Number of People

Chapter 1101: Geng Zijuan walks its own path

  Chapter 1101 Geng Scroll walk your own path

  Feng Ziying put her hand on the window frame and said nothing.

As far as he knows, Prince Yizhong is closely related to the gentry and merchant families in the south of the Yangtze River, mainly the Jinling New Four Families, especially the Zhen family is the main partner of Prince Yizhong, but the Zhen family has been affected by Lin Ruhai's policies in the salt industry. Checks and balances failed to achieve the results he wanted, and the smuggling of sea trade was pushed forward with the strategy of opening the sea, which broke its original pattern and caused huge loss of profits.

   I didn't expect the other party to recover so quickly, which shows that in Jiangnan he not only has the support of the gentry, but also has the secret support of a considerable number of officials and merchants.

  Now the other party is taking advantage of the rise of Yinzhuang to set foot in the financial field. Of course, Haitong Yinzhuang is not afraid of challenges.

A new industry must not only have new concepts, but more importantly, it must have enough talents to form a mechanism and system. Duan Xigui started to educate and train in stages in Shandong before, through new arithmetic, Arabic numerals and double-entry bookkeeping. Training, and then through the internships at the branches of Fengrunxiang in the early stage and Haitong Yinzhuang in the later stage, as well as the establishment and improvement of the risk control evaluation system for lending in Yinzhuang, this series of training and improvement methods, the gradually established training system is not for everyone It can be copied.

What Prince Yizhong and his group are doing is nothing more than the same old-fashioned bank. At most, there is an additional function of deposit and withdrawal. Everything is nothing but illusion, and it cannot compete with Haitong Yinzhuang at all.

  Now it is just that Prince Yizhong is busy with a relatively secret channel to realize the transfer of money and silver.

However, this is still a new trend, which shows that Prince Yizhong has not given up, and is even more secretive and active in activities. Thinking of Tang Binyin and Han Jing going south to the south of the Yangtze River to invite fame for Prince Yizhong, it is estimated that Jia Jing is also missing. It was Nan Qian who was planning to make a living for Prince Yizhong. Feng Ziying was a little worried about what the deposed prince was going to do.

   Could it be that he is going to spend a lot of time with Emperor Yonglong, fight his body, and wait until Emperor Yonglong's body can't bear it and passes away first?

  Emperor Yonglong would not fail to see this. If he really realized that his lifespan was limited, Feng Ziying believed that even if he had to take some risks, Emperor Yonglong would definitely solve the two potential threats of Prince Yizhong and Taishanghuang.

   "Then do these banks have any business relationship with our Haitong Bank?" Feng Ziying asked after a long time.

"I've been here, it's nothing more than borrowing money and discussing the establishment of a guild, but according to Jia Yun's introduction, they are not active, it is probably just a gesture, worried about arousing suspicion, or attracting hostility from Haitong..." Wang Wenyan shook his head. .

   "Well, classical Chinese, let's pay more attention. I think these two banks will definitely have some special effects..." Feng Ziying thought for a while, "But there is no need to delve into it too much, this should not be our focus,..."

"My lord, your foundation is in Yongping Mansion. I heard from Yaoqing that the iron and charcoal factories in Lulong and Qian'an are quite large, and they need to expand further. There is also the cement factory. It is said that the cement produced is in short supply, and there are not enough cement buckets around to sell,..."

  Wang Wenyan really admired this boss. He became famous after studying and taking scientific examinations.

Iron smelting can figure out new techniques, and charcoal burning can come up with new ways. Now, we have invented the use of lime and **** powder to calcinate cement, and the key thing is that this thing dilutes with water and turns into rice slurry, which is used to smear houses, city walls and ground. It can solidify and harden quickly. If you add sand and pea stones, it becomes a universal weapon that masons dream of.

"In classical Chinese, Yongping Prefecture is rich in iron ore, coal, and limestone. It is a treasure land of geomantic omen. With the opening of Yuguan Port, the iron and cement produced can be transported to various places through this road. After the Mongols retreated, we I plan to make good use of these two years to build Yongping Mansion, then Yongping Mansion will not only be as simple as the first mansion in Beijing and Tokyo, but also the first mansion in the Northland."

Feng Ziying is very confident. Yongping Prefecture is rich in resources. Coal, iron, and limestone are the basic raw materials of modern industry. It is also close to the capital, the grasslands outside the Guan, and Yuguan Port. It can be said that it has both resources and no shortage of markets. The refugees brought by the Mongol invasion can further supplement the labor force. The only thing to do now is to start a pilot project first. The next step is to develop and build on a larger scale, making Yongping Prefecture a real coal-iron complex construction base.

"My lord, I think you may not be able to stay in Yongping Mansion for two or three years." Wang Wenyan shook his head, "Yongping Mansion is of course very important to adults, but that's because your lord is someone who wants to do practical things to change his appearance. However, for the imperial court, no matter how iron-producing Yongping Mansion can produce, it is not as important as the stability of the surrounding situation. Although the Mongols will retreat soon, what about the situation in the southwest? The harassment of the Japanese seems to be nothing to worry about , but if the Japanese were drawn together with Donglu, Mongols, and Bozhou, it would not be easy."

  Wang Wenyan's words hit Feng Ziying's biggest worry, and Wang Wenyan hasn't mentioned the hidden danger that Feng Ziying is most worried about—the White Lotus Sect. If this is also involved, it will be everywhere.

  If the White Lotus Sect also took the opportunity to revolt, Feng Ziying felt that the situation would be even worse than the situation in the late Ming Dynasty in the previous life.

The only thing that makes Feng Ziying feel at ease is that the weather in Shaanxi and Shanxi has been good in the past two years. Although it is not a good year, it can still pass. saved.

  The accumulated evils are too deep and hard to recover. The court of the Great Zhou Dynasty, from the emperor to the cabinet ministers, is not considered incompetent, but it will take time to slowly resolve these problems one by one.

   "Wen Yan, do you think the court will transfer me back to the Ministry of War to fight the fire?" Feng Ziying frowned.

  The Ministry of War has already gathered a lot of capable people. Sun Chengzong went to Sichuan, but Xiong Tingbi was going to the Ministry of War. This is also a capable person, and Yuan Keli is not bad. Adding Yang Sichang and Zheng Chongjian, Feng Ziying felt that there was no need for him to go.

"That's not necessarily the case, it depends on where troubles are likely to occur." Wang Wenyan paused, "Yaoqing temporarily relaxed the investigation of the White Lotus Sect during this period, but judging from the early clues, Shuntian, Hejian, Baoding, Zhending, and Guangping all have extremely deep foundations, which affect the whole body, and many of them are involved in the border town army, but it is difficult to investigate further,..."

   "In classical Chinese, do you think the Bailian Church took the opportunity to make trouble?" Feng Ziying attached great importance to Wang Wenyan's analysis and judgment.

"My lord, I think it is not easy for you to say that it is not easy to surge like the Taipingdao of the Later Han Dynasty. The branches and factions of the White Lotus Sect are too complicated and there are many internal conflicts. It is the prefectures of Beizhi, Shandong and Beizhi. The White Lotus Sect, the Wenxiang Sect, the Wuwei Sect, and the Bangchui Society all have their own leaders. Although there are connections among them, it may not be easy for them all to follow the command of a certain person. The clan does indeed have greater influence,..."

  The problems in Yongping Mansion are also very difficult and complicated. Feng Ziying also knows that it is not that simple to play farming and violent soldiers smoothly.

The White Lotus Sect in Yongping Prefecture is very powerful, especially in Luanzhou, and the occupation of the salt field by the gentry colluding with the Japanese in Changli and Leting cannot be delayed any longer, especially now that the Japanese have also begun to appear in Nanzhili. Solve it as soon as possible. If the Japanese spread northward to the Gyeonggi side, the problem will be even bigger.

   Only by solving these two problems can we talk about economic development with peace of mind.

If the Mongols hadn't invaded, Feng Ziying originally wanted to completely solve the problem of occupying the salt field, but now it's winter, and according to Wu Yaoqing's informant, the Japanese are no longer in Xiangyun Island and Yuetuo, and it is estimated that they should choose a warmer place to go. It's winter, so if we want to deal with these people, we have to wait until the beginning of spring next year.

"Hey, it's so difficult to do something. I thought it was the best choice to come to Yongping Mansion, but now it seems that there are such and other problems everywhere, and you have to face them one by one." Feng Ziying frown.

   "My lord, don't you also say that this experience is achieved by doing one thing well? The things you do are under the nose of the court. I believe the court can see it."

Wang Wenyan felt that this was a good thing for Feng Ziying. Being too involved in the military affairs of the imperial court was not good for Feng Ziying's growth. Not many ministers of the Ministry of War entered the cabinet. Usually, they only have opportunities in times of turmoil, but this kind of turmoil is impossible. Continue until Feng Ziying's age and qualifications are suitable.

  After Wang Wenyan left, Feng Ziying thought about it again. After all, it was still a matter of experience and experience accumulation. He had only been an official for a few years, and he was less than twenty years old. How could he still be a general? Do you really think that the era of Gan Luo's twelve worships will not work?

  The more I think about it, the more I feel that I can't wait for me. I really want to go back to Yongping Mansion as soon as possible, and urge the Neikalka people to withdraw their troops and leave. All kinds of businesses here must be started quickly.

Feng Ziying is ready to start the cement industry as much as possible, especially from the Lulong and Qian'an Iron Works, the charcoal field to the two county towns, and the cement roads from Lulong and Qian'an to Yuguan, so that there will be no problems. Affected by the rainy season and ice and snow season, the transportation capacity has been fully mobilized. This point has basically won the support of Shanxi businessmen. This is also a demonstration route, which can greatly promote the display and promotion of the use of cement.

  As Wang Wenyan said, in case he won't be able to stay in Yongping Mansion for long, at least he should lay down the foundation of these industries so that the people behind will not be left behind.

  (end of this chapter)

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