Number of People

Chapter 1131: Geng Scroll Black Hand

  Chapter 1131 The Black Hand of Geng Scroll

"I know your concerns, and I know that it is not an easy matter to confront the Horqin people, but if the Horqin people are allowed to wreak havoc in Yongping Prefecture, and even harass Fengrun and Yutian, I think the Beijing camp is located in Yongping. There are more than 10,000 people in Pingfu and thousands of people in Kunshan, and they cannot escape the blame."

Feng Ziying casually picked up the map that was put aside and unfolded it, "This is the information that the scouts I arranged recently obtained. The Horqin people are not stupid. They didn't all go south. Maybe it was to avoid Zai Sai's censure, or they were worried that the target of all going south was too large. Big, so in fact they only had less than 2,000 riders going south, one of them was about 800 people, and they were plundered in Zhenzi Town, and the other was about 1,000 people, along the banks of the Wei River, that is, Fengrun and Yutian. looting between..."

   The eyes of the four people all fell on the map. The map was very rough, but it was enough for them to see clearly.

  There were less than 2,000 people, and they were divided into two parts. Zuo Liangyu, He Huchen, and Yang Zhaoji couldn't help but be moved.

   "Don't be too happy, they are all cavalry. If you want to fight them in the field, you will be easily defeated and wiped out by them under normal circumstances." Feng Ziying poured cold water on them.

"Then what does your lord mean, if we want to fight against them, we have to find another way?" Yang Zhaoji is the oldest, he thinks about victory before defeating, it is important to earn merits, but if he loses, he will die It is meaningless to destroy the dead. Everyone knows the difference in combat power between the two sides.

   "Of course, the Horqin people dare to go south for hundreds of miles, so they naturally have something to rely on..." Feng Ziying didn't wait for the three to speak, "Ye He is unwilling to confront the Horqin people head-on,..."

   As soon as this sentence came out, all three of them were overshadowed.

Without the cooperation of Yehe's cavalry, these three infantry and firecrackers would not be able to pose a threat to the Horqin rangers who come and go like the wind. When they see that the situation is not right, they immediately withdraw and flee. No matter how many you are, it is impossible You can get on my four legs.

Feng Ziying also knew that it would be difficult to ambush the Horqin people. He had an interview with Busia Mara and even Delgler. The other party made it clear that they could not fight the Horqin people directly. Tearing the face will undoubtedly make the current situation of the Yehe tribe worse, and it will also allow the Horqin people to attack the Yehe tribe without any taboo. Once the Horqin people and the Jianzhou Jurchen join hands to deal with the Yehe tribe without any scruples, Yehebu is indeed dangerous.

  In Feng Ziying's view, this is actually a practice of concealing diseases and avoiding treatment.

Now that the Yehe tribe has made up their minds to stand on the same front with Dazhou, and the Horqin people are still attacking Dazhou unscrupulously. In the future, as long as the Horqin people want to form an alliance with Jianzhou Jurchen, it will be Dazhou and Yehe tribe If he is a mortal enemy, he will spare no effort to destroy the opponent, but now he still has some scruples or flukes and is unwilling to do anything to the Horqin people. This is obviously a bit like Song Xianggong.

   "Without the cooperation of Yehe's cavalry, my lord, it would be very difficult for us to fight the Horqin people." Zuo Liangyu said straight.

   "The Yehe tribe is unwilling to confront the Horqin people head-on. Does that mean they can cooperate with us in fighting sideways?" Yang Zhaoji thought further.

  Feng Ziying nodded.

  If the Yehe tribe is not even willing to cooperate, then this battle cannot be fought unless the cavalry of Ji Town can come to support, but if the cavalry of Ji Town is dispatched, it is estimated that the Horqin people will return north immediately.

  The three of Yang Zhaoji were all refreshed. If Ye He's cavalry was willing to cooperate, then there was still a chance for this battle.

"How to fight, you can discuss with the Yehe tribe. Time is very tight. I guess the Horqin people will start fleeing after getting the news, which is within three to five days. If you miss this opportunity, It’s gone.” Feng Ziying pondered for a moment, “Yehe’s cavalry is unwilling to confront directly, but the Horqin people may not know that they are guilty of thieves and come here to plunder, so how to make use of the deterrent and driving effect of Yehe’s cavalry, I think you will not let it go. Combining Zhenzi Town and the terrain on both sides of the Weishui River to make a deduction design, an ambush waiting for work is the only chance,..."

   The specific tactics are not what Feng Ziying is good at, so they should discuss it with Busia Mara and Delgler themselves.

  I talked about this for myself. If these three guys still can't do it, then it can only be said that they are still far from maturity, and they can only sharpen and accumulate slowly in the future.


  Zai Sai stood expressionlessly on the wooden watchtower, looking to the south.

  The geographical location of the Santun camp is not bad, but it is a pity that the Da Zhou army actually let a group of Beijing camps guard the Santun camp. If the Jizhen army were to guard the Santun camp, Zai Sai would not have the guts to attack.

   Except for a part of the food and fodder in the city, most of them have been consumed during this period of time, and it is time to return to the north.

  The Horqin people turned a blind eye when they went south to rob him. In fact, it can be regarded as a disguised form of persecution.

   Zaisai would rather pay more for other goods after returning to the grassland, and it is impossible to hand over the food and grass to the other party at this time, so that Hong Guoer can only order his subordinates to go south to plunder and relieve the pressure on food and grass.

  As time went by, many Han Chinese had to leave the mountains to return to their hometowns, which also gave the Horqin people some opportunities.

  That's fine, Zaisai was already very dissatisfied with Da Zhou's slow movements, and now he has the opportunity to let the Horqin people go south to harass him, which can be regarded as a warning to Da Zhou and a reminder to Feng.

"Zai Sai, we will be heading back north in five days at the latest. The weather is getting colder and colder. Once the snow starts to fall, our way back north will be even more difficult. Besides, there are almost the same things that need to be moved in this city. Already." Bi Lingtu stood beside Zai Sai, looking at the south side with some puzzlement, what's so interesting about it, and he can still stand here for half an hour.

   "I know." Zai Sai nodded, "Feng Keng has returned to Yongping Mansion, ask me to meet tomorrow."

  Bi Lingtu was overjoyed, "So it's done? When will it be fulfilled?"

"It's not that simple. The soldier's two hundred thousand taels of silver is simple. Busia Mara is no problem as a guarantee. When it comes to discounting all the tea, cloth, salt and iron, I think it's very appropriate, even if the price It’s fine to get a higher discount, as this is urgently needed by the tribe.” Zai Sai said indifferently, “But the remaining group of people will be in trouble, and even Busia Mara can’t guarantee it.”

Indeed, more than 50,000 people and 200,000 taels of silver can be considered a good deal. Even if I take away two or three thousand strong people before I leave, it will make this side feel uncomfortable. It is possible for Ye Hebu to lose his promise for this mere two hundred thousand taels of silver.

  But it’s hard to say these hundreds of generals. In Zai Sai’s view, this is a bunch of waste. Maybe the emperor of Zhou Dynasty would use his own hands to clean it up?

So this is what Zaisai finds most embarrassing. These people feel that they are very valuable. Even if the Great Zhou court cannot redeem them, their family can also redeem them, but this means a process. , need enough time.

   There are some merchants who are willing to redeem some of them, but they are all rejected by Zai Sai. It is not worthwhile for him to have only one or twenty people.

   These people are gone, what about the others? If no one redeems it, he has to throw it in his own hands, that's why he said to the outside world, he wants to redeem it together, or don't even try to redeem it at all.

   "Didn't Feng Keng say that he would go back and find a solution?" Bi Lingtu became anxious when he heard this.

It's just the two hundred thousand taels of property, then this trip will be a big loss, tens of thousands of people will be lost, and there will inevitably be losses on the way back. How many of those wounded and sick soldiers can survive the twenty days? It's hard to say the way home.

"He said he was trying to figure out a way, but haven't you thought about the difficulty of this matter?" Zai Sai thought far ahead than Bibi Lingtu, "Hundreds of people, involving hundreds of companies, some can come up with money, many can Take out part of it, but there may be a lot of money that may not be available. If the Great Zhou court refuses to agree, who will do this matter? Who will do it? I can imagine how complicated it is, and if they If the imperial court refuses to agree, will they also interfere with these families? No matter how capable Feng Keng is, he is just an acquaintance of Yongping Mansion. It’s something outsiders like us can understand.”

It’s a bigger idea than leading the rabbit. The relationship among the Han people is too complicated, far better than that among the tribes on the grassland. All aspects are involved in fetters. To do one thing, you have to go through all aspects of coordination. It’s not like on the grassland. As long as the leader and the elders of the clan agree, they can make a decision.

"Zai Sai, Hong Guoer is here to ask for food and grass again." Only then did Bi Lingtu talk about his reason for coming, "I think he took the opportunity to find fault, because he felt that the distribution method we discussed last time was not satisfactory, so he did it. ..."

"I know, ignore him." Zai Sai said coldly: "He even sent a few people to go south against my order to go to Caogu. Since he didn't obey my order, why did he come to me? Before I can honor What I said is already worthy of the Horqin people."

Bi Lingtu hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Zai Sai, I think we should not fight against the Horqin people. The Horqin people are not weak, and they have a close relationship with the Jianzhou Jurchen. Have we obeyed Lin Dan Batur's order to go west?" Jin, if you tear your face, I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid they will be besieged by several parties?" Zai Sai turned around and looked at Bilingtu, shaking his head slowly: "Bilingtu, times have changed, and after the experience of the Chahar people, I think they are very capable. Now that we can call the wind and call the wind and rain on the Mongolian grasslands, the Waikha people will no longer bow to them, and the Horqin people will not pay attention to them. We have not listened to them before, and we will not in the future. Just watch, Tumet People and Ordos people will also see the Chahar people's external strength and middle-ranking power because of this southward invasion. Lindan Batur is too young, has no prestige, has no rules, and does not even have a clear goal. I don't understand how he will Being blown dizzy by Nurhachi, taking chestnuts out of the fire for Nurhachi,..."

   Bi Lingtu was a little confused, and said: "Zai Sai, I don't understand what you said,..."

"Humph, Lindanbatur fell for Nurhachi's evil tricks. Although we and the Waikalkha people were forced by the situation, we didn't suffer too much. But look at what the Chahar people got. Apart from the hatred of Dazhou, What else? The Waikalkha people can sneak to Mobei all at once, but what about the Chahar people? I bet that the next step will be to instigate the Tumote people to attack the Chahar people. Since Nang and Bushitu are at loggerheads in Hetao and Fengzhou, if Da Zhou gives Su Nang a title and supports him in all aspects, do you think Su Nang will take the bait?"

  Zai Sai sighed, "The only ones who benefit are the Jianzhou Jurchen."

  (end of this chapter)

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