Number of People

Chapter 1132: Geng Zi Scroll: The Reverie of Sister Feng

  Chapter 1132 Geng Zijuan's Reverie of Sister Feng

  After Wang Xifeng woke up from a sleep, she felt that she had regained her energy.

She is very clear that she doesn't have much time, and as the time for Jia Lian's return enters the countdown, she will either end up struggling and win the sympathy and sympathy of some people in the house and then be kicked out, or she will leave early and maintain her self-esteem. Can only choose the latter.

The old ancestor and aunt couldn't help him either. After all, Jia Lian was the eldest son of the Rongguo Mansion, and his inability to give birth to a son was a congenital weakness. If Jia Lian could bring a son back, even if it was a concubine's son, it would be enough to make Jia Lian confident To obtain the support or acquiescence of the vast majority of people in the government.

  In this situation, she can still maintain some dignity by leaving voluntarily, but to do this, and even want to maintain an equal attitude in front of people including her ancestors and aunts in the future, she needs a richer family background.

That's right, Feng Ziying has skin-to-skin relationship with her, and she is not the kind of flirtatious lover who lifts her trousers and refuses to admit it. Wang Xifeng can even be sure that Feng Ziying seems to have a special feeling for her, but she doesn't want to pin everything on a man At least she can't be hanged from a tree, especially when she thinks that Baochai and Daiyu will be this man's first wife.

  So she must get enough things before leaving Jia's house.

  Originally, she was confident, but Feng Ziying's reminder still made her a little unconfident. The second uncle is not here, and whether the third uncle Wang Zisheng can do it is indeed a question.

   "Ping'er, you said that my third uncle may not be able to do what Brother Keng said, which makes me feel a little uneasy now, what do you think?" Wang Xifeng sat on the kang couch and asked thoughtfully.

Ping'er, who was standing by the side, was stunned for a moment, and then thought about it: "The third master has really done nothing in these years. In the past, the second master often scolded the third master when he was in Beijing. Now that I really want to do this, if there is no one in the Jia family, I am afraid I can only find the third master, the uncle is still in Jinling, and the slaves have also heard that the uncle is in Jinling too..."

Since reconciling with Jia Lian, Wang Xifeng and Heping'er have gradually changed their words. Words such as the old master, the second master, the second master, and the second master may not refer specifically to the Jia family as before, and the same is true for the men of the Wang family. To use this name.

  Ping'er followed Wang Xifeng since she was a child, and then came to Jia's family as a dowry. She is no stranger to the situation in the Wang family, and even has some contacts with many former companions in the Wang family.

It's just that Wang Xifeng's father has passed away, and there is only Wang Ren, the eldest brother who is still in Jinling. understood.

Hearing Ping'er's mention of her brother's words, Wang Xifeng's eyebrows also flashed a touch of anger. She didn't know her brother's behavior. In Jinling City, he was also a guy who didn't love his uncle and grandma. The second uncle proposed to come to the capital city, but was firmly rejected by the second uncle. Ping'er didn't say anything to save face.

"I don't need to talk about my elder brother. I have never counted on him. Hmph, Jia Lian and I have reconciled. Look at the letter he wrote. Is it human?" Wang Xifeng became more and more angry, "Second Uncle Although the third uncle is not happy or happy in his heart, at least he still has to take care of my face, and he will not say anything in person, but he is a big brother, and his words are worse than shit! I just don’t earn this money, and I don’t I will look for him, not to mention looking for him, I am afraid that not only will I not be able to earn money, but I will have to find trouble for myself."

   "Grandma, don't be angry, the uncle is just like that, otherwise, why would the second master firmly disagree with him coming to the capital city?" Seeing Wang Xifeng getting a little annoyed again, Ping'er quickly relieved.

   "Hmph, I don't want to be angry with him, but if my third uncle can't do it, who else do you think I can ask to do this?" Wang Xifeng said with one hand on the kang table, a little worried.

   "Grandma, didn't the uncle say it, so you don't want to be too entangled in this, the servants think that the uncle is not a fickle person, and he will not ignore us in the future,..."

Ping'er's words fell into Wang Xifeng's heart, but it aroused a little bit of worry, Wang Xifeng shook her head: "Ping'er, I'm not saying that Brother Keng is not trustworthy, but you have to think about it, Bao girl, Lin and I Girls and the others are different, I am not a big girl with a yellow flower who followed him, and it is impossible for him to be married and carried in the door. I can't even be counted as a concubine. If I count it, I can only count it as an outsider. ?”

   Ping'er was speechless for a while.

"I remember that when I was with Miss Lin and Miss Bao, Miss Lin seemed to have read a sentence, saying that a poet in the Tang Dynasty wrote a preface to a poem, um, it seems to be so. , if the color fades, the love will be loved, and the love will be gracious, which means that if a woman only relies on her beauty to please a man, then once she gets old and her color fades, a man may no longer like it, or even discard it like a pair of shoes, and then Ungracious,..."

Wang Xifeng's words were full of philosophical insights, and she leaned on the pillow behind her back: "I know Brother Keng is so obsessed with my body now, but men, many of them are like this, but can they last? Didn't I say Brother Keng is a heartless and ungrateful person, but if I get older and lose my appearance by then, even though he still thinks about the good things he did before, he is neither a wife nor a concubine. With such an embarrassing status, he is afraid The less time he will come, do you want me to beg him to come to me more?"

   "Grandma!" Ping'er's eye circles couldn't help turning red, "Why is this so? Grandpa is not that kind of person,..."

"Like I said, I don't think Brother Keng is that kind of person, but we have to face the reality. He has three families, Shen, Bao girl, Lin girl, and Baoqin as his concubine. That's wonderful." Yuben also said that she was going to be his concubine, but now she doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and she still has to deal with it, and she doesn't take pictures of herself in the urine, thinking that she doesn't know what her last name is because she thinks she is pretty. The daughter dares to be rampant, hmph! This has not yet said that the Eldest Master might even give the second girl to him as a concubine. You said that in such a situation, he is a person who is interested in state affairs, and how much energy he has to take care of it? we?"

  Wang Xifeng's words were full of desolation and self-mockery.

"Grandma, you are too pessimistic." Ping'er collected his mind and considered his words, "You also said that Uncle Feng has a family and three households, but you see that he is also married now and takes a concubine. A girl who took over the house, but it has been a year. Except for Mrs. Shen who is pregnant, it is said that even the two aunts who only dote on the back room have not been able to conceive. A few of them have already taken over the house, and they don't even have contraception, but they have nothing to do. The servant girl heard that Mrs. Feng's family was very anxious, so she wanted to let Miss Bao and Miss Bao go through the house earlier. But from the perspective of slaves, Miss Bao may be better, and Miss Bao Er's physique is probably..."

  Wang Xifeng hasn't recovered yet, Ping'er said again: "Grandma's body can tell that she is fertile. If she can hit it,..."

Wang Xifeng's face turned red suddenly, and she suddenly realized what Ping'er was talking about. The past few days have been her fertile days, and Ping'er of course knows that she and Feng Ziying scored several times yesterday, and she was dizzy at the time. I didn't care too much about it, and I was a little worried and looking forward to it after I came down, that's why Ping'er said that.

   "Little Hoof, what nonsense are you talking about!" No matter how complicated her thoughts were, on the surface Wang Xifeng still wanted to scold her.

How well Ping'er understood his master, he said nonchalantly: "If Grandma can really give birth to a son and a half for Uncle, if the one in Uncle's mansion gave birth to a daughter, and Grandma can give birth to a son, you Speaking of Mrs. Feng's family..."

  Wang Xifeng couldn't help but feel his heart throbbing even after saying a word.

The master of the Feng family was guarding the border in Liaodong, he was over sixty years old, and he only had one son, Feng Ziying. I am afraid that he is looking forward to a grandson who has long been looking forward to the stars and the moon. If it is true what Pinger said, even if his status is too embarrassing to See people, but if they give birth to a son, then this son may be recognized by the Feng family, and if recognized, he can be regarded as the eldest son.

   As for how to make up a background and background, Wang Xifeng is not worried, there are plenty of methods for such a wealthy family.

   It’s just that even if the son can be born, what about yourself?

  Shaking his head slowly, Wang Xifeng said in a low voice: "Ping'er, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"Isn't grandma worried that the master won't let the master and wife of the Feng family know?" Ping'er thought that Wang Xifeng was worried about this. It's hard to tell, but I feel that I'm afraid I dare not hide such things from Mrs. Feng's family, and this servant thinks that my master will not hide this from Mrs. Feng's mansion,..."

"Ping'er, I'm not worried about this. You know that such high-ranking and powerful families certainly value the continuation of this incense, but my status is too..." Wang Xifeng shook her head, "If it really gets to that point, they will probably try to get this Take the child away, just find a woman in the mansion to find an excuse and say that she conceived and gave birth,..."

Ping'er was stunned, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was very possible. If it was him, maybe Feng's mansion would take him back to the mansion at will, whether it's a housekeeper or a concubine's room, they can arrange it casually , but the identity of the second grandmother is too embarrassing, even if it is not easy to solve it casually, so as not to leave a laughingstock.

  Wang Xifeng smiled self-deprecatingly: "Ping'er, it's too boring to say these things now, so we still have to rely on ourselves, not others..."

  (end of this chapter)

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