Number of People

Chapter 1116: Geng character volume does not stop

  Chapter 1116 The Geng Scroll does not stop

"Huguang's harvest last year was not bad, but Sichuan was a little worse. Chongqing, Shunqing, Tongchuan, Baoning, and Xuzhou all suffered from drought. Chengdu, Long'an, and Jiading were considered good years..." Li Tingji also frowned, "The roads in Sichuan are a bit worse, and the transportation consumption is relatively high,..."

   "Yang He wrote a letter stating that the situation of the refugees in Jingxiang is fairly stable, but the White Lotus Sect is widely spread among them. Huguang has a bumper harvest this year, and it is necessary to further stabilize the grain price in the Yunyang mountain area, so..."

Li Sancai was also frowning. After Yang He became the governor of Yunyang, he seemed to be focused on how to stabilize the refugees in Jingxiang. He didn't pay much attention to another task of the court, or he felt that Wang Ziteng was too senior to command. , or think that Sun Chengzong went to divide his power?

These Huguang people also have some thoughts, and they don't want to toss Huguang too much for the war in Sichuan, but they don't think about it. If the chaos in Bozhou can't be controlled, it will inevitably spread to Huguang. Raising a tiger is a problem.

The chieftains in the area of ​​Huguang, which is adjacent to the east of Chongqing Mansion, are not good at nothing. If Yang Yinglong is quickly pacified, they can even help the government. It's really hard to say.

As far as Li Sancai knew, the chieftains in Baojingzhou Xuanweisi, Yongshun Xuanweisi, and Shizhouwei in the west of Huguang had never been so peaceful, but the conflicts were not as prominent as those in Sichuan and Guizhou. But if they really got the chance, the possibility of making trouble is very high.

"Yang He went to Huguang, why did he become disregarding the overall situation?" Ye Xianggao was a little displeased: "Huguang is more important, or the situation of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty? When I was in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, I kept saying that the overall situation was the most important thing. How did I become a fool?" The governor has become so narrow?"

With a dry cough, Li Tingji eased Yang He's cheeks, "Yang He just said it was difficult, he is from Huguang, and it is understandable to shout twice on behalf of Huguang, but I believe that if the imperial court orders him, he will still follow the order of."

"We have no idea about the Southwest War. How long it will last, what it will look like, and how much preparations the Ministry of Household has prepared are still unknown." Ye Xianggao did not pursue further, "The soldiers of Guyuan Town Where did you go?"

   "Should be in Xi'an." Li Sancai said: "Yesterday, Jingqiu was still saying that it would be difficult to walk south from Xi'an, and I'm afraid we won't be able to arrive until the beginning of spring next year."

   "Our actions are still a bit slow. At the beginning, someone suggested that we should consider using three-sided pawns as soon as possible. We thought it was a bit of a fuss, but now it seems that..." Ye Xianggao did not continue.

Wang Ziteng's Denglai soldiers are unreliable, they have been wandering in Huguang, and have not yet entered the Shizhou Guard and Yongshun Xuanwei Division. This made the court intolerable, and gave Wang Ziteng an ultimatum. Slowly march westward from Yongdingwei and Anfusuo.

To the west, we will enter the so-called Xiangxi area, which is also under the jurisdiction of various chieftains. However, the Denglai army has tens of thousands of troops. It is not surprising that there will be someone who does not have eyes to provoke, but once we pass through this area and enter Youyang Xuanfu in Sichuan In the area of ​​Dongsi, Pingcha Dongsi, and Yimei Dongsi, the follow-up logistics support line will be completely exposed to the soldiers of chieftains such as Baojingzhou Xuanweisi and Yongshun Xuanweisi. , if the situation is unfavorable, how will these chieftains react?

Wang Ziteng also clearly raised this concern in his letter to the court. Although he was criticized and ordered by the court, he finally went west, but some people, including the Ministry of War, still admitted that Wang Ziteng's worries were not unreasonable. .

The west of Huguang has always been an unstable place. Yunyang and Xiangyang in the northwest are the gathering places for Jingxiang refugees. In the southwest, Shizhouwei, Yongshun Xuanweisi, and Baojingzhou Xuanweisi are full of chieftains. It is called the land of dissatisfaction with Wanghua, and it is just adjacent to Chongqing Mansion and Bozhou. Once the situation is turbulent, it will definitely affect the direction of these chieftains.

But now there is chaos in Bozhou, no matter what, it is necessary to show the attitude of the court. Sun Chengzong has already ordered the mobilization of the guards in Sichuan before he arrived in Syria to prepare his troops. Geng Ruqi also stepped up training 5,000 people in Chongqing. However, a large amount of military resources are still being imported continuously, and the Guyuan Army is stepping up its southward march. Everyone still has confidence in the pacification of Bozhou.

  Ye Xianggao mentioned the pain point again.

At the beginning, Feng Ziying suggested that Guyuan or Yulin soldiers should be dispatched to the south as soon as possible, but the court has not made a decision for a long time, always thinking that maybe the situation is not so bad. It was not until Geng Ruqi arrived in Chongqing and began to seriously investigate the situation in Bozhou. After returning, the court started. Take it seriously.

However, it is not that simple to transfer soldiers from Guyuan or Yulin. You need to arrange the situation in Yulin and Guyuan first, and the Mongol invasion caused the Datong Army to be transferred to Shuntian Prefecture to prevent the Tumote from taking the opportunity to make trouble. However, the soldiers from Yulin Town and Shanxi Town did not dare to move, so they could only transfer soldiers from Guyuan Town.

"Master Shoufu, it's hard to say what the situation in the Southwest War is, but Chu Cai and Zhisheng have specifically mentioned the issue of logistics support. Wang Ziteng is also worried about this. Yang He also mentioned that the situation in the Southwest War and the Northwest Counter-insurgency may be the same. We will face the problem of excessive loss of food and fodder supplies, even if we want to transport food and supplies from Chengdu, Jiading or Huguang to the front line, it will cost a lot of labor, and this does not include the consumption from Guyuan,..."

Li Sancai couldn't help but shook his head, "But the Shuntian Mansion's relief this winter and next spring will cost 200,000 taels of silver to redeem the soldiers of the Beijing camp. I'm still a little worried about the sudden disappearance of the Japanese pirates in Nantong Prefecture. Big conspiracy, the strength of the guards on the Jiangnan side is too far behind that of the Nine Sides, in case of water transportation..."

  Li Sancai was born as the governor of water transportation, and he is well aware of the importance of water transportation to the capital, especially after experiencing this war, there is a greater demand for people's livelihood materials such as food and cloth.

The materials from Huguang and Jiangnan need to come from the canal. If the Japanese pirates target the water transport, even if they just create a mess or two, the price of food along the Beidi canal will skyrocket. For some businessmen, it may be a grab. It is a good time for wealth, but for the ordinary people, it is a catastrophe.

The financial problem has always been the biggest problem that plagued the Great Zhou Dynasty, especially after the thirty-seventh year of Yuanxi, the financial situation of the imperial court was deteriorating day by day, but even with the huge financial pressure, Emperor Yuanxi still started his sixth trip to the south of the Yangtze River , The cost was huge, and it also caused a lot of controversy within the court.

Some censors even directly wrote to the emperor, asking to stop traveling south and spend the money on the defense of the nine borders, but Emperor Yuanxi still insisted on going to the south of the Yangtze River for the sixth time. The relationship between scholars and Emperor Yuanxi made it difficult for Emperor Yuanxi to get the support of court civil servants after the thirty-seventh year of Yuanxi, so he had to take the countermeasure of saying he was sick and not going to court.

  After 40 years of Yuanxi, Emperor Yuanxi had to consider advancing the Zen throne to resolve the increasingly antagonistic relationship between monarchs and ministers. Only then did King Zhongxiao ascend the throne and become Emperor Yonglong.

Ye Xianggao also had quite a headache. He knew very well that Zheng Jizhi had tried his best. It should be said that the financial situation of the imperial court had eased after two years of opening the sea to support him. However, Da Zhou was like a broken ship. If it is blocked, there is a leak again, everything is going wrong, it is really stretched.

"Okay, Daofu, it doesn't make sense to talk too much now, and we can only solve one by one." Ye Xianggao paused, "The problem of refugees in Shuntian Prefecture is the first to bear the brunt, and I'm afraid that the counties should be dealt with as soon as possible." Persuading them to return, the relief food has to be transferred from various warehouses, and Tongzhou should first consider transferring some out, at least to keep these refugees from freezing to death this winter and next spring,..."

   "The day before yesterday, I heard Chengfeng say that many refugees from Fengrun and Yutian went to Yongping Mansion, but Yongping Mansion welcomes them..."

  Li Sancai hesitated for a moment before speaking.

   "Welcome?" This sentence surprised both Ye Xianggao and Li Tingji.

  Who else would welcome refugees these days? Who doesn't know that the refugee means relief. After a winter and spring, the cost is not small. Even if there is food relief from the imperial court, it involves an impact on the local social security, and the governance of the local government requires a lot of energy. I have never heard of anyone who thinks this is a good thing.

Li Sancai thought for a while before saying: "Zhu Zhiren and Feng Ziying wantonly opened mines to burn charcoal in several counties of Yongping Prefecture, set up iron factories, and built charcoal plants. The amount of iron produced is not small, and it requires a lot of labor. The 'cement' workshop is mainly used for repairing walls and laying floors. It is said that it is similar to rice juice for building city walls. It can condense to bridge the gaps between bricks, and can also condense stones and silt together. It is very useful and very popular. The supply exceeds demand. , I heard a familiar Shanxi businessman say that they are now waiting for the Mongols to retreat, and the mines, iron factories, and charcoal fields in Lulong and Qian'an will be restarted and expanded immediately. Judu and Foshan Zhuangji built two gun-making workshops in Yongping Prefecture relying on these iron factories, so many people are needed,..."

Both Ye Xianggao and Li Tingji were a little dazzled by what they heard, but Li Sancai didn't want to stop: "I heard from that businessman that in order to facilitate the transportation of iron materials and ironware from Lulong and Qian'an to Yuguan Port for loading The ship was exported, and Feng Ziying even proposed to build a cement road from Lulong to Yuguan with Shanxi merchants, that is, a road like a stone slab. This kind of road will not even be soaked by the rain in the rainy season and become muddy and difficult to walk. "

"Is it really that powerful?" Li Tingji couldn't help asking, "If it's true, Feng Ziying will never stop going anywhere. If he doesn't say something amazing, he keeps dying. I swear to never stop!"

  (end of this chapter)

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