Number of People

Chapter 1134: Who can strategize in the gengzi scroll, only me, general phoenix

  Chapter 1134 Who can strategize in the Geng scroll, only I, General Feng

  Wang Xifeng hesitated for a moment, "Mr. Wang, do you mean that you don't have to worry about these things being leaked out? If I want to look for these people, I can definitely find them, but I'm worried that their work is not reliable, in case they are leaked..."

Wang Wenyan laughed, "Ma'am, don't worry too much. In fact, if you say that Jia She can only keep secrets temporarily, ten days and a half months is the limit, and I believe this kind of thing will not last for a month or two." It can’t be done at all, um, it may even take two or three months, so in the end everyone will do their own things in a tacit pattern,…”

  Wang Xifeng nodded slightly, agreeing with what Wang Wenyan said.

"Didn't you also say that Jia She should have done almost everything in the circle around him? He is the eldest son of Duke Rong's mansion and a first-rank general. He has a limited circle of contacts. Thirty or forty people are about the same." , No matter how many there are, there are only sporadic ones, unless he can put down his face and endure hardships, or he can have the mind and means to find people like you, but I think it will be difficult for him to make it bigger."

  Wang Wenyan's words were in line with Wang Xifeng's heart.

   "Then Mr. Wang, the concubine's body can actually be not limited to just one or two people, and it doesn't matter if there are more?" Wang Xifeng already had some thoughts in his mind.

"Well, too much is not beneficial..." Wang Wenyan thought for a while, "According to my analysis, the captured generals of the Beijing camp are still mainly divided into several large groups. Senior military generals like generals and guerrillas are mostly important members of the Wuxun family of the four princes, eight princes and twelve princes. I guess my wife knows it well. Most of them are members of the main line of the Four Kings, Eight Dukes, and Twelve Marquises, or they are the core or important members of the side branches. The number of these two groups is not large, and the total number is only a hundred. I guess these two types of people They should have the ability to take out the ransom,..."

"The third category is the low-level military officers, such as the commander-in-chief, the sentry officer and even the captain. Most of them are ordinary martial arts children other than the four kings, eight lords and twelve lords, or they are among the four kings, eight lords and twelve lords. Members of the side branches, the amount of redemption for these people is actually not high, but their family's ability to pay may be weaker, so whether they can afford it depends on the situation,..."

  Wang Xifeng nodded in approval.

"So, I think Madam can use your own contacts to attack the first and second categories. Of course, it would be better if there are other suitable people to assist you. You don't need to come forward for the third category. You can find one or two competent people to do it, because It will definitely be quite complicated and trivial, and there may be a lot of bad debts in the end, but the victory lies in the large amount,..."

   Coming out of Wang Wenyan, Wang Xifeng had already started planning the next step in the carriage.

  As Wang Wenyan said, this job will not be resolved within ten days and half a month, and may even be delayed for two or three months, so don't be too anxious.

The first type of group, Wang Xifeng can get in touch by taking the route of the family members and Wang Zisheng going outside. If the second type of group is a family member, she can also get online, but she is not suitable when it comes to external consultations. You have to choose a suitable one. Candidates, after much deliberation, she didn't seem to have any suitable candidates in Rongguo Mansion, but Jia Rong from Ningguo Mansion could use them.

  At the beginning of the year, Jia Rong found a way in the palace to obtain the status of a Dragon Forbidden Captain, which can be regarded as an official status, and like his father, he likes to hang out with Gao Le outside, and has a very warm relationship with the children of Wu Xun in Beijing.

However, after the completion of the Grand View Garden, Rongning and Ningfu were both in trouble. The Ningguo Mansion had a lot of opinions on the Rongguo Mansion. Zhengzheng clearly used Yuanchun to become a noble concubine to gain glory, but Ningguo Mansion is struggling now, and even maintaining a normal life is somewhat difficult, Jia Zhen and Jia Rong are very upset.

Jia Zhen and Jia Rong's father and son are used to extravagance. If it weren't for the fact that the Rong and Ning families joined forces to make a fortune against the Lai family years ago, the Ningguo Mansion would not be able to sustain it. Zhen Jiarong was also like ants on a hot pot, extremely anxious.

A few days ago, Jia Rong came to talk about the matter, hoping that the Rongguo Mansion could take a sum of money from the public to the Ningguo Mansion. The implication is that Ningguo Mansion spent too much money to build the Grand View Garden, so it just compensated Jia Rong. An empty-headed captain of the dragon, now the status of the captain of the dragon can't be used as money, so I want to borrow three thousand taels of silver from the Rongguo Mansion.

   But the problem is that Rongguo is also struggling now. Even if three thousand taels of silver can be obtained, it is absolutely impossible to lend it to Ningguo Mansion.

  No matter how difficult the Ningguo Mansion is, it will not be so short of the three thousand taels of silver that it will close its doors and sell the house. It is just a temptation.

But Wang Xifeng also thought that she was already an outsider in such matters, so why should she come to be such a villain, so she pushed it to her aunt and ancestors, but of course she declined in the end, which made Jia Rong say sour and angry words for a while just left.

The father and son Jia Zhen and Jia Rong are even more active in Beijing than Jia She and Wang Zisheng. Of course, due to the decline of the Jia family, the Ningguo Mansion is even worse, so the other four princes and eight princes don't deal with the Ningguo Mansion very much. But like the Twelve Marquis, and some ordinary members of the Four Kings and Eight Dukes, Jia Zhenjia Rong and his son can still win the top.

As for the third rank, Wang Xifeng also has a suitable candidate in her heart. I heard that that guy is now outside, teaching all kinds of things, completely overturning the previous perception of people in the mansion. go home.

  Back in her courtyard, Wang Xifeng was thinking that Jia Rong and Jia Rui could take on these two tasks respectively, but neither of them had dealt with this kind of affairs much, so they had to explain it clearly.

   "Grandma, are you going to see Grandma Rong?" Ping'er was startled, and then realized, "You mean Brother Rong to help you?"

"Well, my third uncle's ability is not good. I guess he can make a fuss among the four kings, eight princes and twelve princes. Everyone has to look at my second uncle's face, and I have to do it by myself, and the rest has to be done. Let Brother Rong and Jia Rui come."

  Wang Xifeng has fully entered the working state at this time, her brows are full of shrewdness and determination, and she no longer has the image of a softly screaming woman under Feng Ziying.

   "Jia Rui?!" Ping'er was taken aback, and Jia Rong just let it go, but this Jia Rui completely overturned Ping'er's imagination, "Grandma, can Jia Rui do it? He is..."

"What is he?" Wang Xifeng sneered and said, "Don't underestimate this guy. It is said that this guy is well-known in Yinhook Casino, Yunding Casino, and Jinsha Casino. He has lent countless loans. Although the amount is not large, but This should not be underestimated if it is finally figured out, the eldest wife and brother both borrowed a lot from him, I thought that only Xiuyan and his father were stuck in it and couldn't get out, but I didn't expect the stupid uncle to do the same. I can't help myself, either the eldest wife was still cursing the day before yesterday, or the stupid uncle came to borrow money, hehe, I see that the Xing family can't get rid of their gambling nature, and they can't move when they see the casino."

Ping'er also heard that now Jia Rui is not like before, on the contrary, he seldom shows up in the mansion. He used to be in charge of family affairs at home, but now he has long looked down on Jia Rui, wandering outside all day long, It is estimated that it still has some relationship with Uncle Feng.

   "But grandma, then Jia Rui is not a good person, if he wants to..."

  Ping'er was still a little worried. Jia Rui's behavior last time cast a shadow on her heart.

"Hmph, is there any need to distinguish between good and bad people in this kind of work? So what if he is a bad person? As long as he is not as bad as us." Wang Xifeng sneered, "He is wicked enough to help me do a good job. This matter, if it is an ordinary character, this job will not be able to be done."

   "But in case he has malicious intentions, especially if grandma said that he is not as good as before, he can go in and out of these gambling houses to make a living without cost..." Ping'er was even more worried.

"Ping'er, why do you think he can go in and out of these gambling houses at will?" Wang Xifeng knows more than Ping'er, and naturally knows why Jia Rui can make a fortune so quickly, "Do you know who is behind these gambling houses? ?”

   "Who?" Ping'er's heart tightened, and he suddenly realized something, and said in amazement: "Could it be Uncle Feng..."

   "That's not the case. How could the Feng family run such a business?" Wang Xifeng shook his head, "It's Ni Er's business in Qianmen Zhuanta Hutong, and why has Ni Er prospered in the past two or three years?"

"Grandma said that this second Ni servant girl also knows about it. I heard that he is responsible for transporting the dung and water out of half of the city. Those who grow vegetables outside the city also rely on him, and the buildings in the streets and alleys are all built by him. The subordinates are taking over, but they didn't expect..."

Ping'er also knows that even the toilet excrement of Rongning Second Mansion is sent out, and now there are special people to take care of it. Every year, they have to pay money by household and person. It was because he thought he had paid too much money and he refused to pay. There was a dung truck leaking dung at his door every now and then. Either the car broke down or the dung bucket leaked. In short, the door of Zou's house stinks, so he went to sue the officials. It's useless, can't this dung truck be allowed to break down? In the end, he had to obediently pay the money.

   "Hmph, if Ni Er didn't rely on Brother Keng, how could he develop so quickly in such a short period of time?" Wang Xifeng knew some clues.

The Ministry of Industry originally wanted to say that the second master could also intervene, but Jia Zheng is a rigid and upright person, and no one paid attention to him at all, but Feng Ziying and the Ministry of Industry thought that the doctor had gone to the south of the Yangtze River, and instead became rebellious , Ni Er took Feng Ziying's way, and took the opportunity to become the designated role of the Ministry of Industry and Shuntian Mansion.

  (end of this chapter)

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