Number of People

Chapter 1115: Gung Scroll Sequelae

  Chapter 1115 The sequelae of the Geng scroll

   Jia Shele walked away in a jolt, leaving behind Feng Ziying, who was somewhat depressed but more secretly happy.

   Regardless of whether he accepts Xiuyan or not in the future, at least Jia She's psychological fortress has begun to collapse.

   Originally, I was still a little worried about why Jia She kept avoiding talking about Yingchun. Whether it was because the money was not enough, or because he felt that he couldn't save his face. Now it seems that the problem of money is more likely to be the problem.

It's just that I don't know what kind of dealings he has with the Sun family, so he is still unwilling. To say that Jia She made a promise is a joke. It seems that Sun Shaozu spent a lot of money on Jia She, and Jia She refused. The possibility of refunding the money is the greatest, but this time he wants to earn money through his own business, so he came up with this trick Li Daitao's stiff way.

   But Xing Xiuyan really suits Feng Ziying's mind. Not only is he well-read and reasonable, but also has a calm and elegant personality, and he is also well-informed and expressive. He is one of the few sensible people in Rongguo Mansion.

In "A Dream of Red Mansions", she was married to Xue Biao, but in this life, Xue Biao was not satisfied with the life of an ordinary wife and children, and wanted to pursue higher goals. This kind of Xiaojiabiyu is obviously not suitable for him, even the second aunt of the Xue family can't agree, so a sister of a Beijing official who was born as a Jinshi is suitable.

If Xiuyan can enter her door, no matter which room she is in, it is suitable. The two in the long room are not very good at running the house. Shen Yixiu is smart, but she is a big woman and her energy is limited , definitely needs an assistant, and Eryou and Qingwen are obviously not suitable, and Xiuyan is very suitable.

There is no need for the second room. Baochai and Baoqin are both shrewd and capable, especially Xue Baoqin, but Daiyu is more suitable. Daiyu will definitely not be a housekeeper in the future, but meeting a Miaoyu is more It's unreliable, no matter how you look at the three houses, they all lack a helper, and Xiuyan is undoubtedly the most suitable.

   After fantasizing for a while, Feng Ziying shook her head silly and happy. It seems that she has entered the season of fantasies. Spring is here?

Jia Amnesty just drew a big cake for himself, not to mention the thoughts of Xing Zhong and his wife, and Xiuyan himself may not be willing, and Jia Amnesty also said that it might be best to follow Daiyu's marriage, and that would all have to be done together. Two years later, but can the matter of redemption be delayed for one or two years?

  So this is a pie drawn for himself, let himself do the redemption first, so that he will keep his promise.

Of course, Feng Ziying did not doubt that Jia She really had such intentions. After all, it was not what he wanted to deceive himself. He was also very optimistic about himself. Benefits, if Xiuyan is favored by him in the future, he will also have multiple ways.

   "Sir, what do you say?" Seeing Feng Ziying enter the room with a calm face, Shen Yixiu asked curiously.

  Qingwen also squeezed the scarf tightly. Although it was a joke, Feng Ziying promised to find a family for her, but the other one was like a chain in her heart. It was to give birth to children for her grandfather.

"Well, how should I put it, I think the bet I made with Qingwen is suitable. Of course I want to find parents for Qingwen, but Qingwen also has to give birth to a pair of children for the master." Feng Ziying laughed happily. typical.

  Qingwen slightly tilted her head and spat.

  Shen Yixiu was quite happy, "Oh, what Mr. Jia means is that Mr. Jia's visit is not entirely to cause trouble for Mr. Jia?"

"It's a win-win situation." Feng Ziying briefly introduced the situation, "She Shibo wants to make money from it, and I also want to fulfill the agreement with the Nekhka people earlier, otherwise the Nekhka people I feel that my heart is not sincere, and it will be difficult to cooperate in the future."

  Qingwen pouted, "After all, Mr. Xi wants to use his hands to earn money. What I said was just to cover up for Mr. She."

"It's narrow..." Feng Ziying shook her head, "Except for the two hundred thousand taels of silver for the soldiers, the remaining generals are worth at least one or two million taels of silver. From now on, the imperial court will definitely object, so I gave Zai Sai a thought about this matter. If it fails completely, it is hard to say whether Zai Sai will turn his face and kill him. It is inevitable that people's prestige will be greatly reduced. There are nearly ten thousand casualties. Such an arduous journey, but failed to get enough rewards. The position of this leader will definitely be challenged or even subverted. This is the law of survival on the grassland. ..."

"Xianggong is right. Zaisai's loss of power and the instability of the five tribes of Inner Khalkha are not in the interests of Dazhou, and they are also not good for Xianggong. In the future, Xianggong's strategy of using Yongping Mansion to connect the Eastern Mongolian grassland will be lost. In vain, and father-in-law will lack a helper in Liaodong." Shen Yixiu nodded, her vision was much higher than Qingwen's.

Feng Ziying glanced at her approvingly, "A good wife is like a treasure. After this battle, I predict that the power of the Chahar people will decline, but the Jianzhou Jurchen are kidnapping tens of thousands from Fushun." After the surname, the strength will further expand, and the Horqin people and the East China Sea Jurchen are gradually losing their sincerity to Nurhachi. Although I hope to use the Yehe tribe and the five Neikalkha tribes to curb this momentum, it is not clear whether the goal can be achieved. It’s easy to say that the Jianzhou Jurchen’s geographical advantage is too obvious, especially after the Wula tribe moved to the Yehe tribe, in fact, the main throat that was originally blocked between the Jianzhou Jurchen and the Donghai Jurchen has been opened up.”

   "Then why did my husband suggest to my father-in-law that the Wula tribe move to the Yehe tribe to make way for the main road?" Shen Yixiu knew that her husband had written such a suggestion to her father-in-law.

"The Ula tribe was weakened too much before, and its leader, Buzhantai, was also beaten by Nurhachi to a psychological shadow. If he persisted, even with the support of the Yehe tribe and Liaodong, he would not be able to escape the result of being annexed by Nurhachi, and I am worried that Nurhachi will use the method of encirclement and reinforcements to weaken the Yehe tribe. Once the Yehe tribe is wiped out, it will be even more difficult for Dazhou to persist in Liaodong."

Shen Yixiu understands Feng Ziying's explanation. She doesn't understand military affairs, but her husband has never failed in any field since his debut. Even his father-in-law failed in the battle of Fushun. The husband also said that he did not expect Li Yongfang. .

  The husband is not in Liaodong, so he naturally doesn't know so many generals in Liaodong Town, so he can't blame her for such things.

   "My husband has strategized and won a decisive victory thousands of miles away, I admire him." Shen Yixiu smiled and teased her husband.

   "Hehe, if others say it, I will accept it as a husband, but what Wan Jun said, as a husband, I will do my part." Feng Ziying made a wonderful twist in the last sentence, which made Shen Yixiu, Qingwen, and Yunshang present all laugh.


  Ye Xianggao looked at the thick pile of paperwork piled up in front of him with a sullen face, stretched out his hand to press it, and finally sighed.

   "Erzhang, Daofu, the Mongols are retreating, but Miyun, Huairou, Changping, Shunyi, and Pinggu have almost all turned into a piece of white land. This winter and next spring, there are nearly one million displaced people. What should we do?"

  Li Tingji and Li Sancai exchanged glances, "Master Shoufu, what did Zhonghan say?"

   Zheng Jizhi has already applied for an official position. He is in his 70s, and his health is indeed too much. The cabinet is also planning to make a round of adjustments to the entire six ministers. There are vacancies in the household department, so naturally countless people are watching.

Even if it is confirmed that there will be scholars from Jiangnan to take over, there are also factions among the scholars in Jiangnan who govern politics. Although Fang Congzhe is the second assistant, he is the representative of the scholars in Zhejiang. He has a close relationship with the scholars in Nanzhili. Xiang Gao and Li Tingji are representatives of Fujian scholars, and they have a closer relationship with Jiangyou (Jiangxi).

  With the withdrawal of the Mongols, half of Shuntian Mansion in the north has been reduced to Beidi, and countless wealth and goods have been taken away. More importantly, this season will last until next spring. It may become a nightmare for Jingshi City in a few months.

Even if some of the hundreds of thousands of refugees can be persuaded to return, many of them are already extremely poor, with no land, no land, and shabby houses. Now that the Mongols have invaded and fled south, it will be even more difficult to return, so naturally they will not want to go back. up.

  This person, this winter and next spring, Shuntian Mansion is under great pressure on relief and public security. If he is not careful, he will cause a civil uprising. This is in the capital, not as far away as Linqing, and the impact it will bring cannot be underestimated.

With the start of the Southwest War, money like flowing water gurgles to the south, and the household department is now empty. Facing the Shuntian Mansion, three petitions a day, requesting to open warehouses to release food relief and persuade people to return to their hometowns, the court is also the same. Sitting in a sad city.

"What Zhonghan means is to let Brother Boxiao stay in office until next summer when the tax comes in. The anti-insurgency in the Southwest and the relief of the Shuntian Mansion are tricky things that require good planning. It's really not appropriate to change people at this time." Ye Xianggao also Said softly with a sullen face.

   "I think it's okay." Li Sancai was the first to express his opinion, "Even if it's later, it's okay. I'm worried that the Southwest War will be delayed, and I'm afraid it won't end as quickly as we expected."

Li Tingji frowned, "Daofu, it can't be solved in a year? The Ningxia rebellion was so powerful, and it was colluded with internal and external forces, and it was completely eradicated in less than a year. Could it be that a group of chieftains who sit on the sky and watch the sky are better than the Ningxia rebels?" more difficult to deal with?"

"Er Zhang, it is said that Fujian is mountainous, but the mountains in Sichuan and Guizhou are probably more steep than Fujian, and the climate is more complex and changeable than Fujian. That is to say, over there, fighting over there is not entirely about fighting for soldiers, but more about whether logistics and supplies can keep up."

  Li Sancai still has some knowledge. He has been the Governor of Water Transport for a few years, and he barely knows the soldiers. He knows that the most important part of leading troops to fight is to advance food and fodder. As for Bozhou, can the logistics and fodder keep up?

  (end of this chapter)

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