Number of People

Chapter 1110: The end of the gengzi scroll is also the beginning

  Chapter 1110 The end of the Geng scroll is also the beginning

  Military Office.

  Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Huang Degong's department finally bypassed Wuling Mountain and entered Caojiazhai to join forces with Li Ruzhang's department.

  Although Huang Degong's troops were small, their arrival undoubtedly made Li Ruzhang's troops, who had been thought to be in a desperate situation and on the verge of collapse, like a traveler who was about to die of thirst in the desert, suddenly found a clear spring, instantly revived with full blood, and morale soared.

   Once Li Ruzhang’s tribe got the support of Huang Degong’s tribe, especially Huang Degong’s tribe was almost dominated by firecrackers, it would be able to pose a huge threat to the southward invasion and return route of the Chahar people south of Gubeikou.

Whether it is the Qiangziling line or the Fengjiabao line, whether it is the Chahar people or the Waikalka people, when they return to the grassland in the north, they will encounter these gunfire soldiers relying on the terrain on the line from Miyun to Chaohesuo. .

In particular, the goods and people that these Mongolian soldiers plundered in Miyun and Huairou will have to go through this long journey before they can cross the side wall and enter the grassland. The Mongolian soldiers who lack sufficient mobility will not be able to do as they did in the previous invasion. As fast as the wind and fire, they will not encounter this sudden ambush from metal projectiles at any intersection or ferry or the edge of the woods.

  This news will soon reach the ears of the Chahar and Waikalka people who are still facing each other on the Changping-Shunyi-Pinggu line. They will have to face an embarrassing and difficult situation.

Either retreat immediately, and may even lose a lot of people and property that they could have taken away, or they have to continue to persevere and strive to break through the defense lines of the Jizhen Army, the Datong Army, and the Xuanfu Army, but even Lin Dan Batur knew that it was almost impossible to do it, and it was pointless to keep going.

   "Lindan Batur may have to consider retiring." Zhang Jingqiu has lost weight for more than a month, and his eye sockets appear deeper, but he is in a good state of mind.

"I guess the Waikalkha people might run faster. They can't escape from Yanqing, they can only retreat from Gubeikou, but this journey is not short." Chai Ke said with a smile: " The only regret is that the number of Huang Degong is too small, otherwise it would really bite the Chahar people and Waikha people."

"Zishu, please be content." Zhang Jingqiu shook his head, "Huang Degong's work is all improvised. I am very satisfied to be able to go out to Caojiazhai. Look at the **** in the Beijing camp, what can you expect? Is it too high? They have already performed very well, and they went to Caojiazhai not only to save Li Ruzhang's family, but..."

  Chai Ke nodded knowingly, everything was said without saying anything.

After learning that Huang Degong's and Li Ruzhang's troops joined forces, Chen Jixian recovered from his illness, the Fifth Army Battalion began to mobilize, and Niu Jizong, who had been silent all this time, also began to command the Xuanfu Army to attack the Waikha people in the north. After getting past that node, start turning.

  Shunyi City North Gate.

  Lindan Batur looked back to the south with regret.

  Although he couldn't see the majestic city wall, he was still a little unwilling. The Han people were still too timid, and they didn't dare to gamble with heavy soldiers in their hands.

  Neikarka people have proved that those Beijing camps are purely a bunch of wine bags and rice bags, and they were defeated overnight by Zaisai, taking 50,000 prisoners, which even Lin Danbatur himself dared not think about.

As long as he dares to bet on breaking the door and entering the capital city, he will dare to press the Chahar people and Waikalkha people to completely eliminate the Jizhen army. At that time, I believe that Zai Sai will never be satisfied again. The existing victories must really come in and merge with themselves.


Lin Danbatur also didn't know what Niu Jizong thought, such a cowardly and stupid old man could still sit on the Governor of Xuanda, who is known as the first governor of Dazhou. It was in his hands, but he didn't even dare to give it a try.

"Let's go." Sighing, and taking a last look at Shunyi City, Lindan Batur slammed his horse and stepped forward. The guys in Subadhi couldn't sit still anymore. If they don't leave, Waikar The Ka people are afraid that they will really abandon themselves and run away first.

  Lindanbatur pursed his lips unwillingly. After this walk, he doesn't know when he will really set foot in the Central Plains.

He is very clear that with the rapid rise of the Jianzhou Jurchens, the Mongols, the Jurchens, and the Han people will compete fiercely along the side walls in the east and west of Liaodong. The situation is gone.

Twenty years ago, the Jurchens could not be called players in this land at all, but now, the Mongols have to give way to the Jurchens. There are half-hearted characters like the Inner Khalkha and the Horqin people, and the Outer Khalkha Lin Danbatur knew very well that Chahar would have a long way to go to unify Mongolia for this kind of person who sees profit and forgets righteousness.

  Not to mention the Tumed and Ordos people in the west, it is an extremely difficult challenge to tame the inner and outer Khalkhas alone.


"My lord, the Waikarkhas have withdrawn." The tent was thrown open, and the subordinates rushed in excitedly, "There is no one in Changping Prefecture. The scouts went in and made a circle. The Waikalkhas should leave... "

Niu Jizong was not so excited, but nodded calmly: "Got it, order all the ministries to follow and pursue, and pay attention to prevent the Mongols from returning their carbine. , they will not hesitate to give it a try,..."

   "Understood, my lord." The subordinate didn't realize the loneliness of the coach, and left quickly after clasping his fists.

  Only Niu Jizong and a confidant were left in the account. After a long time, Niu Jizong said quietly: "I don't know if this is the stupidest thing I have done in my life, or the smartest thing?"

"My lord, in this situation, there is really no need to take this risk. If the prince's Denglai army is still there, they will definitely go north to reinforce the Jizhen army this time. Then we can give it a go. At worst, we can withdraw from the capital. The city went south, but no one restrained the Jizhen army, and the Datong army was not in our hands, and Chen Jixian was a character with both ends of the head, Prince Yizhong could gamble on this, but we dare not." The staff sighed.

  If you want to enter the city, you can only use the name of "Qing Jun's side". Prince Yizhong will not show up until the last moment, and all risks are on yourself.

  Even if Niu Jizong dared to gamble, he still had to consider the attitudes of several of his generals in the Xuanfu army. After all, their families were still in the capital city, which related to the wealth and lives of countless families.

"Hmph, seeking wealth and wealth, everyone will say this, but it's not the same thing when it falls on you." Niu Jizong shook his head, as if he wanted to completely put aside everything that had passed, "It's just that I've come this far, and I'm still a little bit unwilling."

"My lord, if according to what you said, Prince Yizhong has been in Jiangnan for a long time. The matter here is just a temporary idea. Whether it succeeds or not has nothing to do with the overall situation. It may be more valuable to preserve the necessary strength." The staff pondered. He said: "To defend the river, we must defend the Huai River, but the people in the south of the Yangtze River are weak, and it is impossible to fight against the army of the north, maybe..."

   "That's too far away." Niu Jizong shook his head, "The Xuanfu army is all from the north. If we want them to go south with me, it will be too difficult. Maybe it will be a blow of rebellion immediately."

   "The prince's Denglai army...?"

"Zi Teng has been prepared for a long time. Less than 30% of the Denglai army are soldiers from Shandong, and the rest are from Huai'an, Xuzhou, and Fengyang." Niu Jizong also admired Wang Ziteng's plan for a rainy day. At that time, he thought Wang Ziteng was a bit exaggerated, but Now it seems that the other party sees farther than himself.

  Prince Yizhong's thoughts are still a little vague, but Niu Jizong knows that the last step is to go south.

The emperor's physical condition is very bad, but Prince Yizhong is in good health, and the Supreme Emperor is still there. If the emperor died before Prince Yizhong, then Prince Yizhong may really follow the example of the former Ming Yingzong and restore him. However, Ming Yingzong was the emperor at that time, and now Prince Yizhong has only been the prince for twenty years.

But the emperor would not fail to think of this, so he started to introduce King Shou, King Fu and King Li in a hurry, but the performance of these three His Highnesses was lacklustre, and even the officials in the court were not very optimistic, which also made them The emperor was very anxious.

But this kind of thing cannot be accomplished overnight, so now the emperor can only try his best to let the three princes start to familiarize themselves with government affairs as soon as possible, and at the same time let his body continue to last for another year or a half. In addition, I am afraid that the emperor should also consider How to deal with Prince Yizhong.

That's all in the past, but now the capital camp has lost more than half, and the enemies of the Shenshu camp are already enough to contain Chen Jixian of the fifth army camp, plus the leftovers of the four guard camp and the warrior camp, it is the first time in the capital city. The situation is beneficial to the emperor, this is the confidence that the emperor dares to take action.

   This is also what Prince Yizhong is most worried about. In the past, it was beneficial to the emperor to procrastinate. As long as it is delayed until the Supreme Emperor passes away, the balance of power will change. Even if the Beijing camp remains neutral, the emperor can easily crush Prince Yizhong.

But now the emperor realizes that he himself may still be ahead of the Taishanghuang and Prince Yizhong, and his sons are not ready to succeed the Great Treasure at all, so he dare not procrastinate now, and solve the problem of the Beijing camp Now, it was Prince Yizhong's turn to panic.

The current Prince Yizhong doesn't even have any countermeasures to deal with it. The capital and camp are balanced and restrict each other. Then the emperor occupies the orthodox righteousness and has an absolute advantage. A little excuse in the capital city can completely solve Prince Yizhong, so Prince Yizhong He didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, and even considered leaving the capital city.

  (end of this chapter)

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