Number of People

Chapter 1111: Geng Scroll

  Chapter 1111 Geng Scroll Long Housewives

   "It's almost there." Feng Ziying lazily put her head on Shen Yixiu's protruding abdomen, and listened carefully for a while, "Well, the little guy is very excited, he is dancing around inside, and I'm not afraid that mother will bear it."

"It's much better now, and it was even stronger a few days ago." Shen Yixiu's originally soft oval face has now become a lot rounder, with a layer of maternal brilliance between his brows and a happy smile on his cheeks, "Mr. , do you mean a son or a girl?"

"The umbilical cord is sharp, so it's mostly a girl, but it's not allowed." Feng Ziying comforted Shen Yixiu, "I've said it before, no matter whether you give birth to a boy or a girl, as long as your mother is safe, I'm the happiest, woman The most difficult thing is the first child, so I ask you to go for a walk every day, and do stretching exercises if you have nothing to do,..."

  Shen Yixiu blushed, and said angrily: "What kind of postures did Mr. Xiang teach, how could my daughter's family do such behaviors, people don't know when they see them..."

  As Shen Yixiu said, even women in brothels can’t do such nasty and obscene movements, which are the most normal in modern yoga.

Feng Ziying shook her head: "First of all, I just let you do it in the boudoir, Wan Jun. If you can't do it well, you can ask Qingwen and Yunshang to help you, and you can control the strength yourself, so you don't have to force it; second, you girls spend less time outside. , the amount of exercise is small, and there is less time for pelvic and hip exercises, and this may be the key during delivery, so more activities before delivery are extremely beneficial for delivery,..."

  The husband's eloquence made Shen Yixiu both sweet and annoyed. Although it sounded a little reasonable, those poses were too embarrassing, even practicing it while hiding on the bed would still make people's face burn.

   "Master, where did you learn these methods?" Qing Wen asked suspiciously while rubbing Shen Yixiu's calf, "Why have you never heard of it?"

"Why, do you still think that the master is here to tease your grandma?" Feng Ziying glared at Qingwen, "These are all ancient secret techniques, taught by Master Zhang. I won't say anything about ordinary people, especially you like Qingwen." Like this, with a thin waist and thin hips, and a small pelvis, if it will be more troublesome to give birth in the future, it is best to start practicing now, otherwise..."

  One sentence made Qingwen's face turn red, and she couldn't help turning her face to one side and spitting.

  Shen Yixiu couldn't help laughing, "Master, I was wrong. Qingwen's waist is thin, but her hips..."

   "Grandma!" Qingwen was anxious.

  Feng Ziying glanced curiously at the waist of Qingwen, who was sitting on the chair, "Oh, is there any secret about Qingwen?"

   "Grandma!" Feng Ziying's glance was like an electric shock, Qingwen couldn't help buttocks, and her heart thumped violently.

   "Okay, okay, don't say it, don't say it, but Qingwen, can you still hide these things from me?" Shen Yixiu's eyes streamed, "Rumors outside say that I have countless daughters,..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help coughing dryly, "Mr. Wan, these are all rumors from the outside world, pure slander,..."

   "What is Mr. Xiang doing in such a hurry? Isn't it a rumor that the concubine himself is talking about it?" Shen Yixiu found it funny.

Her husband has a great reputation for being romantic, and even her mother sent letters from Dongchang Mansion to inquire, which even represented her father's intentions. The implication must be that she didn't take good care of her husband, especially during her pregnancy, so she should consider taking care of her husband. One or two concubines, or take the girls around you into the house.

  But only Shen Yixiu knew that her husband was actually quite restrained in this regard.

Just like Qingwen, in terms of appearance and beauty, she is definitely first-class, but she is still a virgin, and I have taken the initiative to tell him to find a suitable opportunity to take over the house. Shen Yixiu from Qingwen also specifically said that Qingwen Wen also agreed shyly and timidly, but her husband always said to let nature take its course, it will be more emotional when it happens.

   It can be seen that the husband is not the kind of hungry ghost that the outside world says.

  As for Eryou, Jin Chuaner, Xiangling and the others, Shen Yixiu didn't care too much.

  Er Youna and other Hu girls, it was just a coincidence that the husband went to the west to fight the rebellion, or he had a little intention of trying something new, and Er You was also very obedient, and Shen Yixiu was also very satisfied.

It is normal for rich families to give maids and servants as presents. The Jia family's gifts to their husbands Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er are certainly the best choices, but they also have a purpose. Not even much to hide the intention.

  Xianggong taught Jia Baoyu, Jia Huan and even Jia Lan of the Jia family. Now Jia Huan has even passed the examination of scholar and entered Qingtan Academy to study.

In Shen Yixiu's opinion, Xue Pan's gift of Xiangling to Xianggong was a great move, and it played a big role. At least it shortened the distance between the two parties and increased their friendship. It's hard to say.

Moreover, the husband also vaguely mentioned to himself that his reputation is too great now, but there are some things that are beneficial to the country and the people, and he has to do them. More slander about female **** may alleviate some people's inner anxiety and dissatisfaction, which is not necessarily a bad thing, and even the husband deliberately indulges the spread of this reputation.

  Shen Yixiu confided this meaning to his mother and father in the letter, and later wrote back that it was his father. This point was never mentioned in the letter, and he even expressed his satisfaction with his attitude and handling method implicitly.

  The whispers and jokes between the husband and wife in the boudoir also had the taste of a thrush opening their eyebrows. The three masters and servants just enjoyed the last good time before leaving Beijing leisurely.

  Although there was no news from the imperial court, Feng Ziying knew that it was time for her to leave Beijing and return to Yongping Mansion.

   A few days of going back and forth plus a few days of staying in Beijing, it takes ten days, and ten days is enough for many things to happen.

Both the Chahar people and the Wai Khalkha people began to retreat quietly, the Xuanfu army and the Datong army were chasing after them, but the Jizhen army was relatively stable, and Zaisai had already begun to return north, and he still needed to go back and fight He met.

"Master, Baoxiang Biography, the Rongguo Mansion has come to pardon the master." When Yun Chang came in, Feng Ziying was a little drowsy. The afternoon sun was good, and she came in through the window, accompanied by her beautiful wife and maid, sitting on the kang On the couch, I really want to sleep with my legs on my back.

   "Master Forgiveness?" Feng Ziying didn't remember it for a while, so what could he do? Could it be that Yingchun has exposed his secrets?

  Impossible, if it was Yingchun who revealed his secrets, he would probably have to ask himself to go to Jia's house to "question the guilt".

  Qingwen has already got up to change Feng Ziying's clothes, "It's rare for this elder to come to our house."

   "Who can tell?" Shen Yixiu looked at his husband meaningfully, "Maybe it's a good thing?"

Feng Ziying coughed dryly, and before she could speak, Qingwen had already picked up the words: "Grandma, you don't know this old man of Jia's family. Grandpa does things for him, and it's definitely not something to worry about."

"Damn girl, please be more polite. You are also from the Rongguo Mansion, and you are also inextricably linked with the Jia family in the Rongguo Mansion. Maybe one day you can bring in two girls from the Jia family to be grandmas. At that time, there will be good fruits for you to eat."

  Shen Yixiu giggled and scolded, after becoming pregnant, Shen Yixiu's temperament seemed to become more lively, or he felt more at ease with a child in his stomach.

"Grandma's words are wrong. This servant girl is only seeking truth from facts and telling the truth. As for a girl from the Jia family who wants to become a grandma in the mansion, I'm afraid she won't be able to. Girls Bao and Miss Lin have already filled up the places. Do you want to come in and be an aunt? Then it depends on whether grandma agrees or not, well, of course, entering the second and third rooms has nothing to do with our long house, and the servants are the people of the long house, so why look at whose face?" Qingwen spoke eloquently. , proudly and authentically.

  Feng Ziying couldn't help shaking her head.

   This girl Qingwen really has such a temperament, no wonder she was not welcomed everywhere in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions", and was eventually kicked out of Jia's mansion, and fell down sadly.

This kind of temperament, to put it bluntly, only those who like her will feel that her willfulness is true. People who are not used to her will probably hate her to the core, even the people around her. A rare harmony.

   No wonder Jin Chuaner and her were both from the Rongguo Mansion, but their relationship was very cold, but Xiangling was kind-hearted and could get along with her friendly.

Maybe Shen Yixiu likes her sincerity, so he thinks she is cute. Of course, Qingwen is sincere to Shen Yixiu, and Feng Ziying also sees this. Shen Yixiu is such a smart person, and now he is the head of the house, so naturally he has Feng Ziying would not interfere with her way of controlling people.

"Okay, you two, master and servant, don't talk about what you have and what you don't have. Isn't this a different way to squeeze me?" Feng Ziying pretended to be annoyed, "That's all for your grandma, and Qingwen, you actually made insinuations, nothing! Are you in order?"

"Would you dare to be a servant? What kind of person is the master of Jia's mansion? Don't you know?" Qingwen retorted unconvinced: "Why don't you make a bet with me and see what Master She is doing this time? The main thing is to bring good things to the master, and the slaves are willing to be punished, if they bring troubles to the master, then the master will lose, and the slaves don’t need anything, as long as the master remembers the words of the slaves.”

Shen Yixiu rolled his eyes, "Well, that won't work, Qingwen loses, and Qingwen is punished, what is the punishment? Just give birth to a son and a daughter for the master, if the master loses, then he has to do something for Qingwen, The concubine remembers that the master has found her parents for Xiangling, so Qingwen's parents must be able to find a way, if the master loses at that time, the master will be responsible for finding her biological parents for Qingwen,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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