Number of People

Chapter 1133: The gengzi roll is different

  Chapter 1133 The Geng Scroll is Different

Ping'er understood Wang Xifeng's thoughts, and Wang Xifeng did not dare to bet on Feng Ziying's thoughts because of his heavy anxiety. Maybe at this time, Uncle Feng really liked Second Mistress, but three to five years later, ten years or eight years later Woolen cloth?

Second Mistress's worry is not without reason. She is several years older than Uncle Feng, and she has been married before. What about all this? Looking at how Jia Lian bowed his head and ears in front of the second grandmother a few years ago, can you imagine that he would dare to make peace with the second grandmother in a few years?

  It's no wonder that Second Mistress is obsessed with being self-reliant and saving enough money for her family.

   "Grandma, you still can't trust Uncle Feng." Ping'er sighed faintly.

"Ping'er, you don't fully understand what I mean." Wang Xifeng was very calm, "Didn't I say it earlier, his Feng family has a family of three, and there are fewer women around him? Don't talk about Bao girl and Lin girl, just say Baoqin and Miaoyu, and even the second girl, are they less beautiful? Are they inferior to me? There may be more in the future, and there are more women around, do you think Brother Keng will be so concerned about one only? A woman who serves others based on her beauty? On the one hand, I don’t want to pin my hopes on his unchanging mind. On the other hand, if I can independently do things that he doesn’t think I can do, do you think I am Isn't it possible to have something special in your mind?"

  Ping'er had a strange look in his eyes, and subconsciously nodded, "Grandma, you mean..."

"That's right, doesn't he think that Jia She has done a good job in this matter? Isn't it that I don't like my idea? I can do better? Then I will try it and prove it to him. Wang Xifeng is not an ordinary woman who serves others in Israel, what a man can do, I can do the same, even better!"

Wang Xifeng's tone was full of determination, "Jia She and others can only stare at the area in front of them. I want to prove it to Brother Keng. As long as I, Wang Xifeng, want to do it, I can be much better than Jia She. Even if he takes the lead!"

"But grandma, Uncle Feng also makes sense. The third master has been idle and leisurely for so many years. If he wants to do better than the elder pardon, it will be very hard. I'm afraid it will be difficult." Ping'er frowned. road.

   "My third uncle alone may not be enough." Wang Xifeng is not blindly arrogant, she can also judge the situation and evaluate, and she knows that Feng Ziying's judgment on Wang Zisheng is pertinent.

   "Then what is grandma going to do?" Ping'er asked.

"Didn't he say before he left that he could contact that Mr. Wang if he had anything to do? He said that Mr. Wang could represent him with full authority. If he needed help with anything, he could also ask that Mr. Wang. I'm going to see him That Mr. Wang." Wang Xifeng made up her mind.

Although I don't know what role that Mr. Wang is beside Feng Ziying, but Wang Xifeng believes that Feng Ziying's confession in this way must be regarded as the other party's confidant. in principle.

  Since this is the case, she is not afraid to meet Mr. Wang. Even if the other party guesses one or two things, Feng Ziying is not afraid, so what has she to be afraid of? Besides, she is no longer Lian's second grandma in Rongguo Mansion, but just a divorced woman.

  Wang Wenyan was also taken aback when he received the post.

  As Feng Ziying's spokesperson in the capital city, those who know him say more or less.

It may be that some of Feng Ziying’s classmates have seen Feng Ziying’s chief aide. As a fifth-rank magistrate, he is already qualified to hire an aide. It’s just that Feng Ziying put Wang Wenyan in the capital city, which is more like Feng’s The representative of father and son in the capital.

The less said is because Wang Wenyan did not really get involved in Feng Ziying's specific official affairs, but more from the construction of the intelligence system and suggestions on dealing with various affairs. Most of the time, he was still behind the scenes, and most people were not clearly aware of Wang Wenyan's intentions. real identity.

Before leaving, Feng Ziying also explained to him that it was inconvenient for him to operate publicly when it came to the redemption of the generals in the Beijing camp. He could only use some private channels, and even had to properly control the progress of this kind of redemption. Wang Wenyan I also understand that this involves some attitudes and thoughts of the emperor. Feng Ziying did not hide it from Wang Wenyan, and Wang Wenyan can also figure out the emperor's intentions.

  As for who will operate it, Feng Ziying only said that it was someone related to the Jia family in Rongguo Mansion, but did not say who it would be.

  However, Wang Wenyan is only acting as an intermediary endorsement. The specific news here will be passed on to the Yongping Mansion, and we will see how Feng Ziying negotiates with the people in Nekhka.

"Excuse me, are you..." Wang Wenyan is still a little uncertain, because of Lin Ruhai and Lin Daiyu, Wang Wenyan is not ignorant of Rongguo Mansion. Wang Wenyan was also very clear, but it was a woman who came to the door, which surprised him a little.

Before, he thought it was Lin Daiyu or Xue Baochai. He knew that these two daughters were the concubine of his boss. There is no way to grasp any more.

  The woman in front of me could not be a girl from the Xue family at first glance, she is clearly a young woman, a young woman from Rongguo Mansion, what does this have to do with the owner, why did she find me here?

"Mr. Wang, right?" Wang Xifeng had considered several times before coming here. If she called others to come to her door, it might not be possible. choose.

  After meeting and discussing the matter with her third uncle, she realized that Feng Ziying might be right.

Wang Zisheng's ability is very limited, and he can only do activities in a limited circle. If he wants to let him lose face and find those second- and third-rate martial arts families that do not belong to the circle of the Wang family and Jia family, and If you take the initiative to discuss such things, I'm afraid you won't even think about it.

  But for a while, she really couldn't think of what she should do next, and she would never give up if she was asked to.

  So in the end she went to the door at the risk of being underestimated or even affecting her reputation.

Anyway, I am a woman who has been reconciled, and I may move away from the Jia family soon, and the Wang family will not be able to go back, so this little reputation seems to be unnecessary. All in all, everything is not real. The money comes steadily.

   "It's Wang, I don't know Mrs...." Wang Wenyan was a little uncertain, he seemed to have never dealt with women, and if his boss confessed, he should at least say hello to himself first.

"Well, maybe I came a bit abruptly. I'm from the Rongguo Mansion." Naturally, Wang Xifeng would not give her surname by name. Originally, her behavior was already shocking and violating etiquette. If she wanted to register, it would be even more exaggerated. Talk vaguely, "Brother Keng told me before leaving that you can come to Mr. Wang if you have anything to do."

  Wang Wenyan felt even more puzzled, are the women and Taoists in the capital city so presumptuous and disrespectful of etiquette?

  But he didn't bother to meddle in these nosy things, so he nodded: "So it was the adults who ordered me, so I don't know if there is anything Wang can do?"

  Wang Xifeng saw that the other party was polite, and there was no surprise in her tone, and she felt a little more at ease. This was the first time she had encountered such a thing, but she had to come in person, even if she left it to Pinger.

"My concubine is encountering some difficulties now. Brother Keng also explained that if there is any difficulty, he can come to Mr. Wang." Wang Xifeng didn't go around in circles, and gritted his teeth: "I don't know if Brother Keng mentioned Beijing to Mr. Wang." About the redemption of the battalion commander?"

  Wang Wenyan was taken aback. Of course Feng Ziying had said about this, but did your lord actually leave it to this woman? This is probably too unreliable.

Seeing Wang Wenyan was quite surprised, but Wang Xifeng felt a little proud: "It seems that Mr. Wang knows about this matter. It is not convenient for Brother Keng to handle this matter by himself. I have entrusted this matter to several people, and my concubine is one of them." one person,…"

  Wang Wenyan was silent, just listening to the other party's introduction.

  Wang Xifeng was not polite, and directly confessed her situation and some of her previous thoughts.

  Since he had to do something, and now he encountered difficulties, and he had no choice but to entrust Feng Ziying to it, Wang Xifeng simply became more frank.

  Wang Wenyan didn't expect the other party to be so honest. Could it be that the boss really told this woman about his identity without reservation? What is the relationship between this woman and the boss?

  After listening to the other party's introduction, Wang Wenyan finally understood that this was Jia Lian's wife, Wang Ziteng's direct niece, but she had already reconciled with Jia Lian, so her identity seemed a little awkward.

After patiently listening to Wang Xifeng's narration, Wang Wenyan was surprised and understood the intention of the other party's visit, "Ma'am, I want Wang to give you some suggestions, um, because you think your third uncle, the son of Governor Wang Is it difficult for my brother to handle this responsibility?"

"Yes, my third uncle has not lived in the world for many years. I have talked with him, and he himself finds it difficult to do it, or he can only think of ways within the familiar circle of our Jia and Wang families, but this has been ruled out by the Rongguo Mansion. Jia Amnesty is one step ahead, we overlap on this point,..."

Wang Xifeng nodded, and Wang Wenyan understood: "Then I don't know who other reliable people Madam can use in Beijing? Well, for example, the Wang family and the Jia family, don't have to stick to their identities. Hou Zhong used the female relatives to connect with some people, but this group is a minority after all. You want to expand more goals, and these goals are difficult for Jia Amnesty to reach. The circle you originally contacted does not belong to this category. Then, is it possible to consider looking for such a person in Wang's or Jia's family? Status doesn't matter, as long as he has a strong ability to move around outside, and has a wide range of contacts, even if he is not stingy..."

  (end of this chapter)

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