Number of People

Chapter 1129: The gengzi scroll is strategizing

  Chapter 1129 The Geng Scroll is strategizing

  When Feng Ziying returned to Lulong, the Nekhka people had already begun to withdraw their troops.

But what surprised Feng Ziying was that the Horqin people were still wreaking havoc in Zhenzi Town. Although the main force had returned north to Santunying, there were still small groups of rangers hunting for food and looting in the areas of Fengrun, Qian'an, and Lulong. .

   This also annoyed the Shanshan-Shaanxi business groups who had been looking forward to resuming work as soon as possible.

As long as the Mongols don't withdraw their troops for a day, the mines, charcoal yards, iron smelting workshops, iron factories, and ordnance factories in Lulong and Qian'an will not be able to resume work. There is also the cement factory, and the materials produced by such cheap raw materials are even more expensive than that. Rice milk used to build city walls in special locations works better, and one can imagine how expensive rice milk is.

  Thinking of the pig iron and refined steel smelted from furnace after furnace, and the cement produced from bucket after bucket, every businessman in the Shanshan-Shaanxi Merchant Group felt angry. This is all white money.

In the face of tea, porcelain, silk, cloth, southern goods, and medicinal materials from the south of the Yangtze River constantly attacking the north, the merchants of the Shanshan-Shanxi Merchant Group also had to compromise to manage these goods that had been dominated by the Jiangnan merchants. At that time, it was hard to discover such an advantageous product, especially when the opening scale of Yuguan Port was expanding day by day, and more and more merchant ships from outside the region were berthing. What are you waiting for?

Look at the output of pig iron, refined steel and various iron products produced by the two iron smelting workshops and iron factories in Lulong and Qian'an, and then calculate their costs and profits, and think of the scale of production that can continue to expand, whether it is No one can bear it anymore.

   "My lord, if you don't come back, we will go to Beijing to find you."

  Wang Shaoquan, who bowed and bowed hurriedly as soon as he entered the room, had blisters at the corners of his mouth. Obviously, he was also very anxious during this time, especially the huge pressure from the business group.

   It was hard for the Wang family to grab such an opportunity to take the lead in the affairs of Yongping Mansion. Whether it was a change of people within the Wang family, or the Wang family being squeezed out by other families, that was unacceptable to him.

He knew very well that the reason why he was able to take the position of "Chief Representative" of the Shanshan-Shaanxi Merchant Group was neither because the Wang family was the strongest in the Shan-Shaanxi Merchant Group, nor because Wang Shaoquan had the deepest roots and the strongest influence in the big family of the Wang Family, but It was a coincidence that I happened to give convenience to this person in front of me during the Linqing civil uprising, and I had such a little friendship.

And this little Feng Xiuzhuan showed an extremely strong temper when dealing with the strategy of opening the sea in the south of the Yangtze River. It is difficult for ordinary people to catch his eyes. fell on his own head.

  Of course, Wang Shaoquan thinks that he is capable enough, and his network is not bad, and he is also very hardworking, enough to secure this position.

It’s just that too many people are eyeing this position. It’s okay to talk about it before, but now, the huge interests shown in Yongping Mansion are getting more and more attention. Even the original Shanxi merchants and Shaanxi merchants The representative was still a little wait-and-see, but now no one is willing to give up half a point. When it comes to the expansion of the scale and the adjustment of the shareholding, they are almost completely quarreling.

"As for the urgency? Didn't you say that you will be back in ten days and a half months at most?" Feng Ziying raised her hand to signal Wang Shaoquan and the others who followed Wang Shao to sit down, and said casually: "Neikarka people The troops are being withdrawn, and it is estimated that they will be withdrawing within ten days. Why, can't wait for ten days? The future is long, we have plenty of time and opportunities,..."

"My lord, this one day's delay is worth money." Wang Shaoquan couldn't wait to cry out, "We invested so much, and it took so much effort to open up all the markets. It's the time for our expansion, and we were caught by these damned Mongolians. If a person delays for a month or two, isn't this intentional to harm people?"

  Feng Ziying was a little funny. At the beginning, this group of Shanshan businessmen were skeptical. If it wasn't for his repeated assurances and Zhuang Limin's eager attitude, this group of Shanshan businessmen would not join in.

It is also considering that Shanshan merchants in the Northland market have a considerable foundation. If you want to infiltrate products such as iron materials, iron products, and cement into the entire Northland, you have to rely on them, otherwise these people will set up obstacles for you and cause trouble. His ability is not low, so he also wants to bring this group of people.

Of course, from another point of view, these Shanshan businessmen can also be regarded as supporters of the northern scholars. He must take them with him because of emotion and reason, public and private. plate.

Feng Ziying didn't plan to earn much money on this. In his opinion, with the substantial reduction in the production cost of iron materials and iron products, coupled with the popularization of cement use, it will definitely bring great benefits to the economic development of the entire Northland. The huge impetus of the wave is what he is trying to see as soon as possible.

   "Are you in a hurry now? When I told you, you didn't have this attitude." Feng Ziying said cheerfully.

"My lord, don't run on us. We all know our mistakes. What we need to consider now is how to resume work and expand production as soon as possible. In addition, you have also discussed it. The construction of Lulong-Funing-Yuguan proposed by your lord The 'hardened road' is still very interesting, and everyone wants to do a good job of calculating the cost input, ..."

This is also Feng Ziying's suggestion to the merchants in Shanxi Province, but it was rejected by the merchants before. The merchants have never thought that even road construction and other things have to be paid by themselves. Isn't this the court? Is it about the government? Whether it is the post road or the official road, it has been the business of the imperial court since ancient times. Why is this little Feng Xiuzhuan so ingenious?

  Really treat the Shanxi businessman as someone who can be taken advantage of at will?

However, with the rise of a series of factories and workshops in Lulong and Qian'an and the rapid prosperity of shipping after the opening of Yuguan Port, the trade route from Lulong (Qian'an) to Yuguan Port via Funing quickly It became lively.

In this era, iron materials, especially refined steel and iron products, are in short supply and expensive everywhere. The demand on the grassland alone is almost a bottomless pit. Every year, the ministries of the grassland purchase iron materials from Dazhou through various channels. This is an indisputable fact, and even a large number of smuggled.

  Similarly like the coasts of the canal and Yangtze River, especially in the Jiangnan area, the demand for iron materials and iron products is also quite large. In addition to the demand in the Nanyang region, as long as the price is right, iron materials and iron products are almost sold.

However, the cost of the iron smelting workshops in Lulong and Qian'an is even less than one-third of the original small and medium-sized iron smelting furnaces under the addition of new technology and scale advantages. This sharply falling cost advantage has brought The result is a huge profit gain.

But everyone knows that this kind of technology and scale advantages cannot be maintained indefinitely, and sooner or later, competitors and peers will learn about the secrets, so this is why Shanxi businessmen are so eager to expand their scale to occupy the market s reason.

   Only by forming a scale advantage as much as possible, and at the same time using the scale advantage to promote the expansion and development of the entire iron-making industry chain, can we occupy the market more effectively, and then form an advantage in the future, and squeeze those subsequent competitors.

Now it is particularly important to sell these iron materials and iron products to Jiangnan as much as possible. Shanshan merchants in the northern market are not afraid of competition, but the shrewdness of Jiangnan merchants is what they worry about. When Bian has not fully recovered, it is urgently needed to make an all-round breakthrough to seize the market.

However, in winter and summer in the Northland, there is either heavy snowfall or intensive rainstorms, which will seriously affect road traffic, and iron materials and iron products are all heavy-duty transportation. It is difficult for ordinary mud roads and even post roads to travel in rainy and snowy seasons. Smooth traffic will also bring huge challenges to the future market transportation efficiency, which is also the main reason why Shanxi business groups changed their minds.

Of course, another important reason is that Feng Ziying's performance in the first battle against the Mongols and his reputation in Beijing have increased greatly. This indicates that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's official career will be even brighter in the future. Naturally, he is more optimistic about him, so helping him and winning his favor can be regarded as a political investment.

  Feng Ziying laughed.

  He can roughly understand the thoughts of these Shanshan businessmen, one is business needs, and the other is to bet on himself, it doesn't matter.

The expansion of cement production capacity can also improve the original specifications of this road. Some special road sections that are easy to be damaged by rain, snow and water may as well be solved directly with cement concrete. In this era, there is already a concrete The precedent of road construction is only more expensive in terms of cost.

   "Have you figured it out?" Feng Ziying teased.

   "I figured it out." Wang Shaoquan said honestly.

"That's good, I don't want to force anyone, but if someone can't keep up with the situation and falls behind, I won't pull him." Feng Ziying's smile slowly faded, "It is also a skill to judge the situation. Officials, they are still talking about business, this point is too lacking, I think they will be eliminated sooner or later,..."

  After some education, Feng Ziying sent these businessmen away.

These businessmen are currently only available as tools, and they are still far from their partners, and they need to be further hammered. Feng Ziying has never relied too much on them. Irreplaceable.

But the anxiety of the merchants is also reasonable, and Feng Ziying will not sit idly by. Whether it is against Zai Sai, or against the merchants, and even in the long-term of Liaodong, the Horqin people who don't know how to live or die should be a target that needs to be taught a lesson. up.

   I still have to owe a change, and try to make it up tomorrow. There have been a lot of things in the past two days, I hope to forgive.



  (end of this chapter)

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