Number of People

Chapter 1123: The gengzi scroll can be understood in seconds

  Chapter 1123 Geng Scroll

  Feng Ziying left Rongguo Mansion a little drunk.

  Jia She can drink very well. Feng Ziying already has enough capacity for alcohol. Facing Jia She's gracious persuasion, it is difficult to resist, especially when the other party is persuading him, it is even more difficult to shirk.

  When Baoxiang called the carriage out, Feng Ziying got into the carriage and lay down, but she felt as if she had not taken a few steps out of the gate, and then stopped.

  Feng Ziying said impatiently: "What's wrong?"

"Master, Miss Ping'er is on the side of the road, maybe I have something to tell you." Baoxiang knew that Miss Ping'er had a special relationship with the uncle, so he didn't dare to be rude, so he hurriedly told the driver to stop .

   "Ping'er?" Although Feng Ziying was a little drunk, she was still conscious, knowing that there were some things that she couldn't say in front of outsiders, "I'm drunk, so I can't get out of the car, please ask her to come up and talk."

  Baoxiang said what he said, but Ping'er hesitated for a moment, then stepped on the ladder at the shaft of the carriage to get into the carriage, and lifted the curtain, only to see Feng Ziying reclining in the carriage with a flushed face, leaning on a pillow behind her.

   Seeing Ping'er lift the curtain, Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Ping'er, it's just in time, why don't you sit with me for a while?"

  Seeing that Feng Ziying was a little drunk, Ping'er quickly shook his head: "Did you drink too much at the Grand Master's place?"

   "Well, it's a little too much, just go back and sleep." Feng Ziying said disapprovingly, "Since you don't want to come and sit next to me, I know you're a busy person, so what's the matter?"

Ping'er was even more hesitant, but thinking of Wang Xifeng's eagerness and Feng Ziying's return east to Yongping tomorrow, he still spoke up: "Grandma wants to ask about your conversation with the Elder Master, and ask if you have time... "

Feng Ziying's spirit suddenly lifted. She had some thoughts when she came to Jia's mansion before, but some thoughts were diluted by Jia Amnesty's warm hospitality. In addition, after drinking a few more glasses, she also discarded some unsatisfactory thoughts. With practical thoughts, she was about to go back, but she never expected that Ping'er would come to the door on behalf of Sister Feng. How could this not make Feng Ziying's heart flutter.

"There is time, but I won't be able to enter the mansion any more." Feng Ziying frowned, "Master will be leaving early tomorrow morning, and everything there is crowded together, so we have to go back. Deal with it as soon as possible.”

   "Grandma said that she can come out, it would be best if there is a suitable place to meet..." Ping'er bit her lips and whispered.

  Feng Ziying was overjoyed, and the first thing she thought of was Daguanlou, which is a good place to watch a play. Last time, she played a lot of fun with Sister Feng in Daguanlou. Now it seems that she can go there to relive her old dreams, but it is too eye-catching.

  Shaking her head at this thought, Feng Ziying's alcohol seemed to have subsided a lot, "Does it have to be today?"

   "Grandma ordered it like this, and the slaves can only report the truth..." Ping'er rolled her eyes at the other party charmingly. These men are like wolves and tigers when they are greedy, but when they consider the reality, they hesitate again and again.

  Feng Ziying frowned, where do you see Wang Xifeng? Of course he wanted to see him, he even thought about it before, but he didn't expect Jia Amnesty to be so enthusiastic, the conversation time was much longer than expected, and he even left a meal, so it was impossible for him to go anywhere, not even in the garden. Good to go.

  I never thought that Wang Xifeng's nose is quite sharp, and she immediately sensed that the sudden warmth between Jia She and herself was tricky, so she had to hurry up.

   It’s just that Wang Xifeng absolutely can’t go to her own home in Fengcheng Hutong.

   With a sudden thought, Feng Ziying nodded: "Okay, then go to Maxiang Hutong, and I will ask Baoxiang to wait for you at the entrance of the Hutong."

   "Maxiang Hutong?" Ping'er was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately realized.

Of course she has heard the story of Feng Ziying's original golden house. It is said that the two younger sisters of Grandma You in Dongfu are Hu girls. He raised two concubines, until after marrying the Shen family, the Shen family was magnanimous, and then let the second daughter enter the mansion as a concubine. Most of this Maxiang alley is where Uncle Feng used to place Eryou.

"Well, I'll go there first, you go talk to Sister Feng." Feng Ziying didn't give Ping'er any time to react, she sat up straight, grabbed Ping'er by the waist, pulled her over suddenly, and kissed her on the cheek After a moment, he slapped the opponent's buttocks again, "Go, I'll wait for you over there."

Ping'er blushed and hurriedly got out of the car. Although Feng Ziying's behavior in the car was still a little too much for her, even though she had some affectionate actions before, especially when the driver and Baoxiang were still outside the car, there were also people on the street. There are people coming and going, and there is a lot of noise.

   After Ping'er got out of the carriage and the carriage continued to move forward, Feng Ziying regained consciousness instead.

   This Wang Xifeng is really powerful enough, as soon as he came into contact with Jia She, the other party must have smelled it.

  Feng Ziying did not realize that he underestimated his own influence. In fact, his every move now has attracted the attention of many people in Beijing.

Huang Degong's meeting with Li Ruzhang's tribe in Caojiazhai directly caused the Waikalkas to lose their confidence in continuing to persevere. For the first time, the Waikalkha people who have been nomadic in the north of the Mobei entered a completely different environment from the grassland. They felt that it was enough to get one vote, so they didn't believe in Lindan Batur's grand plan at all. , All in one mind is to quickly withdraw to the grassland to keep the existing fruits of victory.

  Without the protection of the Waikalkha people on the west wing, it is impossible for the Chahar people to persevere. Lin Dan Batur could only retreat with regret after all kinds of persuasion to no avail.

It can be said that Huang Degong's expedition to Caojiazhai directly prompted the Mongols to withdraw their troops nearly a month earlier than expected, and this month was extremely precious to Dazhou. The Chahar people raided and looted everywhere this month, and the entire northern and central north of Shuntian Prefecture were almost looted by these Mongols.

  Looking at the fact that the chahar cavalry has invaded Sanhe and Jizhou, and the Horqin people are fueling the flames in Yutian and Fengrun, the string of the Jizhen army is close to breaking.

   It can be said that Huang Degong and Li Ruzhang's joint attacks in the triangular area of ​​Chaohesuo, Shixiaying, and Caojiazhai directly threatened the retreat of the entire Waikha and Chahar people back north.

Before knowing the exact number of troops from Li Ruzhang's and Huang Degong's troops, they were even worried about whether Da Zhou was going to close the door and beat the dogs. If they really locked their 200,000 troops inside the side wall, even if they could finally get out, It was also a disaster for the Mongols.

No one expected that Feng Ziying's move in Yongping Mansion, which looked like a flying fairy from outside the sky, would bring such a great influence. Even Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke didn't expect that Huang Degong was only a few thousand people in Caojiazhai. A single movement can cause such a big shock, even more threatening than the tens of thousands of Datong Xuanfu Army, forcing the Mongols to retreat.

In addition to this, the story of Feng Ziying single-handedly negotiating with the Mongolian noble chieftain also quickly began to spread in Beijing in the past few days. After the silver redemption of ordinary soldiers stabilized the hearts of the people, many people paid more attention to Feng Ziying's ability to redeem more than 50,000 soldiers with a mere 200,000 taels of silver.

   After calculating this, the average is not even four taels of silver per person. These are the soldiers of the Beijing camp, not the old and weak women and children who put up bids and sold their heads during the famine.

Even with it, everyone will naturally imagine that Feng Ziying led the Yongping New Army to beat the Mongols under the city of Qian'an, and convinced them. This is how the Mongols made such a big concession, so all kinds of bizarre It is not surprising that the story spread in Beijing.

   It was these rumors that continued to ferment, which made Jia She's idea of ​​earning money more and more enthusiastic, and also made the second room of Rongguo Mansion a little unwilling to be lonely, and Wang Xifeng was naturally even less likely to miss such an opportunity.

  Maxiang Hutong Feng Ziying has not been here for a long time, but after opening the door and entering, there is not much change inside, because Mrs. You still lives here.

Originally, Feng Ziying asked Mrs. You to live in Feng's mansion after Eryou brought her into Feng's mansion as a concubine, but since Eryou wanted to follow him to Yongping mansion, Mrs. You didn't want to follow her to Yongping mansion. .

  Where can Yongping Mansion be as bustling and lively as Jingshi City, and there are so many fun things to do, go to the temple fair, pray in the temple, listen to operas in the theater, and go to Ningguo Mansion for a walk, how carefree it is?

But the two daughters left, and it seemed uncomfortable for her family to stay in Feng's residence, so under Eryou's plea, Feng Ziying also graciously let Mrs. You continue to live in the house in Maxiang Hutong, and by the way An older maid was invited to wait on Mrs. You, which naturally made Mrs. You laugh from ear to ear, and Er You was naturally both happy and grateful, so he couldn't close his legs.

  As soon as Feng Ziying entered the door, Mrs. You came out eagerly to greet her. Seeing that it was my son-in-law, she was surprised but also happy.

   "Uncle is back?"

   "I didn't go out. I had a few cups of wine at noon. I want to rest here and meet some guests by the way..."

  My old lady You understood in seconds.

For this son-in-law, Mrs. You is 100% satisfied. First, she took her two daughters as concubine, and then carried them into the mansion as promised to become a concubine. This is Mrs. You's greatest wish has been fulfilled, The only hope now is that the second daughter can give birth to a boy and a half girl for Feng Ziying earlier, then there is nothing left to ask for.

  At this time, Mrs. Feng came here and was drinking again to meet a guest. Mrs. You naturally understood that it was clearly a tryst with a woman to have fun, but she didn't know which woman it was.

  (end of this chapter)

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