Number of People

Chapter 1122: Forced by the situation of Gengzi scroll

  Chapter 1122 The Geng Scroll is forced by the situation

It is precisely because the people in the mansion are more and more aware of the current decline of Rongguo Mansion, and many people now have two hearts, like Sister Feng, who is now thinking of leaving because of her reconciliation with Jia Lian. Uncle probably feels that the old ancestor Eccentric and have the idea of ​​self-supporting.

  But there are thousands of people in Rongguo Mansion, once Sister Feng wants to leave, who will take care of it? Could it be handed over to the Xing family?

   That is even more unacceptable to Mrs. Wang.

But if it is in my own hands, no matter whether I let Brother Zhu's daughter-in-law or Tan Yatou touch it, I will face the dilemma of having nothing to eat. As the daughter-in-law of the head of the family, I have to think about how to support it. Once the master goes to Jiangxi, he may In just a few years, she took Aunt Zhao to play outside, but she had to bear such a heavy burden. Of course, Mrs. Wang had to think more about it.

   Jia Zheng frowned.

   Jia She stayed with Feng Ziying, but he didn't call himself. Obviously he didn't want to get involved with the second room. Although he didn't know what it was, he could guess that it had something to do with earning a living with money.

  Reminiscent of what the eldest brother and brother Keng said last time, could it be that the house and shop are doing nothing to make a living?

  But those are all expensive businesses, and there may not be so many suitable ones. How many can be done in such a short time?

   What's more, now that the news of the Mongolian soldiers' retreat has spread, there is no chance to make a living like this. How can there be any need for Brother Keng, who is so eager to leave a meal?

  Jia Zheng recalled bitterly, as if he didn't talk about anything else that day, so what else could the elder brother do to make a living to find Brother Keng?

No, it seems that we talked about it. Jia Zheng slowly recalled that the elder brother seemed to be very interested in the fact that the generals of the Beijing camp were captured by the Mongols. Does brother Keng have friendship with the noble chief of Mongolia, could it be...?

  Seeing the hesitant expression on Jia Zheng's face, Mrs. Wang knew that her words still had an effect, "Could the master remember something?"

   "On that day, my brother was very interested in the situation of the captured generals in our Beijing Camp Martial Arts. He also asked Brother Keng about the negotiations with the Mongols. I don't know if my brother..."

  Jia Zheng was not sure either. After all, he was a little distracted at the time. He thought about whether Tan Yatou could be Feng Ziying's concubine. He didn't pay much attention to it, but he did hear something about it.

Mrs. Wang is not very specialized in external affairs, but she still knows that hundreds of military officers of the capital camp have been captured, and most of them have contacts and friendship with the Jia family, "Master, then these captured military officers, Didn't the imperial court plan to redeem it?"

   "The imperial court now only intends to redeem the soldiers, and the generals are asking too much for the Mongols. The imperial court is afraid that they will not be able to pay them, and there is also strong opposition within the imperial court." Jia Zheng shook his head.

   "Master, do you think Uncle wants to help in private contact, and ask Brother Keng to help redeem some people who are familiar with our Jia family?" Mrs. Wang is not stupid, she can also think of this.

Redemption is one thing, so many people are involved, and such a huge amount of money is involved, the uncle will definitely do his best inside, using the reputation of the Rongguo Mansion as a guarantee, using the relationship between the Jia family and Brother Keng as a favor, and profiting from it, this chain You can understand it at once.

   Jia Zheng and Wang looked at each other, and they immediately understood Jia She's plan. No wonder they wanted to avoid Erfang's side. Jia She wanted to monopolize the proceeds.

Although I don't know how much this profit is, or even the exact amount of ransom for these generals, Jia Zheng remembers that Feng Ziying said at the time that the soldiers were redeemed for 200,000 taels of silver, but the ransom for hundreds of generals was higher Much more, estimated to be at least one or two million taels of silver, and even if Jia Amnesty got a little bit of it, it is estimated that he could get tens of thousands of taels of silver.

Although Jia Zheng was not too enthusiastic about money, he was also aware of the difficulties of the Rongguo Mansion, otherwise he would not have killed the Lai family so completely. It is the reputation of the Rongguo Mansion that is guaranteed, and it is the favor of Brother Keng, but Brother Keng may have a deeper relationship with the second room, so how can he have any intersection with the long room?

Before Jia Zheng could figure it out, Wang had already figured it out: "My lord, I'm afraid it won't work. If you want to redeem people from the Mongols, you must find a reputable guarantor for these martial arts. Uncle, this is what you want to do." The reputation of our Rongguo Mansion is guaranteed, and the other side is to use the friendship between Brother Keng and the Mongols. This favor is equivalent to Brother Keng. To do this business, in terms of personal interests, it is because our second room has a deeper relationship with brother Keng. Miss Lin is the uncle and the master's direct niece, and Bao girl is my sister's direct daughter. Things are too unkind.”

Jia Zheng frowned. Although Mrs. Wang is right, you didn't think of this before. I'm afraid that the eldest brother has made a lot of preparations in the early stage, so he suddenly started to cooperate with Brother Keng. Now you If you want to make a move, I'm afraid that the relationship between the two families will immediately turn against each other.

Jia Zheng is the most troublesome temperament, he hesitated for a while, and then said: "Madam, I'm afraid this matter has been planned for a long time, and we have never thought of it before. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to say something now, or... "

"Master, I'm afraid it won't work." Wang's attitude was very firm once again, "I'm afraid you don't know the current situation in our house. The master is busy with business outside, so the concubine and Feng girl didn't bother the master, but The situation is very bad now, even if part of the money is recovered from the Lai family, it can be maintained until the middle of next year at most. The master is going to Jiangxi soon, but there are still thousands of people in the mansion. How will we live until next year? ?”

  Jia Zheng was taken aback, feeling a little ashamed in his heart. Mrs. Wang even expected that she would ignore the people in the mansion after going to Jiangxi.

   "Then what does Madam mean...?" Jia Zheng pondered for a moment before asking.

"Master, go and ask uncle. If it's not good to ask directly, then at least find a way to find out what uncle is doing with brother Keng. Uncle's place smells bad, but brother Keng can always ask." Why don't you ask? I don't believe Brother Keng can do this to uncle, but he still keeps it from us." Wang's somewhat thin face put on a cold look, and said word by word: "What uncle can do, we can do the same. Can."

  Wang has even thought about how Jia She moved Feng Ziying, or Er Yatou, or Xing Xiuyan.

Feng Ziying's temperament is well known, eating Lin girl's mouth, still thinking about Bao girl's bowl, and giving him the two sisters, Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er, immediately drew closer. Before, the relationship between the two families was actually close. Rather distant and cold.

  Feng Ziying expected that she would definitely attract some attention and even gossip if she was retained by Jia Amnesty, but she didn't expect that even a person like Wang, who had never cared about mundane affairs, would join in so actively and enthusiastically.

"Brother Feng was given a meal by the eldest uncle?" Daiyu was also very surprised when she heard the news. As far as she knew, the relationship between Brother Feng and the uncle should be very ordinary, and the meal should be reserved by the second uncle. .

"Well, the news from the kitchen said that the Elder Master specifically told him to make it more delicate. In addition, the slaves heard from Siqi that the Elder Master is in a very good mood, and he sings songs when he walks." Zijuan covered her mouth and smiled. .

   "But didn't Brother Feng say that he was going back to Yongping Mansion tomorrow?" Daiyu frowned slightly, and gently put down the paintbrush in her hand, "Why did you come to the mansion again at this time?"

   "I don't know about that." Zijuan hesitated to speak.

   "What's the matter, you sneaky?" Daiyu pouted slightly.

"My servant heard from Siqi that when I met the third girl, I seemed to go to the old man's place for a while, and I probably heard that Uncle Feng went to the old man's place." Zijuan's round face showed a look of thinking, "But it didn't seem to go in in the end."

   "Oh?" Daiyu was surprised, looking at her personal maid, "Zijuan, what do you want to say?"

"I heard Caixia next to the second wife say that the second grandfather and the second wife have also talked about the marriage of the third girl, but it seems that there is no news after talking about it. But in terms of age, the third girl should also be talking about marriage. Already." Zijuan bit her vermilion lips lightly with her white teeth, and sighed softly, "I guess it's not too suitable."

Daiyu frowned, of course she knew that it was time for Tanchun to talk about marriage. Generally speaking, when a lady turns fourteen, she should consider getting married. Generally speaking, when she turns sixteen, she should get married. It is relatively rare for an unmarried person to be eight years old. Like himself, Tanchun is already fifteen years old, and he will be sixteen years old next year. At this age, he should at least have an engagement.

Seeing that Daiyu was thoughtful, Zijuan said again: "The servant girl also heard that Aunt Zhao's auspicious saying that the third master Huan has been fighting for the third girl's injustice, and that the third girl should take the initiative to tell the master and wife that you can't let the elders do what the second girl does. The master is so casually referring to marriage,..."

"Where did the second sister point to marriage? Although the eldest uncle had that intention, he didn't really settle down, but the Sun family is indeed not a good match." Daiyu pondered for a while before saying: "If there is a chance, I will also marry the eldest My uncle and my eldest aunt talked about it, and I heard that the man from the Sun family has a violent personality and likes to drink too much, and the second sister will suffer a lot if she is married to him with that temper."

Zijuan nodded slightly, "Actually, the servants also mean the same thing, but girl, you are a junior, so it's not good for you to say these things to the old man and his wife, but since Uncle Feng is so respected by the old man now, maybe you can ask Uncle Feng to talk about it. Much better."

   Daiyu laughed, and said: "Zicuckoo is sincere, but I don't know why my uncle treats Brother Feng like this? I have never seen my uncle care so much about anyone."

  (end of this chapter)

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