Number of People

Chapter 1113: Geng character roll hit it off

  Chapter 1113 Geng Scroll hit it off

  Feng Ziying didn't expect that business could be done like this, and she was shocked.

   No wonder Jia She has such a strange expression on his face. I'm afraid he has heard some rumors and even received some requests.

   Slightly pondering, Feng Ziying did not answer this question for a while.

The kind of situation that Jia She said is not without it, but it is definitely not the main one. After all, if people know about doing such a thing, it will immediately become a accusation, and no matter how big the world is, it is difficult to have a place to live. Most of them are still Those in the family who want to redeem someone.

I'm afraid Jia Amnesty didn't come here for the former, and the benefits of being involved may not be great, but the risks are not small. Most of Feng Ziying was entrusted by others to want to be involved in the latter. You can get a lot of favors for a penny.

   Of course, it is not ruled out that there are individual family heirs who want to occupy the nest, or they are deadly enemies in the family and want to kill people with a knife, but how could this kind of thing find Jia She?

   Who doesn’t know that Jia She is a character who reaches out in the coffin and asks for money. If you really want to find him, that’s what you can trust.

   "Uncle Xie, my nephew doesn't care about the situation you mentioned. I'm afraid you didn't come here specifically to deal with this problem?" Feng Ziying asked.

"Ziying, you and I should belong to the same family. I will not hide some things from you. Many people in the capital know that you and the Mongols negotiated the redemption of those soldiers, but now the court is only willing to redeem the soldiers. The generals and the court have nothing to say, but some people dare not let their families stay on the grassland, who knows if they will survive this winter?"

   Jia She is calm and composed, with a plan in mind.

"You also said that the Mongols want to redeem all of them at once. This is obviously impossible. The court has no money and cannot agree to it. Some people can get the money, but they can't help redeem those who have nothing to do with it. ,..."

   "Doesn't that conflict with the demands of the Mongols?" Feng Ziying asked rhetorically.

"It depends on you, Ziying. I have inquired about it, and it is said that you contacted the Mongols before the court made a decision. Without your presence, two hundred thousand taels of silver redeemed more than fifty thousand people." , It is impossible at all, the Mongols are willing to give you face, most of it has something to do with your father being the governor of Liaodong, so why can't we play a game on the redemption of these generals?"

  As long as Jia She is talking about money, he is very energetic and has a good brain. Feng Ziying can only say that this guy is probably most excited about money. As long as he has money, he is willing to do anything.

   "Play a game?" Feng Ziying smiled, "Xie Shibo, how do you play?"

"Since the imperial court can't solve the intention of returning these generals in the short term, but there are also many people who hope to find some back, but if they want to redeem them together, it is impossible, so Ziying, can you help us to make a bridge? Let's see. Could the Mongols be lenient and let some people pay their ransom in full and let them come back?" Jia She said with a confident attitude.

"Paying the ransom is a process of bargaining. In the past, if you were kidnapped by bandits, you could still negotiate the price. Since you are familiar with Ziying on the Mongolian side, can you follow suit? Like Mu Tianyan, Liu Guoquan, Qiu Bing Everyone, people like Chen Ruishi, they must be able to afford this amount of money, whether it is thirty thousand taels or fifty thousand taels, as long as they endure a little bit, they can get it. Say hello over there, a little cheaper, a discount, then we can be in it..."

   Jia She has a wretched smile on his face, which makes Feng Ziying feel tired. Yingchun is a beautiful guest with a gentle temperament. Why is her father so wretched?

   "Xie Shibo, my nephew doesn't dare to get involved,..."

Feng Ziying hadn't finished speaking when Jia Amnesty answered, "Idiot understands, of course you can't meddle in these matters in the open, and I will be the one to do all of this, and I will naturally not lose your share when the time comes." ,..."

"No, Uncle She, I'm afraid this matter is not so easy to handle. The Mongols are asking for a merger. Uncle Xi, you said that you can only solve part of it, and then you have to bargain. I'm afraid the Mongols are not so easy to talk about. ..." Feng Ziying couldn't laugh or cry, so she quickly explained.

"Hey, Ziying, business is all about bargaining, and the Mongolians are not stupid. They must make a false report first, and then leave room for bargaining. Besides, these people have to be fed and drank when they bring them back to the grassland. Don't you hope that these people will be exchanged for silver as soon as possible? If it takes a long time, it will still be a loss? In the future, your father will spend more time dealing with them in Liaodong, and everyone will have more opportunities to take care of each other. Are you entangled with too much?"

Not to mention, as long as this Jia Amnesty talks about earning a living in money, he will immediately become much more general. Even Feng Ziying has to admit that this guy is still a bit smart in this regard, at least he has sorted out the various ways in it very clearly. .

  Feng Ziying thought about it, if the imperial court was unable to respond to the request of the Neikha people, Zaisai would definitely be a little anxious.

Jia Amnesty was also right. Mu Tianyan and Liu Guoquan offered a ransom of 50,000 taels of silver, which was obviously worthwhile. In terms of sequence, the thirty or fifty generals above the Dusi alone would probably cost half a million taels of silver. In their opinion, these should be the best ones to ask for ransom.

As for the generals under the capital division, the generals and the generals belong to the middle and low-level officers, and there are too many people. It is too much work to bargain one by one. Wu Xun, or the offspring of the four kings, eight princes and twelve lords have more offspring, and these families can still scrape together a thousand children and eight hundred taels of silver. If it is not possible, they can borrow the following life-saving money from outside.

In a word, it is indeed cumbersome and lengthy for the Nekhka people to get these silver coins. Zaisai should have considered this, so he wanted the court to pack and redeem them, but if the price is too low, Zaisai will definitely not agree , and the key is that the imperial court refused to pay for a while after the price was lowered, which would affect Emperor Yonglong's arrangement for the reorganization of the capital.

In this way, Jia She's way can't be completely cut off. Keep this lead and do it slowly first, so that Zai Sai won't think that he broke his promise because of disappointment, and he can pass such a plan. This big business promotes the economic development of Yongping Prefecture. The money is exchanged for goods. Whether it is purchased locally in Yongping, or purchased from Yuguan and imported into the grasslands, it can be given to Yongping Prefecture. bring prosperity.

In particular, Feng Ziying considered that the subsequent full-scale operation of the iron factories in Lulong and Qian'an will increase the output of iron materials by a large margin. Coupled with the increase in cement production capacity, on the one hand, iron materials and cement can be transported to the south and even Japan and Japan through the Yuguan Sea. North Korea can also import a large amount of grassland, and at the same time, it can transport grain, cloth, and tea from the south, forming a virtuous circle of interaction, making Yongping a transit point for logistics distribution between Eastern Mongolia and the south, and it can also drive the development of commercial ports in Yuguan. .

  Among them, the huge ransom paid by these Beijing-run warriors can become a start-up capital to drive this business chain.

After the Nekhka people were firmly bound to Yongping and Liaodong by traders, it would be impossible for the Nekhka people to disembark in the future. A certain leader or noble wanted to reverse the production of the entire tribe. Lifestyle is almost impossible.

   "Uncle Xi, you are so enthusiastic, don't tell me there are many people looking for you?" Feng Ziying couldn't help asking.

"Hey, Ziying, to tell you the truth, after you talked to Uncle Yu last time, Uncle Yu went to ask the Liu family, the Chen family, and the Qiu family. There are still people in the family taking advantage of the fire to rob and want to redistribute the family property. Seeing that they feel sorry for them, the foolish man suggested to them that it is better to talk to the Mongols directly. The court can’t take care of it for the time being, so let’s talk to the Mongols ourselves. Whether it’s 50,000 or 30,000, the most important thing is that people come back. Of course, they can’t be slaughtered casually by the Mongols, so the fool volunteered to come to you to discuss it, and they all agreed. Let me ask first, whether this road can be passed through,..."

Although shameless, Jia Amnesty still confessed everything in front of Feng Ziying, "Ziying, I will not hide it from you, the situation in Rongguo Mansion is not very good now, and you also know that the old lady arranged for the second room to take care of the mansion. Yu Bo can only spend a little bit of money every year, but the situation in the mansion is not good now, the Grand View Garden costs too much, and every year there are many more people to support, now it is a bit beyond the means, this is not still owed to Lin The one or two thousand taels of silver from the girl, we are also very guilty, Lian's daughter-in-law, oh, Sister Feng probably can't bear it now, if you want to put down the pick, each house has to live, so Uncle Yu can't think too much, ..."

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised that Jia She suddenly brought up the topic of the Rongguo Mansion's internal affairs, "Shi Bo, it's not enough, right? As long as the ancestors are still alive, it's okay to be more careful, isn't it?"

   Jia Amnesty just said so casually.

There is an old lady here, and now the second child is going to Jiangxi to be a political student. I guess even if it is an elm lump, he can earn tens of thousands of taels of silver this time. He also has a daughter who is a concubine in the palace, but As for myself, even if the second girl promises to the Sun family, she can only make a fortune in the end, and it will be impossible to get money from the Sun family in the future. Jia Lian's side can still be regarded as a way, but Jia Amnesty still has to do it for her. First get some money in the press box, that's why he is so interested in this business.

  He also knew that Feng Ziying was not that easy to talk to, and besides being friendly to the Jia family, but for such a big matter, it would be impossible to do it without giving the other party some benefits.

  (end of this chapter)

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