Number of People

Chapter 1114: Geng Zijuan is upright and strong, Dama Jindao

  Chapter 1114 The Geng Scroll is justifiable and strong, a golden sword in Dama

  Jia Shek also knows a thing or two about Keng Geer's temperament, isn't that just a good one?

Didn't the second daughter-in-law just focus on this point and give the two sisters, Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er, to each other to warm the bed, which won people's love? The academy, even Lang Geer now seems to be able to get involved.

   But Jia Amnesty was a little skeptical. Could it be that Brother Zhu's daughter-in-law couldn't bear to be lonely, so she sacrificed her life to feed a tiger in exchange for Feng Ziying's willingness to give Jia Lan a lesson?

  In his opinion, this possibility is extremely high. Otherwise, why Feng Ziying had been ignoring Jia Lan before, but now he has started to warm up, probably because he has a close relationship with Jia Lan before he loves her.

Thinking of this, Jia She's heart was burning with enthusiasm. The daughter-in-law of Brother Zhu seemed to be a vegetarian and recited Buddhism in a simple way, but she had a charming and suave figure. One day, Jia She also saw Li Wan in a gang They encouraged them to wear flimsy and gorgeous gowns, those **** and buttocks were really mouth-watering, but they didn't expect to be eaten by this guy Keng Geer.

  However, for Jia She, the most important thing is silver. As for female sex, it comes after. In his opinion, as long as there is enough silver, what woman can't win?

  It's a pity that I already owe too much money to the Sun family, and it is absolutely impossible for me to return it. As for Feng Ziying, I can only play the story of Li Daitao being stiff.

Although Xiuyan's girl is a bit inferior to the second girl's status, she is not inferior to Yingchun in terms of appearance and beauty. Feng Ziying doesn't pay much attention to status, and even looks up to pretty girls, so Xiuyan should be able to enter his eyes.

   As for whether Xiuyan is willing or not, she has found such a good marriage for her, and she is afraid that it is too late for her to thank herself.

   But Xing Zhong and his wife might be a little more troublesome. That guy is fooling around now and owes a lot of bad debts. Jia She is a little worried that Feng Ziying will dislike him.

"Ziying, it's hard to live anywhere now. Your Feng family has a small population, so you only have a hundred people now?" Although he was complaining casually, Jia Amnesty had to do his best, "Do you know that we are honored? What is the population of the government? Do you know how much it costs every year if there are more than a thousand people, men, women, old and young?"

  Feng Ziying really did not expect that Rongguo Mansion actually had as many as a thousand people, and was taken aback, "Shibo Shi, so many? Where are there so many people?"

"Hey, you don't know how expensive Chai Migui is if you are not in charge. Our Rongguo Mansion has gone through so many generations. It turns out that the people who were bought by the ancestors have become families and have children. After several generations, there may be one or two people at the earliest. There can be thirty or fifty people around, and they don’t want to go out and are willing to give you the current person, how can you still drive them out, or beg them to go out, saying that the house is about to be overwhelmed?"

Jia She sighed, and half-truthfully said: "The most important thing in this capital city is face, once everyone around you knows that your mansion can't move, then you will lose more than half of your friends immediately. If you want to find someone to help you, people will weigh one or two, and most of them will turn you away in the end, so no matter how difficult it is, you must hold up your face. Although Yu Bo can't understand Sister Feng Some methods, but it should be said that she has spent a lot of time in the past few years, but it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice,..."

Feng Ziying was greatly surprised. He never thought that Jia She could give such a fair evaluation to Wang Xifeng. He really shouldn't underestimate Jia She. , that is another matter.

"Also, there are too many people in this mansion, and there are hundreds of people of all kinds. It is inevitable that there will be some useless people, that's all, I'm afraid that there will be some people who enjoy leisure, eat, drink, and gamble. There are so many people like this in that mansion. Yes, it’s basically difficult,…”

   As if thinking of something, Jia She glanced at Feng Ziying, "Ziying, do you know my brother-in-law?"

   "Uncle Xing?" Feng Ziying nodded.

"Hmph, I don't know if it was the lard that got my heart, or the door caught my head, and I dared to go to the casino to play. I didn't know it before, but when I found out, he had already owed a lot of money. I came from a small place in Suzhou, and I have never seen the prosperity of the capital city. I didn’t like it very much before I came here, but they are all relatives. For the sake of face, I have to welcome them when they come. Who knew that they were still doing well in Suzhou Yes, why did I become fascinated and dazzled when I arrived in the capital city, and went to the casino to be happy..."

Jia She shook his head and sighed, "I owed a lot of money after going back and forth, and people from outside came to ask for the debt, so he hid here and there, until finally he couldn't escape, and they wanted to tie him up. Or going to the government to sue him for not paying back the debt, he was too scared,..."

Feng Ziying was a little puzzled, why did the topic of Jia Amnesty suddenly come to Uncle Xing? Could it be that Jia Amnesty was planning to support Uncle Xing, let him participate in this kind of business, and earn money by the way? Some money to pay off gambling debts?

  Can Jia Amnesty be so generous? Thinking about it, it is impossible, even if the sun comes out from the west, it is impossible to ask Jia Shen to give up the money he got to others.

   Unable to guess Jia Amnesty's intentions for a while, Feng Ziying simply kept quiet and listened to what Jia Amnesty had to say.

"My niece, Xiuyan Ziying, you also know that it's hard to live with such a father. Now Xing Zhong owes four or five thousand taels of gambling debts, and the interest is rolling. I'm afraid it will become more and more. But he is also an ignorant and incompetent person, so he can't repay this debt at all,..."

  Jia She's words were also full of regrets, "It's a pity that Xiuyan girl has such a strong nature, and she is also born with a delicate personality, and her temper is also very good,..."

  Feng Ziying finally heard what Jia Amnesty meant. Could it be that this fellow planned to make Xing Xiuyan his concubine?

   Well, what is this? reward?

  Feng Ziying couldn't laugh or cry, this Jia Amnesty is too good at business, right?

"Uncle Xi, what do you want to say?" Feng Ziying collected herself, "Sister Xiuyan is indeed a very good girl, if Uncle Xing owes too much debt, Uncle Xi can actually help a little, if not enough, My little nephew can also turn around here,..."

This is what Jia Amnesty wants, as long as he can get on the line, he will naturally have a chance in the future. He exaggerated the debt owed by Xing Zhong before, but it was only one or two thousand taels of silver owed, but he said it was four or five thousand Two, the idea is to take this opportunity to do this business, and the money earned can be said to go to Xingzhong to pay off the debt.

Not only can you take the opportunity to build a relationship, but if Xiuyan enters Feng's family in the future, you have to remember this love, which can be regarded as a long-term love affair, and if Feng Ziying wants to take Xiuyan as a concubine, she will naturally be there If you do your best to help redeem people, you can also make a lot of money yourself.

"Hey, how can I ask Ziying to give you money?" Jia Amnesty said with a straight face, "Although Yubo's hands are a little tighter, he can still squeeze out one or two to pay Xing Zhong first. I'm worried about Xing Zhong. Go on, you're not serious, you're delaying this girl, Xiuyan,..."

  Here comes, Feng Ziying said in his heart, he was very curious about how Jia She said this.

   "Ziying, Uncle Yu sees that Xiuyan and Lin Yatou's concubine sister are very close. I remember that Ruhai also let him, a concubine daughter, and Lin Yatou marry into the third wife of your Feng family?"

   This is no secret in Rongguo Mansion.

Since Lin Daiyu is going to marry Lin Daiyu, it is natural to explain the situation clearly to Daiyu's close relatives in the Jia family. Jia She and Jia Zheng are both Daiyu's uncles, and Jia's mother is Daiyu's grandmother. What's more, Lin Ruhai has passed away, even if the Jia family has some complaints, everyone is dead, so naturally they won't say anything.

   Besides, Miaoyu's dowry as concubine is also helping Daiyu to maintain favor and safeguard the interests of the Lin family, and it is equivalent to standing on the side of the Jia family. Of course, the Jia family will not object.

   "It is true." Feng Ziying nodded.

   "But Yu Bo also heard that the woman seems to have a weird temper, she would rather become a monk than marry?" Jia She continued.

After Feng Ziying was startled, she didn't expect Jia She to know about this situation, but Miaoyu has a weird temper, she has been living in Changcui Temple, and she usually dresses like a Buddhist layman, and Xiaoxiang Pavilion and Lu Xueguang probably know this I'm afraid even the other sisters have vaguely heard about the situation, so it's not surprising that Jia Amnesty learned about it through some channels.

   "Well, this,..." Feng Ziying couldn't answer for a while, but she admitted that Feng Ziying was worried that Jia She would not give birth to some kind of moth, such as asking Xiuyan Li to replace Miaoyu as his concubine. This is not in line with patriarchal etiquette.

As if guessing some of Feng Ziying's worries, Jia She smiled, "Ziying, I hope that Xiuyan can marry that concubine girl into your Feng family together with Lin Yatou, but it's against the rules, but it can't be done. Hey, Xiuyan can also be a concubine. I think Xiuyan is also fertile. You have two concubines in your mansion. They are the younger sisters of Brother Zhen’s daughter-in-law in the East Mansion, right? I heard that only Mrs. Shen has one. Pregnant, the other concubines, and a few maids in the house are still, your father must be very anxious, Xiuyan will definitely be able to give birth to your Feng family,..."

Feng Ziying was also convinced, and such things came out of Jia She's mouth, and he was so righteous. He is Xiuyan's elder, but he is not a parent, and he doesn't ask for the opinion of Xingzhong, nor does he ask Xiuyan's own family, just like that. The package was so overwhelming that Feng Ziying didn't know how to answer.

   "Uncle Shi, is this bad?" After holding back for a long time, Feng Ziying said: "Does sister Xiuyan know? There is also Uncle Xing, my nephew has never thought about it,..."

   "Hey, I just ask you what you think of Xiuyan?" Jia She said with an unquestionable look, "As long as you think it's appropriate, I will take care of everything..."

  (end of this chapter)

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