Number of People

Chapter 1125: Geng Scrolls Charm People's Hearts

  Chapter 1125 Geng scroll charms people's hearts

   "Really?" Feng Ziying thought quickly, but said in a rambling voice: "Sister Feng, are you really so cold and cold?"

Wang Xifeng was suffocated by Feng Ziying's preemptive attack, and she didn't speak for a while, as if she was recalling the deep meaning hidden in Feng Ziying's words, but Feng Ziying knew that this was just her own expedient measure, if she couldn't come up with enough convincing words This woman will definitely become more and more suspicious.

   "Sister Feng, do you remember when we first met?"

  Wang Xifeng was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously shook his head.

  Feng Ziying ignored the other party, opened her mouth with one hand, gently clamped the other party's chin and cheeks, and lifted up: "You may not have much impression, but I have a deep impression,..."

  Wang Xifeng's heart trembled.

"..., the first time I saw you after I came back from Linqing, I was sitting next to my ancestors. I remember very clearly that you were wearing a narrow silver jacket with a hundred butterflies carved in gold and red satin in flowers. Wearing an emerald flowered crepe dress, and a jade pendant around her waist, it should be a rose pendant, right? It’s pea green, and I’m very impressed."

Feng Ziying said leisurely: "..., the hairpin on your head, with five phoenixes facing the sun, is dazzling. Others wear it, I'm afraid it's coquettish and vulgar, but you wear it, it's coquettish but not charming, shining brightly. I like it,..., where's the stone-blue cut silk silver mouse coat? I haven't seen you wearing it in the past two years,..."

Every word Feng Ziying shattered Wang Xifeng's heart with ease like an armor-piercing hammer, and suddenly opened up, a wave of heat ran through her whole body from bottom to top, and there was a kind of indescribable comfort in the numbness, warmth and dizziness. Huhu,...

   "Brother Keng, what happened a few years ago, how old were you then, why..." Wang Xifeng was breathing heavily, her cheeks were fiery, her eyes were bright, and she stared at Feng Ziying.

  Feng Ziying looked at each other calmly: "Sister Feng, what do you think? Does age matter? I decided then that this woman was born for me, and I must have her..."

  The bang sounded like a flood breaking the embankment, washing away all worries, apprehensions, and doubts in Wang Xifeng's heart, leaving only a wave of fiery affection rushing back and forth in her chest.


"I know, you are a married woman, but it doesn't matter, I can wait, the second brother Lian doesn't cherish you, as a friend, I don't have much advice, just let him go, and I think the second brother Lian is not good enough You, or rather, are not suitable for you, but I can also say with all honesty and sincerity that I have known Brother Lian for several years. I had a certain hope in my heart, and this hope finally came true, please forgive me for being selfish,…”

  Feng Ziying's grandeur, frankness and straightforwardness made Wang Xifeng tremble violently all over her body, and her beautiful eyes were filled with inexplicable affection and tears, which only moistened the rouge around her cheeks.

"Brother Keng, I..." Wang Xifeng could no longer control her emotions. All kinds of suffering and fear for so long made her wonder how the man in front of her who had already lost her body thought of herself. With just a few words, all her worries and doubts were completely swept away in an instant, replaced by endless affection and longing.

   Without any more words, Wang Xifeng's beautiful eyes sparkled, her blood-red lips spit out fragrance, her breath whizzed, that anticipation, that longing, that infatuated love,...

In this situation, how could Feng Ziying hold back, she pressed her head down heavily, and the humming voice quickly turned into an extremely passionate hug, as if she wanted to embed every part of the other person's body into her own. in the body,...

   Even on that day, Feng Ziying was not able to be unreservedly offered fiery lips by the other party like today. Anyone can clearly feel the surging affection.

  Embroidered jackets, sweat towels, long skirts, bellybands, all scattered like a goddess scattering flowers,...

  The fragrance of the orchid sleeves fades, the tents turn red, and the embroidered pillow rotates and shifts. …

  Snuggle up to others, Jiaobo frequently slips away. The mandarin quilt is on display, and the waves are turning red crepe. Fragrance sweat stains shark silk, several times micro-transparent.

  …, plum calyx, rouge sandalwood mouth,…

   Fight hard but rest for a lifetime, and enjoy yourself every day.

  Ping'er couldn't help covering his hot face with a somewhat cool hand, quietly stood on the inner courtyard door, and looked out through the inner courtyard door.

She told Baoxiang to guard the gate of the outer courtyard, just to avoid such an embarrassing situation. Fortunately, Baoxiang is quite obedient, and he can see Baoxiang from the gap in the inner courtyard door, so he obediently guards the outer courtyard gate , with both hands in the armholes, stomping his feet, while looking out into the alley.

The sound from the wing room was too loud. In order to prevent the sound from coming out from the crack of the door, Ping'er had to walk carefully to the door of Xiangfang and tighten the door. Glancing through the gap in the door, Ping'er was almost frightened and collapsed on the threshold.


  Seeing that Ping'er was terrified, he used all his strength to carefully close the door, and then left quietly. Even now, the thrilling scene in Ping'er's mind still makes her feel drunk.

Grandma was still aggressive when she came, and said that she wanted to have a good talk with Uncle Feng, and talk about the possible cooperation between the old man and Uncle Feng. Such yelling is unbearable.


  The voice in the wing room gradually died down, and then there was a burst of inaudible whispers. Before he called himself, Ping'er knew that he shouldn't go there, and obediently guarded the gate of the inner courtyard.

This courtyard is still a bit small. Although it has two layers of courtyards, the distance between the main room of the inner courtyard and the east and west rooms is too small, so there is no sound insulation effect at all. Fortunately, the outer courtyard is slightly larger, but if someone is in the inner courtyard If you listen to it on the partition wall or door, you can definitely hear it clearly in the dead of night.

   Didn’t it mean that this is where Uncle Feng used to house the two younger sisters of Grandma Zhen? Uncle Feng is not afraid of being listened to by others when he has a good time with Er You?

  Thinking of this, Ping'er suddenly found out why he would think about these boring questions. Could it be that because he felt that he and his grandma were relying on, he felt a little shameless thinking that he would become Uncle Feng's bedside person sooner or later?

Couldn't help covering her cheeks, letting the coolness in her hands calm down her wild thoughts, Ping'er suddenly remembered that the second grandma seemed to be the most fertile time these days, and she kept saying that she only talked about business matters, not think…

  Thinking of this, Ping'er couldn't help being a little busy. If this happened, it would be really tricky. At this time, contraception would be much more troublesome.

  The room finally fell silent.

  The charcoal basin in the room made the whole room quite warm. Coupled with this "bare-chested battle", the two of them were sweating profusely, so they could only pull a quilt to cover it up.

  Feng Ziying has entered the time of sages, but Wang Xifeng has gradually recovered her clarity and reason.

  Feng Ziying's plump and soft body was pressed against her. Even though she had entered the sage's time, Feng Ziying couldn't help but recited a sentence of Amitabha.

"Brother Keng, you are going back to Yongping Mansion tomorrow, but you still have to enter the mansion today. You don't go into the garden to see Miss Bao and Miss Lin, and you don't meet and say hello to the Second Master, but talk to the Elder Master for more than an hour. , and eat wine together, which play is this?" Wang Xifeng has not yet fully recovered from the aftertaste, her flushed face, wet hair on the forehead, and a somewhat greasy voice, coupled with the blurred and lazy The look in his eyes, everything touched Feng Ziying's nerves.

   "Why, Xi Shibo and I have a drink to attract everyone's attention?" Feng Ziying reached into the quilt and squeezed it.

"You are now a big celebrity in the capital city. Where in this teahouse theater does no one talk about the battle of Qian'an and the story of your going to the Mongolian Hongmen Banquet?" I am very proud of the reputation of this man who has had such a good time with me.

"So what? It's just a false name. After a few days, it will naturally cool down. Now the Mongols have not completely retreated. Sister Feng, believe it or not, no one will remember these things in the next spring." Feng Ziying With an indifferent look on his face, "I'm the magistrate of Yongping Prefecture, just do my part, and I don't have much interest in other things."

   "So you let the big master take care of it for you?" Wang Xifeng suddenly stood up, staring at Feng Ziying with burning eyes.

  Feng Ziying responded with burning eyes, but they fell on Wang Xifeng's chest, "What are you doing?"

Only then did Wang Xifeng realize that she had moved too much, and with a scream, she quickly pulled up the quilt to cover it, and then searched for the bellyband, but she didn't know where it was thrown by Feng Ziying, so she simply stopped looking, but still said relentlessly: "What are you doing? Do you need to ask? Play charades for me? Why, the Eldest Master intends to promise the second girl to you as a concubine?"

  Feng Ziying quickly shook her head: "It's nothing, Sister Feng, don't talk nonsense."

"Hmph, you have a wicked heart but no courage. Didn't Jia Lian tell you before? If you really have an interest in the second girl, you may not be able to make the elder nod." Wang Xifeng curled her lips: "I don't bother to care about your nonsense. , I just want to ask if you and the elder are discussing the redemption of Wu Xun captured in Beijing?"

   "So what if it is, so what if it isn't?" Feng Ziying had to whet this woman's appetite. When it comes to these things, Wang Xifeng is smarter than anyone else, and she can clearly distinguish between love and interests.

"If it is, then the old man can do it, and I can do it too, and I can guarantee that I can do it better, more thoughtfully and more safely than him." Wang Xifeng sat up while covering her chest with the quilt in one hand. The fragrant shoulders of jade, the arms carved in powder and jade, and the disheveled black hair are really charming.

  (end of this chapter)

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