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Chapter 1130: Geng Zijuan Solicitation, Conquer (Replenishment)

  Chapter 1130 Geng Scroll Solicitation, Conquer (Updated)

   "Kunshan, Huchen, Taichu, come and sit!"

  Walking the three people who came in to take their seats, Feng Ziying was also observing the three people.

Among the three, Zuo Liangyu is the youngest, but he is the most imposing. His tanned face is shiny, his brows are full of rebelliousness, and he walks quite flamboyantly. This guy has taught himself a few lessons After a while, I still can't restrain myself, I have to beat it, or I will know if I suffer two losses.

  Yang Zhaoji is the oldest, about thirty years old, but he still belongs to the younger generation of generals in the army. His eyes are bright, and his vigor is beyond words, but he is much more restrained than Zuo Liangyu.

  He Huchen is probably one or two years younger than Yang Zhaoji, and his slightly fair face looks a bit feminine, but as a general, his high cheekbones give him a bit of cold and murderous aura.

   "How's the training going?" Feng Ziying recruited three people to see their training situation.

  As the battle draws to a close, the three of them are also very anxious, but they know that the power they hold is very weak, and they can only watch helplessly as the fighters lose their chances.

  Whether it was Zuo Liangyu, or He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji, they were all in a very urgent mood.

Zuo Liangyu watched Huang Degong make great achievements, and the next step is very likely to be promoted several levels in a row. He originally woke up early, but now it seems that he can't even catch up with the evening episode. How can he accept this? .

Needless to say, He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji, the defeat of the three camps in the Beijing camp turned the entire Beijing camp into a laughing stock. The 50,000 troops and hundreds of generals were captured, and they had to pay ransom to redeem them. It is conceivable that the soldiers are better, but the results of the generals will definitely be very bleak.

Even if they escaped by chance, the situation will not be good. The court's cleansing and reorganization of the Beijing camp is imperative. Even these low-level generals know very well that if this continues, I am afraid they will be knocked out of the dust Very likely.

  So they also desperately hope to have a chance to win the round, at least so that the ending after returning to Beijing will not be too bad.

  So they also worked hard day and night during this period of time to train the Yongmin Zhuang and Beijing camp fugitives who were newly recruited and re-screened out.

  However, the combat effectiveness of these soldiers is also very clear to the three of them. If they want to confront the Mongolian cavalry head-on, it can only be a dead end.

  The main elites of Yongping’s new army were all taken away by Huang Degong, and the one in Zuo Liangyu’s hands was either the remaining non-elites or the newly recruited recruits.

And although the thousands of people in the hands of Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen were mourners selected from more than 10,000 fugitives, it would be a bit of an exaggeration to say that the mourners will win, at most, they can be regarded as slightly better among the tens of thousands of Beijing camps. It’s just a little bit of that part, or maybe they have more courage when facing their own destiny choices.

   All in all, this is a group of troops that are not much better than a mob.

  Hearing Feng Ziying's straightforward question, both Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen hesitated, and did not answer for a while.

But Zuo Liangyu was very calm, and replied directly: "The time is too short, I can only say that I just learned how to use firecrackers, which is far behind the part that Hushan took away, but the situation of the two departments under the command of Huchen and Taichu is slightly different. Good, but morale has softened a bit."

  Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen both nodded.

Zuo Liangyu said it very pertinently. The Yongping New Army is a part of morale, but even if the firecrackers require a shorter training time, they cannot become an army in a month. Zuo Liangyu said that it can only be regarded as learning. In addition to using firecrackers, it is very objective, and many of them even operate quite rough and slow. If these people really want to go to the battlefield, they will probably die.

After all, the people in the Beijing camp have their foundations. Whether they originally belonged to the Shenji Battalion or the Fifth Army Battalion, their basic drill standards are barely passable. not worthy.

Zuo Liangyu's answer was within Feng Ziying's expectations. Besides, the battle of Qian'an brought out the prestige and morale, but it was a city defense battle, and it was also a bit of a mourning posture. Once the Mongols broke through the city, what would happen? I know that in addition, the careful preparation in the early stage is also a major favorable factor, so we can achieve such a result.

  But now I still want to fight a war, which means going to the wild to fight. For these few films, it is really too difficult.

  However, Feng Ziying is still ready to fight a battle. Even without Zuo Liangyu, He Huchen, and Yang Zhaoji's mentality of striving to fight, he still has to find a way to fight this battle, because it is related to the future layout.

Huang Degong has already succeeded. He ventured out of the fortress, marched dangerously, and saved Li Ruzhang's troops. Now he has fought a beautiful battle at the Chaohe Station, forcing the Chahar and Waikalkha people to speed up their withdrawal. It is enough for Huang Degong to advance several levels in the future, and even become a guerrilla.

But Zuo Liangyu, He Huchen, and Yang Zhaoji are not good enough. Zuo Liangyu can at most take the position of defense with his current achievements. Feng Ziying and Zuo Liangyu may have been satisfied before, but after Huang Degong made great contributions, Feng Ziying also I hope Zuo Liangyu can make a breakthrough.

  As for He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji, although they are far less intimate than Zuo Liangyu in terms of intimacy, after Feng Ziying expressed his goodwill, the two also actively moved closer to Feng Ziying with knowledge and interest.

   Both of them are nearly 30-year-old titans, but they were born in the Beijing camp with bad luck, but it doesn't mean they are ignorant of the changes in the current situation.

The Beijing camp is facing a huge cleansing and reorganization, no one knows where it will go, but this little Feng Xiuzhuan's father is the governor of Jiliao and the commander-in-chief of Liaodong. Chai Ke, the left servant of the Ministry of War, has a good relationship with him, no matter from which point of view, he is definitely a thigh worth hugging tightly.

Whether or not he can pass the tribulation this time depends on the help of this person, and he is not as arrogant as some civil servants who look down on the military officer. Summoned, in such a situation, how could they not understand how to express their attitude.

"I came to you to talk about this matter. The Horqin people are a little too deceitful. Zai Sai and I have agreed a long time ago that the money will not be short of them, but they can't go south. It seems that Nekar The Ka people did it, but the Horqin people deliberately played against it. When I met with Zai Sai, I would question Zai Sai and negotiate with them, but we all understand that this kind of pale questioning is not very meaningful. Maybe Zai Sai deliberately Indulgence, maybe Hong Guoer is not satisfied with Zai Sai's arbitrary behavior and walks alone, in short, to solve the problem, you have to rely on swords and guns!"

  When Feng Ziying spoke, the three of them listened with awe, completely unaware that Feng Ziying, a fifth-rank co-prefect of Yongping Prefecture, had no right to direct them.

  Especially He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji, they are in charge of the Beijing Camp, and logically they should report to their superiors, whether it is Qi Jianyao or Han Shangyu, they are still staying in Lulong, helping to collect the defeated soldiers.

But now those two have no intention to ask about the military affairs, and although the reorganization of He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji's second division has also received their support, they are also very clear that their future destiny does not depend on the survival of these two divisions. So it can only express verbal support, but it is difficult to have more substantive actions.

   "The three of you are here. Kunshan is my brother. Huchen and Taichu hit it off with me. I hope you can have a better future."

  As soon as Feng Ziying's words came out, Zuo Liangyu was better. He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji both had shortness of breath.

  Feng Ziying waved her hand, signaling that they don't need to be polite.

"Hushan has become famous in one fell swoop. In the future, I think a guerrilla general should not be a problem. It depends on whether to stay in Jizhen or return to Liaodong. Kunshan fought well in the battle of Qian'an, but it is still not ready. As for Huchen and Taichu , you were dragged down in the Battle of Santunying, and I will not hide it from you. The Battle of Santunying disappointed the court, the people and the emperor. The purge and reorganization of the Beijing Camp is imperative. I also introduced the situation, when the emperor summoned me, I specifically mentioned the names of Huchen and Taichu, I think the emperor must have remembered your names."

If Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen still don't understand, then they are really stupid and not worthy of support. The two of them were short of breath, their faces were flushed, after looking at each other, they got up and knelt down on one knee, "My lord, I will never forget it! "

This time Feng Ziying didn't hold back any more, she nodded, and got up to help the two of them, "I said, since we are brothers, if I have the opportunity, of course I will support and support. The purge and reorganization of the Beijing camp does not mean The Beijing camp no longer exists, on the contrary, both the imperial court and the Ministry of War intend to strengthen the Beijing camp, of course, this strengthening may not be just superficial as before.”

After the two of them were seated again, Feng Ziying said in a deep voice: "It is easy for the emperor to remember your names, but it is not easy for the emperor to recognize you. The two of you performed well in the battle of Santunying and in the Beijing camp. It’s not bad, but it’s a dwarf who’s taller, it’s not a big deal. If we want to be able to reorganize the Beijing camp in the future, we must have a more dazzling performance. Therefore, the Horqin people, we have to fight them. Teach them a lesson, and at the same time let the three of you have a deeper impression on the emperor and the Ministry of War."

   Wealth and wealth are in danger, and the eyes of the three are all brilliant, excited, waiting for Feng Ziying's arrangement.

  The current three are not suitable for tough field battles. If they really want to head-to-head with the Horqin Rangers, they are afraid that they will win less and lose more, and they may even be defeated. They also want to know how to fight this battle.

  (end of this chapter)

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