Number of People

Chapter 1102: The name of the gengzi scroll moves to kyoto

  Chapter 1102 The Geng Scroll is famous in Kyoto

  Feng Ziying's worries are not without reason.

Economic development is not the responsibility of local officials in this era, or at least in Feng Ziying's mind, the development of industry and commerce is not the responsibility of local officials in this era. What can be done is to develop water conservancy and agriculture, solve the livelihood of refugees, and increase taxes. It can be regarded as the responsibility of the government.

   What really determines the promotion of local officials is the taxation in summer and autumn, local social security and education, including litigation, which are the most important things for officials.

Feng Ziying's efforts to open mines, build factories, and trade in Yongping Prefecture can only be regarded as an increase in mining taxes and industrial and commercial taxes in the final analysis. In Zhu Zhiren's mind, this is probably a way for Feng Ziying to make friends with Shanxi businessmen to get money from his own pocket.

  So Zhu Zhiren didn't start to pay attention until the gun workshop co-founded by Feng Ziying and the Ministry of War produced firecrackers and provided them to Yongping Zhuang.

However, the Mongol invasion was just an accidental event. Perhaps this appointment was due to his own bad luck. Therefore, after the Mongols retreated, Zhu Zhiren could no longer pay much attention to these matters. Pay more attention to it.

Therefore, Feng Ziying hopes to do everything that needs to be done before she leaves Yongping Mansion. Shanxi businessmen still have some energy. It is undoubtedly the best for a person of his own to continue to advance the unfinished business and let Yongping Mansion develop according to the planned path.

   But this involves personnel issues.

   This is not something I can easily step in. Even if it can be operated through Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia, there are really not many suitable candidates.

There are only three officials who can decide the affairs of Yongping Mansion. The magistrate and Tongzhi, the general judge and the pusher can barely count half of each, and the total is three, but the power of the latter two is obviously less than that of the former two. And the same prefect is much inferior to the prefect.

  Zhu Zhiren’s term of office is estimated to be coming soon, and he will leave early next year at the latest. This is what Zhu Zhiren has been looking forward to for a long time, and Feng Ziying also knows that Zhu Zhiren is already active in seeking to return to Beijing to serve as a Beijing official.

In the past few years in Yongping Mansion, although he seems to be relatively weak, Zhu Zhiren's status as a magistrate is there, and Zhu Zhiren earns a lot of money, so what he seeks now is to return to the capital to serve as a Beijing official, even if it is leisurely. For some, to gain a good reputation, you can leave a place in the future even if you become an official.

As soon as Zhu Zhiren left, the officials who replaced him basically came from the fourth grade or above. They could be promoted or transferred. Basically, no one that Feng Ziying could come into contact with could reach this level. His classmates There is still a considerable gap between them and others, let alone fourth-rank officials?

Now most of his classmates are from the third-class Jinshi, and they are usually awarded the seventh-rank official, and the second-class Jinshi may be awarded the sixth-rank. If he wants to suddenly rise to his position as a fifth-rank fellow judge, it is obvious that he is promoted outside. Impossible, but it can be considered in the general judgment position of the sixth grade.

  Feng Ziying shook her head, these things will have to wait until the end of the year, Zhu Zhiren left, who will take over as the prefect will have to deal with the new prefect in the future.

  Zhu Zhiren's cooperation is very tacit, which is based on certain conditions. If a new prefect has different ideas, it will be difficult to say.

  Feng Ziying was unable to leave the capital city for the past two days. Although the Ministry of War did not say anything, he still understood that both the emperor and the two leaders of the Ministry of War still hoped that he could stay in the capital city.

  Of course they have arrangements, but it's better to have an extra layer of insurance, even if it can play a slight role, than nothing.

   Wei Ruolan and Han Qi's invitation finally made Feng Ziying relax a little bit.

This is staying in the capital city, I can't leave, is there anything else, going to visit the teachers seems to easily cause some unnecessary associations, I want to go to Jia's mansion, but I am worried that what happened that night will be noticed by others Come on, it's fine to stay in the mansion for a day and a half, but it will be a bit uncomfortable after a long time.

  It was already dark when Feng Ziying arrived in Jingyuan. Although the snow had not yet fallen, the capital city in early winter was enough to make people go out in cotton-padded jackets.

  The carriage stopped outside the gate of Jingyuan, Ruixiang went in and negotiated at the corner gate, and the carriage went in.

The Mirror Garden is a garden built on the south bank of Jishuitan. It used to be the garden of an official and gentry in the former Ming Dynasty, and it lived next to the Ding Garden built by Xu Zengshou, the youngest son of Xu Da in the former Ming Dynasty. The observatory can face the lake and look out, and the scenery is excellent, so it is also very popular.

Since the reign of Yuanxi, the big families in the city like to buy land and build gardens on both sides of the Jishuitan as a resting villa. However, with the change of prosperity and decline, many officials, wealthy businessmen, fallen, dilapidated, and died of illness, After you sing, I will appear on the stage, so most of these gardens have changed owners many times, sometimes every three to five years.

  This place is next to the Clothes Bureau. It is said that some women who were sent here by the Clothes Bureau earlier wanted to escape from the prison of the Clothes Bureau, so they used summer nights to swim out and escape to these gardens.

Because most of these gardens are owned by high-ranking and powerful families, even soldiers, horses and patrol camps need to look at them when they visit, so most of them fail to find out after investigation, and many of these escaped women even turned into criminals. The concubines of these dignitaries, or embarked on the road of geisha roles.

   All in all, these specious legends also make the gardens on both sides of Jishuitan even more bizarre and noisy, attracting countless officials and businessmen from other places.

  And there are still some gardens that are simply bought by others, and stage and banquet kitchens are set up, which become places similar to private kitchens and private theater troupes in later generations.

   Compared with the more famous Fenzi Hutong, there is no doubt that there is no comparison in terms of consumption level and grade, and the privacy is better.

   It can be said that those who can treat guests here are either rich or expensive, and basically all need to be booked in advance, because this kind of garden basically only receives a group of guests at a fixed time every day, so the cost is extremely high.

This is the first time for Feng Ziying to come to such a place. In the past, he has received countless invitations to literary and poetry symposiums. Because of his lack of self-confidence, he basically rejected them "righteously", saying that he is more interested in current policies. In theory, I am not sensitive to poetry and prose.

  However, there is no need to get together with Wei Ruolan and Han Qi today. They are old acquaintances. Although they have moved less in the past two years, the relationship with Daguanlou is firmly bound and stable.

The brown-red brocade curtain wraps the three sides of the entire high platform, with tall wooden pillars, luxurious cloth curtains, stylishly dressed kabukis, a refined stage and the troupe being prepared, but there are still dots of Jishui pools where you can see the boats on the side. Including the dishes that came in from the backyard, Feng Ziying reckoned that the night's consumption would not be less than two hundred taels of silver.

   This is the most luxurious scene in the upper class of the capital city. It is not that Feng Ziying has never felt it, but it seems that she has been far away from these things all of a sudden in the past few years.

   "Ziying, it's too rare to invite you." Wei Ruolan said cheerfully.

  Feng Ziying took the guest of honor seat, Han Qi and Wei Ruolan lined up on both sides, "Why, haven't you seen Brother Ye Jun?"

  Han Qi and Wei Ruolan exchanged glances, "Brother Ye Jun's father has been in poor health, so he also wants to go back to be a dutiful son. He hasn't shown up in the past few days."

  Feng Ziying smiled and said nothing.

Chen Jixian hadn't shown up for a long time. It should be that after the Mongols broke through the Miyun Huairou line, he disappeared in public in the capital city, claiming that it was difficult for him to get up due to foot problems, but Feng Ziying knew that Chen Jixian was alive and kicking, and he was in the barracks almost every day. , and never even returned home.

"Brother Jun should go back and show off." Feng Ziying said casually: "Ziqi, Ruolan, the Mongolian army has not yet retreated, and the people in the city are in panic. You and I are still drinking and having fun here. You two are fine, just in case Is it not a calamity for my younger brother to be impeached by the censor?"

   "Ziying, the people are panic-stricken, and they need a hero like you to set an example. Drinking and having fun, sitting and watching the wind and moon, can prove to the people in Beijing that I am calm and fearless,..."

  Han Qi's words were a little teasing, but also a little sincere.

In the past two days, Feng Ziying's reputation has once again risen to the next level. In Qian'an City, he blocked the Neikalka and Horqin coalition forces, and the enemy army was defeated at Qian'an City. The 80,000 army was beaten up everywhere, and tens of thousands were captured. This contrast is really unimaginable.

In particular, the people of the capital city thought of how glamorous the performance of the soldiers of the capital camp in Suli was, but they became so embarrassed when they met the Mongols. The rumors spread wildly, and the image of Jingying plummeted.

And Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, who was already well-known in Kyoto, is now even more imposing, word of mouth, even in the mouths of geisha, singers and actors in such gardens, he has become a legend admired by thousands of people .

   "Yes, Ziying, what Ziqi said is true. If you don't believe me, look at Su Miao, the Jiangdong piano **** we invited in a while, and he will also bow down to Ziying's heroic name."

In Wei Ruolan's words, there is also a bit of envy. How come her classmates who used to spend their days in the Imperial College just like herself, have been reborn in just six or seven years? Even Su Miao, a famous prostitute from the south of the Yangtze River, refused to come to the mirror Garden, but when they heard that Feng Ziying was invited, they all readily agreed in the end.

  (end of this chapter)

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