face fiercely to calm himself down.

  The matter is so important that he dare not make a decision lightly.

  He can be sure that if the matter fails, the master over there will definitely push it away completely, and will never leave any traces. Everything is his own wishful thinking.

   But if you don’t fight this one, how will the court and the emperor deal with themselves when the Mongols retreat?

  Maybe temporarily move yourself, or even paralyze yourself, wait until you relax, then dismiss yourself calmly, and finally deal with yourself.

   But now I want to fight this one, but I am not sure.

   While pondering, the subordinate outside the door hurried in, "My lord!"

"what's up?"

   "Duan Chenggong's department suddenly moved eastward, and has already left Longhutai and arrived at the front line of Tianshou Mountain."

  Niu Jizong's heart tightened, and his eyes moved quickly on the map, and he found Tianshou Mountain, which is not far from the northeast of Changping Prefecture, and is almost adjacent to Liao Youquan who is stationed in Hongmen.

"Duan Chenggong didn't say any reason?" Niu Jizong gritted his teeth. He knew that Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke would not let him go so easily, so he did it anyway, but Duan Chenggong himself treated him well. I also gave him 30,000 taels of silver, just to stabilize him. As long as he is unable to participate in the Longhutai, it will be much more secure.

"He said that he found a large group of foreign Khalkha cavalry in the east of Longhutai. He was worried that they would attack all Liao You in Hongmen, so he followed them to form a corner with Liao You to prevent enemy attacks. Niu Jizong was furious at the subordinate's answer, "Bullshit! Can the Waikarkha cavalry use him to fight? They haven't moved for half a month, and now they are about to move suddenly, this guy!"

  The subordinate was silent.

Among the several divisions that came from Datong, Niu Jizong could control only one, and among the five divisions of the Xuanfu Army, he could control up to four, and only one was placed on the periphery by him, which would not affect the overall situation, but if Datong In addition to Duan Chenggong, three of the five armies have been secretly recruited or given secret orders by Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke, so it would be a bit risky for him to lead the Xuanfu army directly into the capital city.

I can enter the city through Guangning Gate or Fucheng Gate, then the Datong Army can enter the city through Desheng Gate or Anding Gate. Chen Jixian, an idiot, doesn't know what he is thinking, whether he can't control the divisions of the Fifth Army Battalion, or himself That is to say, hesitating and indecisive?

Niu Jizong was hesitant to make a decision. It was indeed difficult to make a decision. If the other three divisions of the Datong Army ordered and prohibited them as they initially showed, he could take a chance and enter the city with lightning speed, and eliminate Qiu Shiben's Shenshu camp in one fell swoop. And those wastes such as the Four Guards Camp and the Warriors Camp, when the time comes, Chen Jixian's Fifth Army Battalion will naturally follow up, and it will be too late for the Datong Army to react. As long as the overall situation in the capital is grasped, Niu Jizong dares to conclude Never dare to venture into the city again.

   But I am afraid that if the Xuanfu army moves, the Datong army will follow suit. The strange behavior of Duan Chenggong is a sign.

  (end of this chapter)

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