Number of People

Chapter 1124: Geng Scroll Unpredictable Women's Hearts

  Chapter 1124 Geng Scroll Unpredictable Woman's Heart

  Of course, Mrs. You was curious, but she was a woman with knowledge, so she didn't care too much about it.

My two daughters are just concubines, as long as my uncle treats them well, and judging from Feng Ziying's attitude towards her two daughters and herself, this Uncle Feng is a kind and righteous person. , How many of these men of some status are not good at this?

   "Grandpa, do you need an old lady..." Mrs. You asked tentatively.

   "No, old lady, are the rooms over there still available?" Feng Ziying waved his hand, he was asking about the wing room where You Er You San lived.

"Hey, keep it, keep it, the old lady will go to clean it up when she has nothing to do, just thinking about what if my uncle needs to use it temporarily one day..." Mrs. You also spoke very sharply, and she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her words. How can a daughter be a concubine for others, but still think that it is natural for my uncle to find a woman outside?

   "That's fine." Feng Ziying glanced at Mrs. You, "I'll rest here for an afternoon, and I'm leaving before dinner..."

Mrs. You understood again in seconds, and nodded fiercely like a chicken pecking at rice, "The old lady was just talking about going to the Shideng Nunnery to sit for a while, but the Mingjing old nun said a few days ago that the old lady will rely on her for the rest of her life, and she has always said that she should have a good relationship with her." Foretelling, the old woman was just saying to go over there for a while, and Mrs. Zhang also said that something happened at home, so she just asked her to go back and have a look..."

  Feng Ziying had known for a long time that Mrs. You was an astute person, and she knew the elegance from hearing the stringed songs. She could even guess that she was here today for a tryst with another woman, but she didn't mention it at all. If she said something, she immediately cooperated.

"Well, the second sister and the third sister haven't come back from Yongping Mansion during this time. I'm going back to Yongping Mansion tomorrow. This time I came back in a hurry and didn't bring anything back. I have fifty taels of silver here to buy some. cloth, make some clothes,..."

Before Feng Ziying finished speaking, Mrs. You shook her head like a rattle, "How can I make it? The old lady is not a person who doesn't know what to do. The uncle treats the second sister, the third sister, and the old lady very well. The old lady has food and drink. With someone serving you, you enjoy it every day, so how can you ask for my uncle's money? Don't do that,..."

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised. He didn't expect this old lady You to be so sensible, but he thought highly of her.

   "Forget it, if my old lady has any ordinary needs, just talk to the second and third sisters. If the second and third sisters haven't come back, you can also tell Jin Chuan'er in the house,..."

Feng Ziying didn't say much, and nodded. Mrs. You has already hurriedly opened the east wing. As Mrs. You said, it was clean and tidy. Extra refreshing.

  Feng Ziying was very satisfied, so she walked into the house and leaned on the kang. Over there, Mrs. You had already brought over the charcoal basin from her house, and the room was hot soon.

   "Young master is here to rest, and the old woman will leave first." Seeing that everything was tidied up, Mrs. You just opened the door and left on her own.

Feng Ziying was also a little touched. Although this old lady You didn't have much contact with her, compared with her two daughters, she was much stronger in human relationships. The third sister is a straightforward person who doesn't want to ask too much. The second sister, on the other hand, has picked up on Mrs. You's temperament in some aspects, but she is still far behind in shrewdness and ability. Maybe it's because of age, maybe she will mature slowly after giving birth to a boy and a half girl in the future.

Wang Xifeng and Heping'er sent Jia's carriage to the side of the single archway on Chang'an Street. This is the busiest commercial area. There are many silk and powder shops in this area, and most of the carriages of rich families are waiting in this area. .

   The two got out of the car, pretended to enter a silk shop, looked around for a while, then walked out, and walked along the side of the street for a while, and saw Baoxiang coming with a carriage.

The two of them didn't make a sound, just put down the hood and curtain, and got into the car, even the coachman didn't know where the two girls came from, but since Baoxiang didn't say a word, he just drove along the side of the car, feeling in his heart. Li also generally knew that this was another outhouse raised by the uncle outside, no wonder it was brought to Maxiang Hutong again.

  The carriage reached the gate of the courtyard and could not enter. Wang Xifeng and Heping'er got out of the carriage, put down the curtain, and slowly entered the courtyard. Baoxiang then closed the door of the outer courtyard.

  Ping'er pushed open the door of the inner courtyard, and saw that the inside was clean and refreshing. It seemed that there were people living there, but there was no one there, only the east wing was moving.

The two of them didn't speak, and walked to the door. Feng Ziying had already seen the voice of Wang Xifeng and Heping'er, so she jumped up and walked out barefoot with her clothes open. son just came?"

  Wang Xifeng and Ping'er were taken aback. Although they had skin-to-skin contact, it was broad daylight.

  The noon sun rays came in through the window lattice and sprinkled on the neat scarlet blanket at the head of the kang. The light scattered in the air, because Feng Ziying got up and moved the dust floating, which seemed to indicate something.

  Almost at the same time, the two girls broke free from Feng Ziying's embrace, Wang Xifeng was angry, and Ping'er was shy.

  While breaking free, Ping'er rushed out of the door of the wing room, and left a sentence: "Slaves go to close the door of the inner courtyard, grandma will talk to the uncle first,..."

  Wang Xifeng was caught off guard by Pinger's sudden escape. Facing Feng Ziying, who had a happy smile on her face, she was at a loss for a while, and quickly took two steps back: "Brother Keng, I'm here to talk to you about something serious..."

   "We have to go to the kang to talk about serious matters. Do we just stand and talk like this?" Feng Ziying didn't care, he could figure out Wang Xifeng's state of mind mixed with various emotions at this time.

Nervousness about unfamiliar environments, worries during the day, shyness and longing for the second contact, and a certain expectation of inquiring or even intervening in affairs, of course, there may be some people who have had skin-to-skin relationships A little longing for relying on herself, all in all, Wang Xifeng's feelings about herself at this time should be very complicated and subtle.

Wang Xifeng glanced at the door subconsciously, but saw that Ping'er had already closed the gate of the inner courtyard, but she was just looking around at the gate, probably observing the situation of the courtyard, and seemed unwilling to come over up.

Feeling a little relieved, Wang Xifeng wanted to close the half-covered door, but Wang Xifeng felt that this was too blatant and shameless. While hesitating, Feng Ziying came over with a stride, and suddenly picked up Wang Xifeng, in the Wang Xifeng covered her mouth and put the other party on the kang with a sound of exclamation.

  Feng Ziying was slightly surprised by Wang Xifeng's fierce struggle but remained silent. Looking at the other party's eyes, there seemed to be some tears in her eyes, and Feng Ziying realized that she was still a little abrupt.

Previously, I thought that this woman either wanted to intervene in the redemption of the general of the Beijing camp to make some money, or she was greedy for that one-night pleasure and wanted to score twice, or both, but now it seems that this woman It doesn't seem to be completely like this to me, it seems that there are some other affections mixed in it, if I am a little reckless, I'm afraid this evil relationship will come to an abrupt end.

  Feng Ziying's movements suddenly softened, and she didn't untie the sweat towel of Wang Xifeng's cotton skirt, but raised her chin, "What's wrong?"

Wang Xifeng tried her best to maintain a cold and arrogant look, and struggled a few times, but she couldn't get rid of the opponent's other arm around her waist, so she could only try her best to tilt her head back, so that she and the opponent's face could not be separated. Keep a certain distance, "Brother Keng, did you call me here just to humiliate me? In your mind, I, Wang Xifeng, is just a brothel girl who you vented and then left aside?"

  Feng Ziying was also speechless, didn't you want to see me? It's not that I can't enter the mansion again, do you think you can come out? How did it become how I want to humiliate you and treat you like a prostitute?

  But he knew that he could only think about these words in his heart. If he wanted to say them, he would really tear his face apart.

"Hey, why did Sister Feng say that?" Feng Ziying stared at the other party with clear eyes: "Could it be that I, Feng Ziying, am so unbearable in Sister Feng's heart when I conduct myself in the world? Could it be that Sister Feng has forgotten everything I said after that day of loving each other?" Already? I haven't forgotten."

  The sentence "I haven't forgotten" made Wang Xifeng's eyes turn red again, and then she turned her head aside, and said coldly, "Who knows what you said? It's just a casual word from a man's whim,..."

   "Heaven and earth conscience, if Sister Feng wants to say this, do I have to cut my heart out?" Feng Ziying felt the softening of the other party's emotions, and felt a little relieved, "What kind of love do I have for you, can't you feel it in your heart?"

   This woman is troublesome. Sometimes you can't guess what is going on in her heart at all, especially in Wang Xifeng's current situation, and he can understand it.

She was divorced at first, and now she is even homeless, but it turns out that she is the arrogant Second Mistress Lian in the Rongguo Mansion, and she has a close relationship with Dun Lun. Looking down on her, and in such an environment, all kinds of anxiety, irritability, worry and expectation are suddenly intertwined, triggered by an inadvertent action of myself, and I want to pour it out and release it.

  It’s just that I have caught up with it myself, and I have to persuade, speak kindly to Sister Kuan, and even comfort her, so that I can slowly introduce it to Hong Kong.

   It seemed to be a little touched, Wang Xifeng didn't struggle any more, but his body was still a little stiff, and he said coldly: "I don't feel any affection in your brother Keng's heart, so tell me."

Feng Ziying felt a pain in her heart, and she put herself on it, but she didn't dare to show any color on the surface, but she quickly circled in her mind thinking about how to deal with this problem. Women are emotional animals. If you don't answer well, you can't fix it. Don't even think about getting close to him today, or you will have to spend a lot of trouble in the future.

  Seeing a public account that pushes books is not bad, but Dashuhuang has thirty-six tricks, and I feel that it is still a bit standard.

   Do you still have the monthly pass?



  (end of this chapter)

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