Number of People

Chapter 1112: Geng Scroll Jia Amnesty Offers Treasures

  Chapter 1112 Geng Scroll Jia Amnesty Offers Treasures

   "Ah?!" Qingwen was ashamed, then shocked, then ecstatic, but more grateful to Shen Yixiu.

Although she was sold into Jia's family since she was a child, there is no trace of Qingwen's background. First of all, Wu Gui, who is a good wine cook in the Rongguo Mansion and is called a multi-official official, is Qingwen's cousin. It's the easiest clue to start looking for.

   Moreover, it was Nanny Lai who bought Qingwen. Because of Nanny Lai's old age, if she didn't know the basics, it would be absolutely impossible for her to be sent to Mother Jia's room.

It's just that Qingwen was sold in when she was a few years old, and her cousin was brought into the Rongguo Mansion because of Qingwen's face. As far as Qingwen knew, her cousin only said that her father said that Qingwen's mother That is to say, my aunt married far away many years ago, so it should be Baoding Mansion.

That year, Baoding Mansion was hit by a disaster, and they couldn't live any longer. That's why Qingwen's mother brought Qingwen to the suburbs of Beijing to join her brother. Rongguo Duke's Mansion is the way to find Madam Lai.

And to enter Jia's mansion is not just about selling one's body, nor can one just rely on Wu Gui's father as a guarantee. You should go to the place where Qingwen's mother married and inquire about it. And Qingwen's mother went back to Baoding when she got the silver.

   Now Wu Gui's father has passed away long ago, and Wu Gui doesn't know where his aunt got married. He only knows that it is in Yizhou, Baoding Prefecture, but the exact location is not clear.

  Feng Ziying didn't expect that Shen Yixiu would suddenly ask herself such a difficult problem, and her eyes fell on Qingwen: "Qingwen, do you want to have children for your master, or do you want to find parents?"

  Qingwen knelt down in front of Shen Yixiu, "Grandma, slave..."

"Get up, what are you doing kneeling all the time?" Shen Yixiu smiled and pulled Qingwen up, "I was just joking. Could it be that you can't have children for me if there is no such thing? Did you find your parents for you? Xiangling's mother can be found, and your parents can naturally be found, but it just takes some work. Now Xiangling's mother lives in the mansion, you followed me, followed the master, If your parents can't live on anymore, isn't it filial piety for a child to take care of you?"

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but give Shen Yixiu a thumbs up in her heart. No wonder Qingwen followed Shen Yixiu wholeheartedly. With this method, you won't be convinced.

   "Qingwen, what your grandma said is true, but I am a little negligent." Feng Ziying also nodded, "I remember you have a cousin in Rongguo Mansion, does he know where your mother married?"

"I'm afraid I don't know. The servant asked. My cousin said he didn't know. Only my uncle knew, but my uncle passed away a few years ago. I didn't even think about looking for it. The servant was sold to the Rongguo Mansion before he could remember. Here, I can’t say how much I miss my family,…” Qingwen’s eye circles turned red, her voice was a little choked up, her fingers turning white with excessive force, “It’s just that sometimes in Rongguo Mansion I saw Yuanyang, Xiren, Jin Chuan'er and the others in the house, they can have a lot of fun every year and festival, and if you walk around, you will inevitably have some ties,..."

   "Then you said you were bought by Nanny Lai, does Nanny Lai know?" Feng Ziying asked again.

Qingwen hesitated for a moment, "The slave girl also asked Madam Lai, and Nanny Lai said that she asked someone to go to the Yizhou government in Baoding to ask. There is such a family with a solid foundation, so I didn't ask any more, but The people she entrusted were originally from the Wanping County Yamen, but now they are gone, and they probably went back to their hometowns, and they couldn't find anyone, so the slaves didn't ask any more questions afterwards."

With the means of communication in this era, people can only ask people to ask, and if there is a broken link in the middle, it will be difficult to bridge it. This is also normal, and it is not a big deal. Just to make sure that there is no problem with Qingwen's background.

  Feng Ziying nodded. If so, it is not impossible to ask.

First ask Lai Madam who is the person she entrusts. This person should be an official in the Wanping County Yamen. If he doesn’t work, he will return to his hometown. Noma, it's not hard to find.

Find someone to let him recall, who was entrusted to contact with Baoding Yizhou at that time, so that if you follow the vine, you may be able to ask the root cause. Of course, it does not rule out that someone in the middle is gone, so it is difficult to check if the connection is disconnected. .

   "Okay, I know, I'm concerned about this matter." Feng Ziying nodded, "Well, Qingwen is also concerned about my father's matter, understand?"

   "Master's matter? Master's matter?" Qingwen raised her red and swollen eyes and asked suspiciously.

   "Hey, the matter of having a son and daughter." Feng Ziying said straightforwardly: "It's not rude to come here. I found your parents for you. Isn't it fair that you give birth to a son and daughter for you?"

  Qingwen was so ashamed that she couldn't help stomping her feet: "Grandma, look at me, you are already a fifth-rank master, and you still bully people like this?"

  Amidst Shen Yixiu's laughter and Qingwen's tender complaints, Feng Ziying went out happily, and it was a lot of fun to tease Qingwen, a girl.

Seeing Jia She in the living room, I remember that this was Jia She's first visit to Feng's mansion, and Feng Ziying did not neglect, although he also agreed with Qingwen's opinion that Jia She must go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, and not would be something good.

  But with the concern of Yingchun, it is not easy to be too contemptuous of the other party.

  Seeing Feng Ziying coming in, Jia She immediately stroked his beard eagerly and laughed, "Nephew, I have heard about your reputation everywhere in the city these few days, and I have a good face."

   "Uncle Xi, don't say that. You have watched me grow up. You still don't know how capable I am. It's just that some people have exaggerated it because of the time."

"Hey, you can't say that. I won't mention the strategy of opening the sea. The Western Expedition to suppress the rebellion and the Battle of Qian'an are enough to show that you are a general among our Wu Xun's children. The Jingying gang are used to being lazy. I thought that fighting the Mongols was as simple and easy as an ordinary drill every year, and now I am ashamed to see them at home, and now every family is wearing sackcloth and filial piety, crying, and yesterday some family members went to the Fifth Army Battalion to cry."

  Here comes the drama meat.

  Feng Ziying has been thinking about what Jia She is looking for from the moment she entered the door.

  This guy is not interested in anything but money, so he shouldn't come to ask him to borrow money, right? The Lai family was jointly run by him, Jia Rui, Jia Zhen and the others, and he himself had at least gained 10,000 to 20,000 silver. At this time, his pockets should be full. Silver is right.

  When he mentioned Jingying, Feng Ziying already realized why this fellow came here.

   Obviously, this guy is not stupid, and he still figured out a way to make a fortune from some news he heard when he talked with the two brothers last time.

It’s not just this empty house shop, after all, the investment is not small, it needs to pay money, and the procedures are also complicated, and those who are well-informed are not so easy to be fooled. A little article, then it is really an excellent profit-making channel.

  Feng Ziying did not reject this point.

Feng Ziying guessed that Emperor Yonglong might not pay this sum of money. Even if Wang Shuirong of Beijing went to the Supreme Emperor to come forward to put pressure on Emperor Yonglong, but with the objections from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and court officials, Emperor Yonglong could still resist , especially now is a good time to take the opportunity to take over the power of personnel in the Beijing camp, how can he give in easily?

  Even if it is true that the imperial court needs to win over this part of the people, it will have to wait until the dust settles on the reorganization of the capital.

But I also need to make an explanation to the Nekhka people. It is impossible for Zaisai to drag on for several months and still support such a large group of generals without seeing a penny of money or supplies. I am afraid that Zaisai If you can't explain to the five ministries of Nekalka and the Horqin people, you will turn your face.

   There is a lot of wiggle room here.

"Uncle Pardon, don't you just wear hemp and mourning? As far as I know, there were not many soldiers killed in the battle of the three camps, but there were more than a thousand soldiers, and only a handful of generals died..." Feng Ziying frowned. brow.

Of course, Jia Amnesty didn't mean to talk about this, but used this topic to guide the content of the next step. After a moment of surprise, he hurriedly said: "Yes, but so many people have been captured. Now that the imperial court intends to redeem the soldiers first Come on, but those hundreds of military officers are said to have been escorted back to the grassland by the Mongols, so what should they do? The grassland is extremely dry and cold. It is said that the north wind is howling in this winter, and the dripping water turns into ice. How can they survive?"

Feng Ziying smiled but said, "Uncle She is considerate of them, but they are captives, and it is inevitable to suffer some hardships on the grassland. We can't expect the Mongols to treat them like honored guests, right? Even my nephew It's not that big of a face to let the Mongols spare them."

"Hehe, Uncle Yu came here this time to ask my nephew a question. How does the court and the emperor consider these people? They are all children of our Wu Xun, so we can't just watch them tortured to death in the grassland let's go?"

  Jia She rubbed his hands together, his face full of anticipation. It didn't seem like he was thinking about those people, but rather like sharpening his knife to pigs and sheep.

  Feng Ziying glanced at Jia She, "Uncle She, what do you want to do?"

   "Ziying, answer the fool's question first." Jia She said displeased.

"Well, the emperor and the court may have the intentions, but they are powerless, or some ministers in the court are not willing. The performance of the Beijing camp is too disappointing. As for the final outcome, it may depend on the situation later, but I am afraid that these will I'm afraid your family doesn't want to do this, right?"

Feng Ziying's words drew a sly smile from Jia She, "Ziying, that's not necessarily the case. There are fewer internal dirty things in a big family? Maybe someone wants them to die on the grassland and never come back. Of course, if it's them relatives, or those who have a stable position in the family, I still hope that they can be redeemed, so..."

  (end of this chapter)

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