Number of People

Chapter 1100: Geng Scroll Chaos (updated)

  Chapter 1100 Geng Scroll Chaos (Updated)

  Thirty miles away, Tianshou Mountain is where the mausoleums of the former Ming emperors are located. But for Dazhou, although the mausoleums of the former Ming emperors are also well protected, they are not forbidden places.

  Duan Chenggong stood in front of the tent with a sword in both hands.

  The soldiers around him are camping, but the ranger scouts have already spread out.

   To be involved in these things is not what he wants, but it is inevitable.

  When he received a letter from Feng Ziying, who could be regarded as a distant nephew, he was still struggling.

Although he is a distant nephew, the Feng and Duan families are actually one. The Feng family is not from Datong, but they have been cultivating Datong for more than 30 years since Feng Qin. In addition, Feng Tang married the daughter of the Duan family in Datong. Relying on the influence of the Feng family, he gradually got rid of the pure merchant family and transformed into a powerful gentry.

It was also due to the influence of the Feng family that some of the Duan family's children were able to join the army and study. In the past ten or twenty years, the Duan family still passed the examination of one of the seven or eight scholars who joined the army. There are more children, and among them Duan Chenggong is the best performer. Counting, Duan Chenggong and Feng Ziying's mother can be regarded as descended from a great-grandfather, and they have not yet released five clothes.

As a general in Datong stationed in Chuanbao, Pingzhen, he didn't have much time to deal with the Chahar people and the Waikha people. Most of the time he was confronting the Tumed people. An Fen, so this time he suddenly received an order to advance westward, and the order from the Ministry of War arrived before the order from the Chief Soldier, which also shocked him, which had already violated the rules.

According to the rules of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Ministry of War usually goes to the Governor's Mansion first, and then to the Chief Soldier, and the Chief Soldier issues the order. It is unheard of for the Ministry of War to issue orders directly across the two levels of the Governor General and the Chief Soldier, so when he received the order from the Ministry of War, he He didn't dare to accept it, and he didn't start until the same order was sent from the General Military Mansion, but he still realized that there was no order from the Governor's Mansion.

The orders issued by the Governor's Mansion to the deputy commander-in-chief, deputy generals, generals, and guerrilla ministries in the border towns must be signed by the commander-in-chief, otherwise they will be invalid. As long as they are transferred within the jurisdiction of the town, the commander-in-chief does not need to seek the governor's consent in advance, but the governor can Afterwards, if the two parties disagree because of this, then it will be submitted to the Ministry of War for a ruling, and to that extent, either the chief soldier will be dismissed, or the governor will leave, or even both parties will be dealt with together, so under normal circumstances, it is difficult to get there. step.

  If it is a transfer across the governor’s jurisdiction, it must be approved by the Ministry of War. In an emergency, it can also be ratified by the Ministry of War afterwards. However, if the Ministry of War does not agree, the governor may be held accountable.

   All in all, this transfer was completely out of routine. The governor’s order was the last to come. Duan Chenggong’s department had already arrived at Zhenluwei and approached the boundary of Xuanfu Town. At that time, all the departments had already begun to enter the boundary of Xuanfu.

   Duan Chenggong vaguely knows what is the secret here, but he knows that it is not as simple as the Ministry of War, and it should involve deeper issues.

   Duan Chenggong didn't realize the danger here until he received Feng Ziying's letter, but only then did he realize that he was deeply trapped and couldn't get out.

   Sighed, Duan Chenggong asked casually: "Where did the front end arrive?"

   "My lord, the front is less than three miles away from General Liao's headquarters." The guard outside the tent replied.

   "Order to set up camp on the spot. It is necessary to get too close, but you need to keep track of their movements at any time. If there is any movement, report it immediately."

   "Yes." The guard immediately went to give the order.

  The confidant guard next to him raised his head and asked a little unclearly: "My lord, what is the purpose of this move?"

"I don't know what it means. I'm probably worried that Mr. Liao will be taken advantage of by the Waikha people if he acts rashly. Mr. Liao is a quick-tempered person, and the Waikha people are cunning. We have suffered a big loss before we were caught." They broke through from Zhou Zhougou and Sihaizhi, and if they make another somersault on Changping, I'm afraid even the governor will have a hard time explaining it."

  Duan Chenggong explained casually.

   There is no need to let the people below know too much about these inside stories, even I half understand them.

But since there is an order from the Ministry of War and Feng Ziying also sent a letter, Duan Chenggong believes that all the departments of the Datong Army should have received Feng Ziying's letter, and his father's influence in Datong has not been reduced because Feng Ziying wrote the letter. There is a bonus, after all, this kind of pattern where the father is a military general and the son is a civil servant has always been the dream of many wealthy and famous families.

  As a rising civil official star in the political arena of the Great Zhou Dynasty, no one dares to underestimate such a pair, especially Feng Ziying's future is favored by many people, who believe that his future achievements will far exceed that of his father.

"But we seem to be a little far away from the other parts. The behavior of the Xuanfu army is very strange. The Waikarkhas seem to be retreating, but the Xuanfu army turned a blind eye and moved eastward blindly. The subordinates couldn't understand it. gone."

Duan Chenggong also knew that the strange actions of the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army could not be concealed from others. Under the circumstances that the Waikarkha people obviously did not have much fighting spirit, the more than 100,000 troops of the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army actually played tacit understanding like this , This is simply equivalent to a sit-in war.

  The actions of the Mongols are not too surprising, but the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army have a chance to deal with the Outer Khalkhas. At least they can drive the Outer Khalkhas out of the Shunyi-Changping Prefecture line.

But now the Xuanfu army seems to have been defending the Datong army. At the same time, the Datong army knew that the Xuanfu army would definitely have the upper hand in the follow-up battle, but they still pressed on and bit the Xuanfu army. A game of mutual supervision is common.

   "Don't ask so many questions, just follow the requirements above." Duan Chenggong waved his hand, "I believe that the other works will follow soon. Keep the necessary distance and let's be safe."

  Indeed, Duan Chenggong was unwilling to fight in the same room. He believed that if the Xuanfu army continued to make moves, he would also receive new orders. As for what the new orders would be, he didn't even dare to think about them.

To the east is the capital city, and while the Mongols are still lingering in the north, there are going to be changes. It cannot but be suspected that there is some unpredictable conspiracy here. They are all chess pieces, even chess players. No one can see what it is.

   While Duan Chenggong was tangled in his mind, several units of the Datong Army had already started to act one after another as if they had received a certain signal, but the paths and methods of action were different.

Some marched eastward, stopping and advancing from time to time; some approached a certain unit of the Xuanfu army, kept a distance, and monitored each other; He even made contact with a part of the Jizhen army stationed there.

  Feng Ziying stood in front of the study window with her hands behind her back, staring out the window.

"grown ups."

   "Classical Chinese is back?" Feng Ziying turned her head, "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. How about it?"

"Several letters have been sent, but the responses are different." Wang Wenyan nodded, "Most of them remained silent and did not reply. Master Duan replied, Master Qin nodded, and Master Zhang It was a sneer, and Mr. Sun just laughed and said nothing,..."

This was all after Feng Ziying's predictions. Needless to say, Duan Chenggong, Qin Keguang was regarded as his father's old department, and his relationship was relatively close. At least he would be touched after reading the letter. Too close, closer to Magui, and later transferred to Xuanfu Town, obviously pulled away by Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong. As for Sun Shaozu, he is extremely cunning, and he cannot be moved by a letter of his own.

"Well, it's almost there. That's all I can do. It's just a letter. I didn't say anything. I understand everything. People who pretend to be asleep can't wake up..." Feng Ziying shrugged. It’s not like pinning your hopes on me alone, it’s just a shot if there is no date.”

  Wang Wenyan also laughed, "That's also how much the emperor and princes rely on you."

   "It's not necessarily a good thing to rely on too much." Feng Ziying smiled, "Of course, it must be a good thing now. I'm a civil servant."

  Wang Wenyan also nodded with a smile, "My lord will follow the path of a cabinet minister in the future, the emperor and all the princes understand."

"Okay, I've done everything I need to do, now it's up to the performance of Niu Jizong and Chen Jixian." Feng Ziying said leisurely: "Theoretically, I should retire at this time, well, the main thing is whether there is any merit or not. It’s hard to say, maybe it will become a crime.”

"No, if you analyze Chen Jixian's character in classical Chinese, although this person is calm and careful, he is also a soft and suspicious person. I think it will be difficult for Prince Yizhong to persuade him to make a rash decision when the situation is unclear. Of course, it is not ruled out that some of his subordinates were recruited by Prince Yizhong. Recently, Prince Yizhong spent a lot of money, and I don’t know where he got some support,..."

"Oh?" Feng Ziying became a little vigilant. The biggest problem for Prince Yizhong to fight Yonglong Emperor is that he has no righteousness. Without righteousness, it means that no one is willing to bet on him, and those martial arts who are inclined to him are actually Those who want money, the money that can be brought out is nothing more than gentry merchants, "Is there any sign from Haitong Yinzhuang?"

"There is not much movement. The money coming from Jiangnan has indeed increased, but in addition to Haitong, Beijing Central has opened three more silver houses with Jiangnan merchant backgrounds in the past six months, and they have all received approval from the Ministry of Household Affairs. , except one of these companies is relatively normal, two of them are very secretive and seem to be small in scale, but when the business in Beijing and China is basically monopolized by Haitong, they continue to insist. I suspect that it should be Prince He Yizhong and Some gentry and merchants in the south of the Yangtze River have some connections,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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