Number of People

Chapter 1136: Geng character volume to be issued

  Chapter 1136 Geng Scroll to be published

  Tazhai noticed his brother's restlessness and rode his horse to catch up.

   "Why is brother so restless?"

   "Tokeshan and the others haven't come back yet?" Su Geer asked impatiently.

Tuokeshan is the leader of the scouts, and Su Geer has been uneasy. He has been sending out the scouts uninterruptedly, just worried that the cavalry from Jizhen or other forces will appear, because they have gone too far this time, and the return time is even shorter. Long, and the key is that so many people and goods were looted, which seriously slowed down the progress of returning to the north.

Tazhai said cautiously: "I haven't come back yet. If there is something abnormal, I must have returned long ago. Don't be so worried, brother. As long as the Neikalkha people haven't left the Santun Camp, the Zunhua Jizhen cavalry will not dare to go south. .”

Tazhai's words are not unreasonable. The number of cavalry in Jizhen in Zunhua is not too large. They want to guard against the Neikha people. Although the two sides seem to be negotiating an agreement, this agreement is based on mutual distrust On the other hand, and now the Neikalkha side has the upper hand, and the Ji Town side dare not be careless.

"Tazhai, I'm not worried about the Ji Town cavalry." Su Geer subconsciously glanced to the east while pinching his horsewhip with a sullen face. Go to some woods and shrubs and weeds, and look farther away, it is not so clear.

The amount of water in the river has been much smaller than it was a month ago. The rainy season has long passed, and many river beaches are slowly showing unsightly black and yellow spots. Gravel, mud, and weeds are mixed together, and there is an unpleasant smell. Muddy smell.

"What are you worried about, brother? There are no cavalry in Yongping Mansion. Could it be that brother is worried about the armored cavalry of the Yehe tribe?" Tazhai reacted and shook his head immediately: "The Yehe tribe will not feel sorry for our Horqin people. , especially now that everyone is negotiating peace, and even Da Zhou hasn’t moved, why should they provoke?”

"Hmph, that's what I said, but the presence of Ye He's cavalry in Yongping Mansion has always made me worry. I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case. Ye He's family is now determined to embrace Da Zhou. Thick legs, didn’t the Nekhka people shut us out on the grounds that we were too close to the Jianzhou Jurchens and Da Zhou refused to negotiate with us?” Su Geer’s face was complicated, “Now Da Zhou treats us Horqin People's attitudes are getting colder and colder. I think that after we go back this time, I'm afraid we will be isolated by the Nekalka people and the Haixi Jurchen..."

"Isolate? The Haixi Jurchen only have the Yehe tribe and the Ula tribe that are about to become extinct. How can we isolate us?" Tazhai disagreed. He disobeyed Lindan Batur's order, Zaisai must be focused on how to deal with the Chahar people's criticism? How can he have the energy to take care of other things?"

  Su Geer shook his head, he was not as simple and relaxed as his brother thought.

Isolation is not an attitude, but a more important substantive action. The Horqin people live in the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia, and their dependence on foreign countries is not small. A considerable amount of materials, such as salt, tea, and cloth, are transported from the Yehe tribe. Some of the iron materials also came from the Yehe tribe, and the Yehe tribe came from the Liaodong of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

If the Yehe tribe really upholds the will of the Great Zhou Dynasty and cuts off the transportation to the Horqin people, then the Horqin people will have to detour to the north to import from the Jianzhou Jurchen, but the Jianzhou Jurchen is not rich, and the detour is so far, the cost The price is bound to rise, and Su Geer, who knows a little bit about the tribe, knows that this is even more dangerous than fighting.

   "Hua la la" rode up from behind, the horse's legs were covered with mud, Su Geer's eyes shrank, and his face quickly turned cold.

   "My lord, Tuokeshan asked me to report that the Yehe cavalry was found 20 miles across the river, and they were heading west quickly."

  Su Geer and Ta Zhai thumped in their chests at the same time, Su Geer was thinking about something to fear, but Ta Zhai couldn't believe it.

   Could it be that the Yehe tribe really wants to cooperate with Dazhou to attack the Horqin people, so they are not afraid of revenge from the Horqin people and the Jianzhou Jurchens in the future?

Su Geer breathed out a foul breath, obviously Ye Hebu came here at the right time, how could it be such a coincidence, it was not too early or too late, and he waited until he finished fighting Caogu and returned north, and it happened that this distance was not too far away. Not far away, seeing that they were less than a hundred miles away from Santunying, they appeared.

"how many people?"

   "It's hard to judge. They split and reunited. They seemed to be divided into two parts, but they kept their formation,..."

  Su Geer's heart tightened again. Is this planning to annihilate himself?

Although he also felt that Ye He's tribe was unlikely to do such a cruel thing, it was possible for him to be caught off guard by a sudden attack and **** one of his looted population and property by the way, but seeing the other party's posture was really impressive. Some panicked.

  Going all the way back from Liangcheng to the north, I have been walking for so long, and I took a night's rest on the way. Now that the soldiers have no fighting spirit, they all want to take these people and goods back earlier. How can we fight in such a situation?

   "Brother, what should we do?" Ta Zhai was also a little panicked, his mouth was stiff before, but when he heard Ye He's cavalry chasing him, how could the thousand troops resist?

   "Drop everything and hurry up along the Hebei!" Gritting his teeth, Su Geer made a decision, "If Ye Hebu bites us, we won't be able to escape."

   "Brother, Yehe tribe really want to exterminate them? Are they not afraid of our revenge?" Tazhai felt very heartbroken, this is hundreds of people and countless food, gold, silver and clothing.

"Let's save our lives first." Su Geer said viciously: "Now the Yehe tribe can send troops to Yongping Mansion to help Da Zhou, what do you think? Maybe Jin Taiji feels that they have Da Zhou as their support , you can do whatever you want? Let's go!"

  A series of orders went on, and the entire Horqin cavalry along the Xishui River fell into chaos. Seeing Su Geer also felt chills in his heart. If the Yehe cavalry made a surprise attack at this time, it would really be a disaster.

  Tazhai whipped the soldiers who were reluctant to leave their belongings, and angrily told them to hurry up and flee northward.

  The captives were all thrown aside, but the cloth, clothing, food, and some gold and silver that were carried on the horses' backs, it was too difficult for the soldiers to throw them away.

   It's just that the fire is imminent now, but I don't care much about it. If you leave these things, once the Yehe cavalry catches up, who is willing to fight to the death?

There is a big twist and turn in the junction of Shuntian and Yongping two prefectures. The river circles here to form a "ji" shape, and then goes all the way to the west. This area is densely populated with reeds and grass, and there are many forests. Hundreds of feet away, there is a sidewalk made by ordinary passers-by.

  Zuo Liangyu quietly squatted in the grass and observed the front.

The two riders galloped past, even occasionally shooting one or two arrows into the surrounding grass, occasionally startling one or two pheasants and wild ducks, fortunately the distance was farther, otherwise I would have seen arrows flying towards me Come on, I don't know if this group of soldiers can hold on.

  Zuo Liangyu is not very satisfied with himself, He Huchen, and Yang Zhaoji's subordinates. Whether it is the newly recruited Yongmin Zhuang or the selected Jingying soldiers, they are not even satisfactory.

But as Brother Feng said, the Mongols are going to flee, and there is only one chance. If I want not to be pulled too far by Huang Degong, and if He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji want to get rid of the shadow of the Santun camp's fiasco, and then reorganize the Beijing camp in the future If you want to regain a place in the middle, you can only fight this one.

   It was Brother Feng who took so much effort to persuade the cavalry of Ye He's tribe to send troops to help out, so that he could find such an opportunity.

It took a lot of thought to choose this place. For this reason, all three of them set up an ambush here two days in advance. The weather suddenly turned cold in these two days, and the number of soldiers who suffered from frostbite alone exceeded 300. If it wasn't suppressed by strong bullets, these soldiers might not be able to hold on for a long time. Even so, the morale of these guys still dropped a lot, so that Zuo Liangyu, Yang Zhaoji, and He Huchen had to repeatedly give the soldiers Cheer up and make a wish.

   Promise the soldiers of the Beijing camp with the future of returning to Beijing, but encourage Yongmin Zhuang with money and exemption from military service.

The Horqin people are still quite cautious. Even under the pressure of Yehe's "chasers", there are still scouts who continue to explore and open the way, but this kind of exploration and opening the way has become a bit formal under the panic up.

Part of Zuo Liangyu was ambushed in the grass along the river bank. This azimuth-shaped bend makes this section of the river bank show a northwest-southeast direction, and the north wind blows strongly, making the sound of hunting reeds and grass forests on the river bank, which can also be to a large extent Avoid occasional noises made by soldiers.

Behind the mound three hundred feet away, Yang Zhaoji tightly shook the sheathed steel knife in his hand, staring fixedly at the front side, the news had spread that the Horqin cavalry was fleeing here, He Huchen Bubu will launch the first strike.

  He Huchen was behind an open field three miles southwest of the Zuoliangyu Department. There was an intermittent oak forest in front of the open field. Because the terrain was too flat, they had to retreat farther to avoid being noticed by the Mongols.

He Huchen couldn't help but glanced at the soldiers under his command who had been equipped with new-style firecrackers. If he was given another three months, no, even one month of training time, he would have the confidence to fight this battle well, but now , but had to rely on the joint efforts of the three departments to fight such an ambush.

It's ridiculous when you think about it, but there are more than a thousand cavalry, and it's an ambush battle. Your own army is seven times stronger than the opponent's, and there are even Yehe cavalry to help out. Master Feng has repeatedly told him to be so cautious. Very bitter.

  (end of this chapter)

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